Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dora Birthday Goodie Bag

Fiesta: Hacete the movie! Cuarentañera

Hello everybody!!
As autumn began and usually I'm in a bad mood with allergies and the many activities at this time of year and overwhelm me, I have decided to escape from reality for a while. Help me?
Saturday, May 7 - 23.30HS

FIESTA The Maison de Chyn

Basically what the idea :
  • fun. That includes drinks, some food, games, chat ... and film yourselves what else!
  • Dressing or characterized or bring some well-known phrase from a movie. That is, if I like Matrix, for example, I can dress all in black with a coat, or wear dark glasses and a stylish suit Mr Smith, or simply select the phrase: "Wake up, Neo!"
  • can bring friends @ s friendly, something to drink to make, suggestions for games, some "other thing" to share ...
  • There will be games, and if they do not want to play, they can sit in a corner or laugh bitterly the other (try to hide ... a little). Plis
  • bring something to drink. If not forget beer after packaging in casaaaaaaa! There
  • DJ, so this might not complain about the music! (The only one I could complain about me)
  • As always, decorated the house according to the event. If you want to contribute something, can join the staff, who come home type 20h. If you just want to come and eat pizza, so I'll get to laburar not risk! jajajajaja ....
Anything, ask ... also sent invitation through Facebook. If you do not have FB, Fuck.

(\\ ,,,/) Chinchiya

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Home Depot Packing Tape



The country has 167 documented springs and mineral springs, and more than 1000 springs of fresh mountain water, mainly located in the alley and around Interandino volcanoes. Water is the most important mineral on the planet. The rational use of this resource could generate tens of thousands of jobs and substantial income.
the medium and long term water from mountain base plate, could be exported and generating resources such as those now generated by petroleum. Something similar could happen, using scientific, economic and technical thermal and mineral waters, in good health, leisure and tourism.

German scientist Theodore Wolf, in his major work "Geography and Geology of Ecuador" published in 1892, referring to the hot springs and mineral in the country said: "Ecuador is very rich thermal and mineral waters, of all kinds, especially in the Andean and Inter, but the use made of them is almost nil. It is known how progress has done in the civilized world Medical Hydrology , we can determine how valuable remedies we possess in certain mineral waters for the treatment of various diseases. Ecuador has an abundance of such waters, but their physicians do not know them leave their application to the poor and ignorant, and treat them with the same contempt as to natural remedies in the country. These are not mentioned in the pharmacopoeias of Europe, ERGO: worthless, our waters are not recommended as the Vichy, Karlsbad, Selter, etc., Newspapers, ERGO: Come and foreign, all cost. "

's been 119 years since Theodore Wolf, wrote about the goodness and properties of thermal and mineral waters in the country. Unfortunately until now, except for isolated cases, has not done anything to hear and investigate our thermal and mineral waters. There is a total lack of them, even by institutions that should pay attention and investigate as are the faculties of chemistry and medicine at the universities of the country, the Social Security Institute IESS, the ministries of Health, Tourism and environment.
thermal and mineral waters in our country, are genetically related to young volcanic apparatus and systems of faults and fissures. It is a finite-exhaustible resource-exploitation for this reason must be done in a rational manner, observing strict production techniques. Otherwise you could miss this invaluable resource.
is imperative to dedicate efforts to study and research guide the systematic and planned our hot springs, mineral and natural mountain and has prepared the technical and scientific personnel to take advantage of this resource mineral, possibly the most precious of the new millennium.
It is time for the full use of our thermal and mineral waters, and developing social programs Cures, Preventive Medicine and Community Ecotourism.
"natural mineral water (it defined) as clean water, which has emerged from the soil and that their physical or physico-chemical by its chemical or its dissolved gases, or all these factors is likely to produce applications dietary and physiological actions in the human body "
Primitive man, harassed by his natural enemies, found in hot springs and mineral the first drug to relieve pain from injuries and regain health. Atahualpa, after the fratricidal war with his brother Huascar, was recovering in the thermal baths of Conoc near Cajamarca, when the English took him prisoner. However it is considered that the rational use and technical staff of this resource, the baths, spas social-started in the Roman Empire, and was the first Emperor Julius Caesar who used the thermal and mineral waters for relaxation and to restore the health of his army.
Unlike drugs and mineral hot springs have always enjoyed a free, well do not need a prescription or recipe to be exploited. Over time it has been man's wisdom, tradition and ancestral cultures, which have led man has to use the miracle of thermal and mineral waters. In recent times, particularly in Europe research in the fields of Medical Hydrology , again insisting on the use of thermal and mineral waters against calls - diseases of civilization-, diseases that are related to water pollution of the atmosphere, causes or caused by noise, stress and the overall pace of modern life. According to the approach of some doctors and naturalists for acute medications should be used, for chronic and rebels only thermal and mineral waters. "
One of the most comprehensive rankings mineral waters, Amadeo is made by Barabino, which includes medical criteria of therapeutic and chemical content, based on the predominant compounds (Table 1).
Table 1. Classification of mineral water, according
Barabino Amadeo

for Water
acidic and alkaline
chloride, sulfur
Chloride (mild action)
Alkaline (high dose)
Alkaline, ferruginous, iodide and sulfur
acidic and chlorinated, sulphurous sulfated (in alkali)
Alkaline, sulfur, iron
urinary iodine, sulfur, brominated
acidic and alkaline, sulphurous
On chemical and mineralogical composition, the 167 thermal springs and minerals that have so far been documented in Ecuador, are classified as:
Chloride 9
acidic-alkaline 19
alkaline bicarbonate and mixed 40
Arsenical ferruginous and 15
sulfur 5
alkaline sulphate and mixed 7
Radioactive 2
Rare 2
not studied 68.
in the country, there are waters of all types as classified by Amadeo Barabino, this classification would be missing only include the rare and radioactive water existing in the country. By the way is for doctors and chemists study the medicinal value chemical and treatment of them, and that of the 68 sources studied.
in the country only the intervention of the State aware of the importance of this resource will make rational use of technical and thermal waters and natural mineral spring in good health, social Hydrotherapy and community-based ecotourism.
The origin of social spas in our country, in the opinion of the writer of these lines may be traced back to the Inca empire, the use made of the slopes of Chasquis hot springs and mineral "Opar-Chaquimaillanayacu" which means "water to wash the feet" . As is well known for the Inca, the Chasquis were responsible for carrying mail and news between Quito and Cuzco, distance traveled by the drums on the run, but in the journey always rested on a dairy farm located near Azogues into pretty, site that are far above sources (photo 1)

Photo 1 .- Hot springs of Opar-Chaquimaillanayacu
(Site location travertine quarry beautiful).
The social Hydrotherapy is defined as "the method of treatment or prevention of diseases, through thermal and mineral waters, under medical supervision, with all expenses your application demands, paid by Social Security . "
So, to make use of Social Cures in Ecuador you need to have three resources: the resource hydromineral, the economic resources and medical management.
hydromineral 1 .- Action: As noted in Ecuador so far 167 have been documented springs and mineral springs, most of which is wasted.
2 .- Economic Action: The Social Security Institute IEES, which receives input from all its members, is the institution that has the economic resources and unavoidable obligation to implement the "Social Spa" in the country, as a service more than insurance.
3 .- Medical Management: For now in the country, there are no doctors specialized in Medical Hydrology, however, the IESS and the Health Ministry should be responsible institutions according to needs, to prepare the medical staff and technicians, who are responsible for managing the medicinal and therapeutic waters. It is advisable to send this staff that specializes in European countries: Italy, France, Czechoslovakia, are countries that have much experience in this field.
Social Cures In Europe, it was implemented more than 50 years, in countries like France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and others. Czechoslovakia in the socialist countries, former Soviet Union, Poland was called "Mandatory Social Cures, only the Russian republic, 8 million annually in free workers were traveling to spas and clinics located in the republics of the Caucasus , to which also reached several million other republics of the former Soviet Union.
In Europe more than 2,000 towns have sprung up around of hot springs, mineral and natural water sources in the mountains, all the activity in these cities tourism revolves around health, the crowd of tens of millions of citizens making use of the Health Insurance , these sites has come to combat the diseases of civilization, caused by pollution and modern stress.
In 1947, the city of Aix-les-Bains, met the First Congress of Social Cures, at that time was recognized as a general conclusion that, the healing properties preventive and thermal treatments were confirmed with the same title that other therapeutic and, further, "Social Security was strict obligation to ensure their members to finance the thermal treatment appropriate to their status and economic conditions." He also proclaimed and recognized. "Every man or woman, whatever their status, are entitled to the benefits of spa treatments, if they are needed."
In Ecuador the State, through the Social Security Institute and the Ministries of Social Welfare and Health , is obliged urgent to realize the Social Cures for the benefit of members of the Social Security benefit should be extended to all citizens.
In Ecuador have documented more than 1000 springs Fresh mountain, located mainly in the inter-Andean corridor and around the large strato-volcanoes.
Water is the most important mineral on the planet. The rational use of this resource could generate thousands of jobs and substantial income. In the medium to long term the mountain water reached base on a large scale, could be exported and generate resources similar to those that now generates oil. Something similar could happen, using scientific, economic and technical thermal and mineral waters, to develop community-based ecotourism and social balneology.
Water Act in force is outdated and suffers from many technical gaps and legal, which has been the occurrence of an inequitable use of water. According to data from the National Water (SENAGUA): Quito, 8,000 meters demand cubic of water per second, while San Carlos demand ingenuity 9,000. Likewise, the private sector represents 1% of water users, demand for 67% of the total flow, while indigenous and communal irrigation systems representing 86% of users consume 13% of the flow.
The situation relating to bottled water is sadder still, by data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the country has 229 natural and 99 legal persons whose activity is bottling mineral or spring water, purified or artificial. However, according to the SENAGUA bottling company has only one state award - Thessaly, "and is the only company that is a day and pay taxes to the state.
What happens in practice is that the packaging, use water from public networks to which the purified, packaged and sold.
Also according to IRS data, the 328 individuals and companies that bottled water in the country, generating annual revenues of 61.5 million in 2007 and 67.4 million in 2008, of them reported by income tax $ 829,952 in 2007 and $ 874,921 in 2008, this occurs as the representative of the industrial producers of water (which includes twelve major bottling companies) because "costs, it represents only 5% of final product. " The only comment that warrant these figures is that there is a big scam to the state's interests.
Finally, according to the SENAGUA at national level for the industrial sector there are 1828 water concessions, of which based on usage gives them, 9 are mineral water, 7 to tourism and recreation, 1 to package and 59 for water sales.
As noted before in the country have been documented so far 167 hot springs and mineral, of which only 7 have been granted in concession to tourism and recreation, which shows that the vast majority of spas illegally used thermal and mineral water. In relation at 9 concessions of mineral water, the purpose for which the request is not specified. But the biggest problem is that the packaging is produced with water, as noted, of the 328 existing packaging is only a concession, the remaining 327 operated illegally.
in the country have been documented over a thousand natural water sources in the mountains, on the basis of this wealth has, I believe that future concessions granted to pack water, must be exclusively natural mountain sources. The 327 packaging machines that use water from springs or individuals must be removed and the SENAGUA , would safeguard the health of all citizens.
In the face of bottled water bottles should be clearly specified: the name and location of the source, the chemical composition of water, therapeutic use, the grant number etc., etc.
Tufiño Water and heinous in la del Carchi province
Chachimbiro in her province of Imbabura
La Merced, in Ilala la Pichincha province
Oyacachi in the province and Papallacta Napo
Baths in her province of Tungurahua
Opara-Chaquimaillanayacu in la province Canio
Palitahua in her province of Chimborazo
Baths in the province of Azuay
Vilcabamba in the province of Loja
Portovelo in the province of Oro
Naranjal in the province of Guayas
St. Helena in the province of Santa Elena
projects identified in , diversity should be exploited in all its expressions, for which documentation is required of geological heritage, hydrogeological, paleontological, archaeological, terrain, geographic, landscape, climate, tourism, ethnic, biological, etc. etc. This activity can only be made by the Ecuadorian State, through its ministries and institutions
Likewise, Ecuador, sole owner of natural resources through its institutions and ministries or in partnership with communities, companies and several popular economy and the private sector in each project, according to the resource documented Hydrotherapy should develop social programs, preventive medicine and community-based ecotourism in good health Rest and recreation of all Ecuadorians and foreign tourists taking advantage of the enormous diversity of our country.
Ecuadorian Socialist State alone can and should enforce these projects integral to good health and welfare of all citizens.
Munoz J., (1975) Social mineral and thermal waters. Quito, Universidad Central.
T. Wolf, (1892) Geography and Geology of Ecuador. Germany, Leipzig.
Dr. Augustine Paladins Quito, April 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Is It Possible To Make Salmon Patties Without Egg

Newsletter El Trovador

Newsletter Troubadour

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Free Sand Rail Plan Mini Sandrail/buggy Plans?


Numa P. Maldonado A.

In our country, long ago, for tens and hundreds of years perhaps, imperceptibly at the beginning and with increasing force, has been enshrining the shameful and degrading paternalism, so as to become almost commonplace . As they say, the neo-colonial model of leadership that supports and teaches the unit and prevents think and take off on its own initiative, it becomes "flesh of our flesh," an important component of our collective national shame personality ...

politicking practices of "patronage" and "populism", the easy enthroned in Education , the inveterate habit of helping the needy with gifts (true or false) or to offer monetary rewards or incentives to public servants more time for quality work and good performance of the same, the over-criminals of all calibers and minimum stimulus for honest people (unfortunate distortion of the concept moral of the Act), the apathy and low job performance of public servants and their aversion to the partner who wants to work honestly, the collective self-esteem (we prefer a stranger rather than fake a neighbor versa) are just a few examples of this hard reality.

Unfortunately, we must recognize, paternalism begins at home: education we provide our children with large doses of over-or facility teaches us to be dependent from the womb, in the School, the College and University Professor is the most appreciated places better grades without teaching quality rather than one that dare to lose our child years for breach of their obligations, our religious practice teaches us to ask without offering anything (collective agreements of the state, covered by the Act, are based on doing exactly the opposite of what it expresses the recognized moral axiom: "to receive, you must first give, only that each year the leaders of the civil servants to teach us to ask for more and practice less.)

Ecuador is a diverse country, with the highest biodiversity per square meter in the world and therefore very rich in natural resources, but unfortunately for us, very poor in human resources and organization social. Just a country cleverly designed to be exploited and pillaged by external bodies (in collusion with few powerful criminals and internal traitors, "money-mad"), before the unflinching gaze of a national society poor and mediocre paternalistic.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cineplex Prices Brampton

Sometimes I think about the use of language ... (And I get things like this).

Why twenties and thirties ... and on the other hand forties and their fifties?
clearly alludes to the beauty of youth and the ugly of maturity, old age. It seems to be "old" is bad . That must be avoided at all costs!

Maybe I'm not saying anything new, and I do not feel "old" but "mature" as those juicy summer fruit at its best.

Vitality is of all ages, not only the youth is life! "I feel young," "look younger" are phrases that everyone wants to say or hear. Who sold us this?? Perhaps you want to have beans and inability to speak with the opposite sex? not knowing what to do with your body and less with the other?

Na, na, naaaah ... I'll take the last of my 30!

I get along with my body now, I get along with my emotions, my thoughts. I have more serenity than 15 years ago ... not to speak of when I was 15!

Crisis Early of 40? It may be, whatever. That all these prejudices also I have good arraigaditos. When all is said and done, it is easy to say how nice it is to be mature, when I appeared to be 10 years younger than I have actually ... the style elf, lol. Contradictory as mine? Not at all, because at some point, if my life goes on, grow old ... and how scary does that!

But if we think of crisis as an opportunity, hold the crisis of 40!
justify "a desire, a whim? Forward, then! I declare that this is my last year without a bike, because when you turn 40 I buy one, yes, yes!

Finally, let the tyranny of eternal youth, that enslaves us, and worship maturity ambicionsa serene, with all the glamor that is!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Zankou Chicken Nutrition Guide


(March / 2011)


exploration studies conducted so far show that Ecuador has a strong presence, metallic minerals quantified: 39 million ounces of gold, 190 million ounces of silver, 40,000 pounds of copper, 1 million pounds of molybdenum. 80% of these reserves are located in the provinces of Zamora Chinchipe and Morona Santiago and are related to two metallic mineral belts: a copper-molybdenum-gold and one silver.

whereas the average price of these metals in the international market in January 2011, gold $ 1,289 an ounce, silver 28, $ 4.33 per pound copper and molybdenum 30, the amount of reserves of these metals equivalent dollar would be two hundred twenty-eight billion dollars (228 billion U.S. dollars USA)

mining contracts should be developed based on mineral reserves in the subsoil. The amount of technical reserves determines the daily production annual and one of several minerals, as well as the life of the mines. Also for planning purposes it is necessary to consider that the initial amount of reserves will increase as you make the detailed exploration of the two belts ores: copper-molybdenum-silver and gold.

In this part of the analysis, we should recall the experience in our country with oil. Initial oil reserves of northeastern Ecuador the year that began oil exploration (1,972), were 1200 million barrels (1.2 billion), but recently it held the operation of four billion (4,000,000,000) barrels of oil reserves remaining in the ground are the order of 4,000 million barrels. This fact was not considered in 1972. This is largely due to the improvisation and lack of planning and management in the exploitation of oil, an experience that is necessary to take into account now that he is planning and organizing mining in the southeast.

The amount of the initial reserves of gold, silver, copper and molybdenum from southeastern Ecuador, to plan the installation of a metallurgical factory to produce tons of refined copper a day for 70 years and another to produce 500 000 ounces gold and 1 million ounces of silver annually for 80 years, which as noted will increase as they explore more fully the south east. The approach for installing metal factories including further that when you start the exploitation of such deposits in other provinces: Chaucha and Quimsacocha in Azuay, Zaruma Gold Gold, Junín in Imbabura, Curipamba in Bolivar and others, mineral in concentrate is brought to the southeast metallurgical factories.

Likewise, the amount of reserves warranted planning and management of the south east and the country in a rational and sustained. In planning mining should be considered, that whatever is planned is justified metallic mineral reserves in the subsoil. In

exploitation contracts to be signed with the Ecuadorian carriers based on their interests should require:

1 .- The share appropriate, be delivered by companies in the form of ingots of gold, silver , copper and molybdenum in order to facilitate their employment in different sectors of industry and give them added value. With this measure, the Ecuadorian state medium and long term, would recover tens of billions of dollars, creating jobs and industry and their own national sovereignty.

Under the current Mining Act, the mining concession, which initiates the operation of a mineral deposit to be paid to the Government: 25% tax on income, profits 12%, 12% of value added tax, 5% royalties, 70% of revenue windfalls. What is proposed is to add all these taxes and collect the equivalent in bullion. With this measure, companies should build factories in the country with the highest metallurgical technology, creating jobs and above all prevent it from carrying the ore in concentrated form.

by requiring companies that deliver the gold in ingot form, the State may allocate part of this reserve to strengthen Central Bank reserves and bring them to market when gold prices rise in the international market (in the last 18 months the price of gold shot up $ 600 to 1,400 an ounce), some gold can be devoted to develop the gold industry and tourism (50% of world gold production is dedicated to producing jewelry), implying that during the colonial period the English crown received the royal fifths which he was entitled under the law in ingots.

Similar examples can be done with the fate that would give the silver bullion, copper and molybdenum.

As is known, the CIA. Kinross, bought the CIA. Aurelian Resources, the Fruta del Norte deposit in 1200 million (1.2 billion) of dollars less than 2 years ago, when the price of gold as he scored was six hundred (600) per ounce, today gold price is the order of 1400 (1,400) per ounce. The reserves of the Fruta del Norte deposit are fourteen million ounces of gold, Kinross CIA doing nothing to gained $ 800 per ounce, it should be noted that the State never received a cent for this operation, since the sale was made when was in effect the previous Mining Act.

In this part of the analysis is also necessary to remember that the gold district Portovelo-Zaruma was for 50 years 1900-1950, the largest in South America (also it was during the colony). Which initially was the Great Zaruma Gold Mining and then the South American Development Company SADCO, the two foreign companies during that time, mines exploded Portovelo. During this period ore it had been in the form of concentrates and the Ecuadorian State received rightful participation only by the gold content thereof. In countries where these companies had their factories metallurgical concentrates obtained over gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc and other associated elements such as cadmium, indium and germanium.

Demanding payment that corresponds to the state in the form of ingots, is the most important approach that should make the State.

2 .- Based on the wealth of non-metallic minerals and metals in the south east, it should require carriers planning to build one or more modern cities, ecological and sustainable in the provinces of Zamora Chinchipe and Morona Santiago. In this region there are vast plains, located near the belts of mineral deposits of copper, molybdenum and gold-silver located on the western flank of the mountain range of El Condor. Cities in the jungle, as well as administrative and housing units should planned so that they are surrounded by national parks and reserve areas located along the rivers Zamora, Nangaritza Quimi, Manchinatza, Bomboiza and others, as well as natural forests located on the eastern flank of the Cordillera Real and the Cordillera del Condor. Must have the transport infrastructure: an international airport, major roads linking the region to the north of Peru and Puerto Bolivar, health infrastructure: electricity, water, sewer, modern hospitals, health centers, units equipped first-aid ambulances and rescue teams. 3 .- Prepare

specialized staff of technicians and technologists for mining and other needs that the country requires-refinery in the Pacific, Coca Codo Sinclair project. Developing with the settlers and natives of the region based projects existing natural resources: agriculture, livestock, forestry, ichthyological, tourism and other projects that will remain true when mining is completed.

Finally, it is urgent to create a National Reserve, consisting of specialized and experienced staff who will be responsible solely for carrying out checks and monitoring of large foreign companies and to review reports on Reserves / Production presented. Members of this committee must give the approval and signature authorizing the exploitation of mineral deposits, or increased production rates.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Volunteers In Retirement Home Portland Oregon


Attorney Gutierrez Dieny Castanon of the Provincial Prosecutor Joint Corporate Gregorio Albarracín, managed to impose a sentence of 15 to 13 years in prison for Edilberto Laura Wilson Mamani (28) and Alexandre Aduvire Efrain Medina (26) respectively, for the crime of aggravated robbery committed against taxi Jewelry Peñaloza Llanos.

According to research on May 26, 2010, at 20 hours in the Avenida Coronel Mendoza, defendants and other unidentified, took a taxi to the aggrieved Jewelry Peñaloza Llano, who was asked be transferred to the Southern Cone, and coming to this place Medina Aduvire hits him in the face and holds it Mamani Laura neck.

Aduvire Medina then gets behind the wheel of vehlculo and moved to Lick Avenue, where he and Laura Mamani, tie the victim and to cover their mouths with a cloth, taking the channel Uchusuma charged up to a hut where he was left face up, fled the place with the vehicle.

Later the victim ask for help from the locals, who gave notice to the police, they broke it and began to search the cab, being located by the District Gregorio Albarracin, and to warn presence Police launched a leak by the said district, where they eventually were made by the Housing Association Salaverry, however, the suspects continued their escape being captured and taken to the police station June 24.


were present the Fiscal Danitza Dieny Chiri and Gutierrez, who began investigating the case, obtaining the custody of the accused for the duration of the research process.

With all the evidence obtained during the investigation phase, the prosecutor filed charges Gutiérrez Castillo before the judiciary who sentence oral trial scheduled for March 1, 2011, in which after an arduous debate beating oral and tricks for the defense of the accused, the representative of the Attorney General, succeeded in imposing the sentence of 15 to 13 years in prison for Mamani Laura (28) and Medina Aduvire (26) respectively, and ordered the detention in the Criminal Pocollay.

The Chairman of the Board of Senior Prosecutors from Tacna Dr. Manuel Flores Chara , said: "We can not go back for any reason in the fight against crime, which must be coordinated, collective and together. "

Niacin And Peripheral Neuropathy

that robbed the plebiscite of Tacna and Arica

The March 4, 1925 the U.S. President, Calvin Coolidge, who was the arbitrator appointed jointly by Chile and Peru, issued his ruling and ordered to carry out the referendum on the fate of Tacna and Arica. These provinces were in the hands of Chile for ten years after the Treaty of Ancon in 1883 sealed the national defeat in the Pacific War. The referendum should have been done long ago, but Chile had prevented it. Meanwhile, practiced a policy of "chilenization" which meant hostility Peruvian families and grants to settle in Chilean territory.

why Peru had argued that past 40 years, the referendum was impractical and that Chile should return both provinces. Thus, the failure of Coolidge was considered a defeat, but the Peruvian government did not shrink. Decided send a delegation to Arica and face the new context. The U.S. appointed General Pershing, one of the victors of World War I as its representative to run the referendum. Once on the ground, was to verify the abuses by the Chilean authorities, as a result, his opinion would lean toward the position of Peru.

In March the following year, the Peruvian delegation was installed in Arica, which led to a parade of the flag, led mostly by women in Peru. The event was crowded and was a strong hostility of the Chilean population. But women were the vanguard plebiscite and knew defend the flag, including Mrs. Cristina said Vildoso.

In those days, Tacna and Arica were the scene of constant street battles and it blows, it rained stones, mud, urine on Peruvians. Amid this climate, delegates raised American democratic conditions to develop a registry of voters and develop the plebiscite. The Pershing Peru and Chile supported objected. Thus, shortly after the U.S. representative withdrew agreeing with him to Peru, in the sense that the referendum was impractical because of the attitude of Chile.

was a victory moral, but lacked the political correlate. Indeed, Chile was in possession of the territory and showed no signs of abating. For its part, the U.S. is not committed to the decision of its delegate and instead began to raise the partition of the territory. After many turns, President Augusto B. Leguía accepted this formula resulted in the Treaty of Lima in 1929, which returned Tacna to Peru and Arica gave in perpetuity. In a supplementary protocol was established the famous clause that Chile can not cede territory to Bolivia has been in the Peruvian Arica without our consent.

accepted Leguía Why? Jorge Basadre remember that basically nothing had thought that the passage of time had to lose everything. Then, because we had no strength to tip the situation. We fought with the weight of the treated and the people's resistance, but the weapons were on the other side. In these circumstances, a pragmatic Leguía thought it was best to win a share to lose the set.

Peruvian history has made this treaty as a reasonable solution. It is the question of Chile. Why agreed to return territory it had won by arms? His reasoning was simple, to preserve forever the proceeds in the war had to return I caught part of Peru. The important thing is that back willingly. Going to The Hague, is false claim that has never given and will go to war if you happen to lose something that High Court decision.

By Antonio Zapata


Kalkulator Imperia 2010


breathless, pointless: the slaughter of Uchuraccay and subsequent politicization have been the worst tragedies of national journalism, without compassion. Each year, Javier Ascue journalist representative Trade today and who could be the ninth martyr, says the December 29, 1982 by two conflicting aspects. First, that day arrived in Ayacucho as a correspondent to cover an impending invasion: Path announced that it would take Huamanga and General Clemente Noel was appointed political chief military emergency in the area known criminal's headquarters Cabitos. And second, that day was her birthday.

From that date until the dreadful 26, Ascue witnessed the social and psychological collapse, with daily killings.

Journalists sought, therefore, the overriding general statements Noel. To which, according Embers: "In a press conference wants to announce with pride that the rural population is responding with their Armed Forces against criminals and terrorists have killed seven Huaychao Area."

With this news, on the social scale, opened a civilian front of resistance. And the newspapers began to send relay, but Javier embers remained. Retto Willy came first, the photographer of "The Observer": "And the first thing your editor Willy, the boy Mendivil, is to win a first. Now was the interior minister to Ayacucho by helicopter and made photo.

Arriving just beat us. He had gone to Venezuela, told me it was regular and she missed Peru. I had known little next to Oscar, her father, photographer of "Last Time" "he says. The next day he was reunited with Jorge Sedano "The Republic": "I was a street photographer and journalist before he had been dealer photo in homes. When he saw me he said: "I follow the steps," I was very happy. He said: "I have to help me from here I have to return to Lima famous." And I suggested that she go to Carmen Alto, where he waved a red flag. It was and was home the next day in his newspaper. We were great friends! ".

Amador Garcia arrived soon after, the magazine "Listen" and Pedro Sanchez for "The Diary of Marka. And Huaychao remained the first in sweet. However, Ascue took to cover a shooting in Chuschi. Returning his feet bloodied by the scary road and found Eduardo de la Piniella, of "The Diary of Marka. "They had organized the trip to Huaychao. Until then nobody knew Uchuraccay, or that there was something about that name.

were waiting for me because it was a rural area and I spoke Quechua. "If not, we left yesterday." I told them was wrong. I went to a meeting at 8 pm, and encouraged me. In it, reach Octavio Infante, journalist of "Panorama", in Ayacucho, and says: "It's easy trip, I'll help, I'm from the area, speak Quechua, when we get to Tambo to my estate, I I provide horse. " There they would wait for a guide named Juan Argumedo. And I said: "If there is a Quechua-speaking ...." Like I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and saw, in a barge full that De la Piniella sat next to the driver. "Since then, Javier, let me go," he said. It was assumed that he would not, as had many of "Diary of Marka. There was also the correspondent Félix Gavilán. He said: "Sit back." And I said, "No, I feel bad." There were jokes and still see them sticking his head out the window: "I sucked". "

The fierce tragedy not even one day hope to be known. A woman entered Huamanga, sought to Javier and gave the journalist card Jorge Luis Mendivil, "Lord, journalists have been killed ...." And the tenacious correspondent of Trade first heard the name on the following days demonizaría to its residents: Uchuraccay.

General Noel appeared in public and confirmed the deaths. Embers got the first helicopter and helped dig his sleepwalking hands were two by two, face down, four graves, mutilated head, axes, slingshots and stones. Farmers who used to be "patriots" to kill hikers would turn into "criminals."


What followed stink of ideology: the angry accusations fell on the Armed Forces, which "would have instigated the killing", according to many journalists, leftist leaders and family.

The February 2, 1983 Belaunde appointed a commission headed by Mario Vargas Llosa and was the most vilified in history when the community concluded that the mass murder committed by their conditions of exclusion and isolation . The anthropologist Luis Millones, who participated in this committee, once said: "It was a task that had to do over of anything ... I did the best I could and I can die with that quiet. "

Twenty years later, the CVR endorsed its conclusions: "The killing was cruel and did not last more than thirty minutes (...) peasants were sure they had killed members of the PCP SL, so it's buried outside the cemetery and no wake ... the bodies of the journalists were deposited near the square, just 200 meters without any desire of concealment. "

And neither denied "various agents of the state's sinchis and Marines, Command Chief Military policy and President of the Republic, encouraged this behavior. " But did not endorse the thesis that were direct perpetrators.

M. CARDENAS MIGUEL ANGEL (It's chronic was posted on January 24, 2009)


Friday, February 18, 2011

Rectal Rash After Taking Mucinex

Dear people and other critters! I
warning, as usual, to be set aside on Saturday when my birthday festejaré number thirties. It is clear that the party will be ...

Maisson of Chyn In

List things to bring:
  • Occupation: Some details pirate Some color or white fluorescent
  • Something beverages (mineral water have)
  • A friend or something like it
  • Music (MUSIC SAID, EH? not those sounds horrendous dance musicoides)
There will be some surprises ... Any suggestion is welcome! Those who came to the party and know that what I like most is when the party takes their own life and leaves my control ....

Clarifications number:
1) The "detail" can be pirated from a pair of earrings or a scarf, to the Jack Sparrow costume complete. That is, if one of the men is brought liner position, or one of the girls some hoop earrings, and that's a detail pirate. That is not "I brought my wooden leg" for not dancing, eh? No contest was going to do better detail ... but if you like, we prize!

2) The "something fluo" is because we will put black lights and is well ..

That's all for now.

(\\ ,,,/) Chinchiya

PD: plis avisenle anyone that deserves your criteria invitation!