Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kalkulator Imperia 2010


breathless, pointless: the slaughter of Uchuraccay and subsequent politicization have been the worst tragedies of national journalism, without compassion. Each year, Javier Ascue journalist representative Trade today and who could be the ninth martyr, says the December 29, 1982 by two conflicting aspects. First, that day arrived in Ayacucho as a correspondent to cover an impending invasion: Path announced that it would take Huamanga and General Clemente Noel was appointed political chief military emergency in the area known criminal's headquarters Cabitos. And second, that day was her birthday.

From that date until the dreadful 26, Ascue witnessed the social and psychological collapse, with daily killings.

Journalists sought, therefore, the overriding general statements Noel. To which, according Embers: "In a press conference wants to announce with pride that the rural population is responding with their Armed Forces against criminals and terrorists have killed seven Huaychao Area."

With this news, on the social scale, opened a civilian front of resistance. And the newspapers began to send relay, but Javier embers remained. Retto Willy came first, the photographer of "The Observer": "And the first thing your editor Willy, the boy Mendivil, is to win a first. Now was the interior minister to Ayacucho by helicopter and made photo.

Arriving just beat us. He had gone to Venezuela, told me it was regular and she missed Peru. I had known little next to Oscar, her father, photographer of "Last Time" "he says. The next day he was reunited with Jorge Sedano "The Republic": "I was a street photographer and journalist before he had been dealer photo in homes. When he saw me he said: "I follow the steps," I was very happy. He said: "I have to help me from here I have to return to Lima famous." And I suggested that she go to Carmen Alto, where he waved a red flag. It was and was home the next day in his newspaper. We were great friends! ".

Amador Garcia arrived soon after, the magazine "Listen" and Pedro Sanchez for "The Diary of Marka. And Huaychao remained the first in sweet. However, Ascue took to cover a shooting in Chuschi. Returning his feet bloodied by the scary road and found Eduardo de la Piniella, of "The Diary of Marka. "They had organized the trip to Huaychao. Until then nobody knew Uchuraccay, or that there was something about that name.

were waiting for me because it was a rural area and I spoke Quechua. "If not, we left yesterday." I told them was wrong. I went to a meeting at 8 pm, and encouraged me. In it, reach Octavio Infante, journalist of "Panorama", in Ayacucho, and says: "It's easy trip, I'll help, I'm from the area, speak Quechua, when we get to Tambo to my estate, I I provide horse. " There they would wait for a guide named Juan Argumedo. And I said: "If there is a Quechua-speaking ...." Like I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and saw, in a barge full that De la Piniella sat next to the driver. "Since then, Javier, let me go," he said. It was assumed that he would not, as had many of "Diary of Marka. There was also the correspondent Félix Gavilán. He said: "Sit back." And I said, "No, I feel bad." There were jokes and still see them sticking his head out the window: "I sucked". "

The fierce tragedy not even one day hope to be known. A woman entered Huamanga, sought to Javier and gave the journalist card Jorge Luis Mendivil, "Lord, journalists have been killed ...." And the tenacious correspondent of Trade first heard the name on the following days demonizaría to its residents: Uchuraccay.

General Noel appeared in public and confirmed the deaths. Embers got the first helicopter and helped dig his sleepwalking hands were two by two, face down, four graves, mutilated head, axes, slingshots and stones. Farmers who used to be "patriots" to kill hikers would turn into "criminals."


What followed stink of ideology: the angry accusations fell on the Armed Forces, which "would have instigated the killing", according to many journalists, leftist leaders and family.

The February 2, 1983 Belaunde appointed a commission headed by Mario Vargas Llosa and was the most vilified in history when the community concluded that the mass murder committed by their conditions of exclusion and isolation . The anthropologist Luis Millones, who participated in this committee, once said: "It was a task that had to do over of anything ... I did the best I could and I can die with that quiet. "

Twenty years later, the CVR endorsed its conclusions: "The killing was cruel and did not last more than thirty minutes (...) peasants were sure they had killed members of the PCP SL, so it's buried outside the cemetery and no wake ... the bodies of the journalists were deposited near the square, just 200 meters without any desire of concealment. "

And neither denied "various agents of the state's sinchis and Marines, Command Chief Military policy and President of the Republic, encouraged this behavior. " But did not endorse the thesis that were direct perpetrators.

M. CARDENAS MIGUEL ANGEL (It's chronic was posted on January 24, 2009)

Source: elcomercio.pe


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