Dear people and other critters! I
warning, as usual, to be set aside on Saturday when my birthday festejaré number thirties. It is clear that the party will be ...
Maisson of Chyn InSATURDAY FEBRUARY 19 - 23.30HS
List things to bring:
- Occupation: Some details pirate Some color or white fluorescent
- Something beverages (mineral water have)
- A friend or something like it
- Music (MUSIC SAID, EH? not those sounds horrendous dance musicoides)
Clarifications number:
1) The "detail" can be pirated from a pair of earrings or a scarf, to the Jack Sparrow costume complete. That is, if one of the men is brought liner position, or one of the girls some hoop earrings, and that's a detail pirate. That is not "I brought my wooden leg" for not dancing, eh? No contest was going to do better detail ... but if you like, we prize!
2) The "something fluo" is because we will put black lights and is well ..
That's all for now.
(\\ ,,,/) Chinchiya
PD: plis avisenle anyone that deserves your criteria invitation!
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