Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Volunteers In Retirement Home Portland Oregon


Attorney Gutierrez Dieny Castanon of the Provincial Prosecutor Joint Corporate Gregorio Albarracín, managed to impose a sentence of 15 to 13 years in prison for Edilberto Laura Wilson Mamani (28) and Alexandre Aduvire Efrain Medina (26) respectively, for the crime of aggravated robbery committed against taxi Jewelry Peñaloza Llanos.

According to research on May 26, 2010, at 20 hours in the Avenida Coronel Mendoza, defendants and other unidentified, took a taxi to the aggrieved Jewelry Peñaloza Llano, who was asked be transferred to the Southern Cone, and coming to this place Medina Aduvire hits him in the face and holds it Mamani Laura neck.

Aduvire Medina then gets behind the wheel of vehlculo and moved to Lick Avenue, where he and Laura Mamani, tie the victim and to cover their mouths with a cloth, taking the channel Uchusuma charged up to a hut where he was left face up, fled the place with the vehicle.

Later the victim ask for help from the locals, who gave notice to the police, they broke it and began to search the cab, being located by the District Gregorio Albarracin, and to warn presence Police launched a leak by the said district, where they eventually were made by the Housing Association Salaverry, however, the suspects continued their escape being captured and taken to the police station June 24.


were present the Fiscal Danitza Dieny Chiri and Gutierrez, who began investigating the case, obtaining the custody of the accused for the duration of the research process.

With all the evidence obtained during the investigation phase, the prosecutor filed charges Gutiérrez Castillo before the judiciary who sentence oral trial scheduled for March 1, 2011, in which after an arduous debate beating oral and tricks for the defense of the accused, the representative of the Attorney General, succeeded in imposing the sentence of 15 to 13 years in prison for Mamani Laura (28) and Medina Aduvire (26) respectively, and ordered the detention in the Criminal Pocollay.

The Chairman of the Board of Senior Prosecutors from Tacna Dr. Manuel Flores Chara , said: "We can not go back for any reason in the fight against crime, which must be coordinated, collective and together. "


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