Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Free Sand Rail Plan Mini Sandrail/buggy Plans?


Numa P. Maldonado A.

In our country, long ago, for tens and hundreds of years perhaps, imperceptibly at the beginning and with increasing force, has been enshrining the shameful and degrading paternalism, so as to become almost commonplace . As they say, the neo-colonial model of leadership that supports and teaches the unit and prevents think and take off on its own initiative, it becomes "flesh of our flesh," an important component of our collective national shame personality ...

politicking practices of "patronage" and "populism", the easy enthroned in Education , the inveterate habit of helping the needy with gifts (true or false) or to offer monetary rewards or incentives to public servants more time for quality work and good performance of the same, the over-criminals of all calibers and minimum stimulus for honest people (unfortunate distortion of the concept moral of the Act), the apathy and low job performance of public servants and their aversion to the partner who wants to work honestly, the collective self-esteem (we prefer a stranger rather than fake a neighbor versa) are just a few examples of this hard reality.

Unfortunately, we must recognize, paternalism begins at home: education we provide our children with large doses of over-or facility teaches us to be dependent from the womb, in the School, the College and University Professor is the most appreciated places better grades without teaching quality rather than one that dare to lose our child years for breach of their obligations, our religious practice teaches us to ask without offering anything (collective agreements of the state, covered by the Act, are based on doing exactly the opposite of what it expresses the recognized moral axiom: "to receive, you must first give, only that each year the leaders of the civil servants to teach us to ask for more and practice less.)

Ecuador is a diverse country, with the highest biodiversity per square meter in the world and therefore very rich in natural resources, but unfortunately for us, very poor in human resources and organization social. Just a country cleverly designed to be exploited and pillaged by external bodies (in collusion with few powerful criminals and internal traitors, "money-mad"), before the unflinching gaze of a national society poor and mediocre paternalistic.


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