So my grandmother (my mom has), he was about to cut fabric to sew a garment. Once the cloth marked with chalk, as mold and measures, there was nothing but take courage and cutting. Because after cutting, if the cut was bad, it is very difficult to fix the problem and sew well, so that the blouse, pants or whatever, is not skewed or asymmetric. So, after taking all precautions and ensure well, my grandmother said:
- In God's name is, roast pumpkin! - And proceeded to cut.
how I feel nowadays.
Last Monday was the birthday of Nacho, and I decided to make a chocolate cake (up there, easy) and also a lemon pie ... not forgetting to add lemon! I was reminded of that phrase to the head when he was putting the lemon pie in the oven. And came out delicious! : P
Other: Last night I sent some poems to publish, will be part of a book with several authors (I think we were like 15). The checked, some were touched up, typos corrected them, compiled them into two files ... then I did a mini-biographies, accompanied. When everything was ready, again I remembered the words of my grandmother, and that was it, now I just had to take courage and click "send." And so it was.
would be like a kind of "magic words", incantation, blessing, whatever. I have no idea where it came from the roasted pumpkin, hahaha ...
Since I am, I share here the mini-biographies:
Chinchiya is the pseudonym Juana Inés Gallego Sagastume. She is originally from La Plata
is engineer by profession, teacher and coach by vocation a wife and mother by choice, a guide- scout at heart, a writer for satisfaction; wushu practitioner for fun; cybernauts by fascination.
(One of the hardest things in life is to write an autobiography. Not only for fear of forgetting something important, but because you have a delicate balance between saying what one is, without arrogance, but not with false modesty. But that's another topic)
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