Sunday, August 15, 2010

Safe To Eat Moldy Jam?


The practice of journalism is, say, how to navigate in calm seas. For this study. But sometimes ensuing storms which agitate the editors and former colleagues calmly facing new situations. This analogy applies to what is happening right now as it has unleashed a storm was seen coming: the election period.

The phenomenon is historic. In all elections Republicans have chosen the time to campaign for new titles published or are planned in advance the foundations of newspapers that were proclaimed as independent but never were.

Examples? Some sounded and we refer only to the century 20. The famous morning La Prensa, founded in 1903, had clear political intent and election (and it was throughout its history). From the beginning he served Piérola Nicholas and his Democratic Party and all the celebrities of writing, Cisneros, Yero, Valdelomar Mariátegui, Ulloa, accompanied at the time the Caliph. Did not fare well and sold him to another contender for the chair and so on. He died in 1984 precisely because I did not sponsor presidential pretensions.

In 1917 he founded the daily fighting with the intention Weather President Pardo demolish and prepare and support the candidacy of Augustus B. Leguía. Succeeded in their two goals but after its director Pedro Ruiz Bravo declined to independent journalism and democracy were deported by the dictator.

Gen. Manuel Odria also sought to use the press to promote his candidacy and future government and promoted The Nation, that no one bought because they knew their origin. A failure.

In 1961 a group led by Manuel Belaunde Mujica Gallo Express joined forces to form first and then Extra. Achieved His purpose in the 1963 elections leading to the president Fernando Belaunde Mujica and a regal European embassy.

But apart from the newspapers is interesting to note the high turnover in the area called Newspapers Girl, this week, often in combat and sometimes anonymously. Right now in Lima, when municipal elections are approaching, we see in newspaper kiosks unknown surely die just deposit our votes. No one pursues, she asks accounts or licenses. Is neither more nor less than a kind of journalism but bad quality pirate who deserves to be seen, in the end, are part of our journalistic tradition.



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