Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Volley Spandex Cameltoe


01 October is "Journalists Day" in Peru date on which recalls the day when the first newspaper appeared in Peru and America, "Diario de Lima" founded by Jaime Bausate and Meza, requesting members of Peruvian Federation of Journalists celebrating their First National Congress headed by the noted journalist Antenor Villar Escudero, the government of General Manuel A. Odría.

Odría General accepted the request in its entirety, but it was only on October 1, 1953, ie three years after that 2521 Supreme Decree instituted the Day Peruvian journalist, and by 1989, with former President Alan Garcia Perez, January 21 25 001 Law-making.

Also, the PPF is proud of having driven journalism academic recognition by Law 15630 and the establishment of the Journalists Association Peru by Law 23,221, issued on October 1, 1980 and signed by President Fernando Belaunde Terry and Minister Alfonso Grados Bertorini, the latter is co-founder of the PPF.

LEY Nº 23221

Ley del Colegio de Periodistas del Perú



El Congreso de la República del Perú;

Ha dado Law following:

Article One .- Create the Association of Journalists of Peru, as an autonomous entity of public law, representing the journalistic profession in the entire territory of the Republic , without prejudice to any other guild or union entities covered by journalists enciso 11 of Article 2 of the Constitution . Its aims are ethical, cultural and social.

Article Two .- an Association is a prerequisite for the exercise of the journalistic profession, in accordance with Article 33 of the Constitution the state, this rule does not limit the provisions enciso 4) of Article 2 of the Constitution .

Article Three .- For registration of journalists in the College, it is essential to the presentation of relevant professional degree awarded by any University the country, according to the laws. Also be entitled to register, persons demonstrating the practice of journalism in a permanent and / or stable.

The Association of Journalists of Peru, created by Law No. 23221 is a legal person of public law, representing the professional journalists of the republic with national headquarters in Lima and affiliates around the homeland.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

What Color Of Curtains With Burgundy Walls

defrag "In God's name is, roast pumpkin!"

So my grandmother (my mom has), he was about to cut fabric to sew a garment. Once the cloth marked with chalk, as mold and measures, there was nothing but take courage and cutting. Because after cutting, if the cut was bad, it is very difficult to fix the problem and sew well, so that the blouse, pants or whatever, is not skewed or asymmetric. So, after taking all precautions and ensure well, my grandmother said:
- In God's name is, roast pumpkin! - And proceeded to cut.

how I feel nowadays.
Last Monday was the birthday of Nacho, and I decided to make a chocolate cake (up there, easy) and also a lemon pie ... not forgetting to add lemon! I was reminded of that phrase to the head when he was putting the lemon pie in the oven. And came out delicious! : P

Other: Last night I sent some poems to publish, will be part of a book with several authors (I think we were like 15). The checked, some were touched up, typos corrected them, compiled them into two files ... then I did a mini-biographies, accompanied. When everything was ready, again I remembered the words of my grandmother, and that was it, now I just had to take courage and click "send." And so it was.

would be like a kind of "magic words", incantation, blessing, whatever. I have no idea where it came from the roasted pumpkin, hahaha ...

Since I am, I share here the mini-biographies:

Chinchiya is the pseudonym Juana Inés Gallego Sagastume. She is originally from La Plata , although he spent his early years in Campinas, Brazil. On their return, and prior to feeling a "weirdo" (he was lucky that her parents never pretended it was normal), always sought his tribe. And he found it a few times: in Bar, a strange compilation of geeks, among the scouts, which led to their animal name, and later between virtual group writing workshops, themed science fiction fantasy. Thus emerged "Chinchiya" a singular dream where this animal ate printed without ink hurt her ...

is engineer by profession, teacher and coach by vocation a wife and mother by choice, a guide- scout at heart, a writer for satisfaction; wushu practitioner for fun; cybernauts by fascination.

(One of the hardest things in life is to write an autobiography. Not only for fear of forgetting something important, but because you have a delicate balance between saying what one is, without arrogance, but not with false modesty. But that's another topic)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Adjust The Pilot Light On A Honeywell Gas

psychological challenges faced by miners


Keep a sleep rhythm, maintain hope and psychological balance within a group confined to a narrow space are some of the challenges facing the 33 miners trapped 700 meters underground in Chile in order to survive four months.

"It's easy to survive as a group. If you are alone you can get carried away by despair, thinking that can not be saved. As a group, if one weakens the others to encourage, "he told AFP Michel Siffre, caver and scientist who has conducted numerous experiments in extreme conditions of confinement.
"When survival is at stake joins the group. In all the experiences of survivors facing psychological problems after the departure. Given the danger, endure, "says Henry by his side Vaumoron, secretary general of the French Federation of Speleology.

"But as in the raft of the Medusa, where many survivors are killed each other, or the Uruguayan plane crash in the Andes in 1972, survived by cannibalism, the situation can escalate," says Siffre , who spent two months only a hundred meters deep and freezing temperatures in 1962.

An experiment conducted several decades ago by the U.S. space agency NASA, a team in complete autarky showed that four members of the mission could not bear to fifth and even wanted to kill him, he explains.

"In survival situations that becomes Darwinian. The strong survive. And the mental attitude is paramount. You have to believe. Those who believe in survival are more likely to save than those who are left to chance, "recalls Siffre.

To arrange group life and resolving disputes should arise "heads": a superior officer or individual that in those exceptional moments assume a leadership role, according Siffre.

The survivors have to keep pace with the dream that on the surface, because without the light of day you lose track of time.

"Exercises survival conducted in caves without any temporal reference have shown that the body has a biological clock that goes to work for periods of 26 hours, "explains Sophie Lumineau, a researcher in chronobiology at the University of Rennes.

"But this clock differs slightly between individuals. Either everyone is going to synchronize with an average rate, or one of them impose their rhythm on the others "he explains.

With any communications with first responders, they may set the pace from the outside world, such as delivering food at fixed times. And will probably have light bulbs they had passed through the canal.

To allow them to survive will have to renew the oxygen, water and food supply them. Must constantly rehydrate, drink steadily since the 33 degrees Celsius, water evaporates from the body permanently.

'We must give them more liquid diet. The less you go to the toilet will be better. When you're locked in the ground, you have to dig trenches for excrement, "said Henry Vaumoron.

"They all have vision problems when exiting. There has been an increase in myopia, vision relief and colors when you live without light, "says Siffre.

"The essential thing is to get out alive, but no free will," believes.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Causes Of Petechial Rash If Blood Test Is Normal

Twit! Twit!

I decided to venture into Twitter, I said!

What I wonder is: what do you see as fun / interesting / addicting / profitable?

And I do not know. I have read several articles on twitter and I'm beginning to understand something ... But still not catch me.
So good, I put in the search some keywords: geek, Rammstein, Depeche Mode, Girl Guiding, tech, sci fi, ... and users found it interesting to follow. In turn, the new feature of Twitter that suggests who to follow, is great for raw like me who do not understand what horn do with this tool where you only write 120 characters.
We'll see ... my username is "silverchinchiya", if you want to see how it goes. Normally I do not put things like "I'm in the shower" or nonsense like that, but some link or phrase that caught my attention.

take for linking a site with tips cornered:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sample Confidentiality Clause?

PERU Peruvian Movie "COUNTER" by Javier Fuentes-León

After the success of Claudia Llosa's film "La Teta Scared " appears another Peruvian films taste of success for Cinema of Peru, when I first saw the trailer for this film wishes him every success, quite apart from its plot, which can be many repetitive and even trite, Fuentes-León where circumstances beyond both form and substance to this movie, worked in a very professional, technically outstanding, with a first edition at the height of the films Best film industry


Miguel is a dear young fisherman of Cape Blanco, a small fishing village on the northern coast of Peru, where there deep-rooted traditions about death. Michael is married to Mariela, who has spent 7 months pregnancy with their first child, but has an extremely secret romance with another man, Santiago, a painter who moved to town a year ago and is rejected by the villagers for being agnostic and open about their sexuality.


accidentally drowned at sea and return after death to ask Michael to find his body in the sea and buried in accordance with the rituals of the people. This is the only way his soul may rest in peace and do not wander forever in this world. Miguel is at a crossroads, because according to tradition, only the man closest to the deceased should take care of the funeral. Doing so would be acknowledging their relationship to others with James and ruining his marriage and reputation in the village. If not, would be sentenced for her lover to wander forever without rest.

Michael is forced to deal with the consequences of their actions and accept who he really, although doing so there is a possibility of losing the people you love.



102 MINS - 35mm projection format - Dolby - COLOR - 2009

production companies


DYNAMO (Colombia)




Miguel - Cristian Mercado (Bolivia)

Santiago - Manolo Cardona (Colombia)

Mariela - Tatiana Astengo (Peru)

Safe To Eat Moldy Jam?


The practice of journalism is, say, how to navigate in calm seas. For this study. But sometimes ensuing storms which agitate the editors and former colleagues calmly facing new situations. This analogy applies to what is happening right now as it has unleashed a storm was seen coming: the election period.

The phenomenon is historic. In all elections Republicans have chosen the time to campaign for new titles published or are planned in advance the foundations of newspapers that were proclaimed as independent but never were.

Examples? Some sounded and we refer only to the century 20. The famous morning La Prensa, founded in 1903, had clear political intent and election (and it was throughout its history). From the beginning he served Piérola Nicholas and his Democratic Party and all the celebrities of writing, Cisneros, Yero, Valdelomar Mariátegui, Ulloa, accompanied at the time the Caliph. Did not fare well and sold him to another contender for the chair and so on. He died in 1984 precisely because I did not sponsor presidential pretensions.

In 1917 he founded the daily fighting with the intention Weather President Pardo demolish and prepare and support the candidacy of Augustus B. Leguía. Succeeded in their two goals but after its director Pedro Ruiz Bravo declined to independent journalism and democracy were deported by the dictator.

Gen. Manuel Odria also sought to use the press to promote his candidacy and future government and promoted The Nation, that no one bought because they knew their origin. A failure.

In 1961 a group led by Manuel Belaunde Mujica Gallo Express joined forces to form first and then Extra. Achieved His purpose in the 1963 elections leading to the president Fernando Belaunde Mujica and a regal European embassy.

But apart from the newspapers is interesting to note the high turnover in the area called Newspapers Girl, this week, often in combat and sometimes anonymously. Right now in Lima, when municipal elections are approaching, we see in newspaper kiosks unknown surely die just deposit our votes. No one pursues, she asks accounts or licenses. Is neither more nor less than a kind of journalism but bad quality pirate who deserves to be seen, in the end, are part of our journalistic tradition.

Source: www.diariolaprimeraperu.com

Friday, August 13, 2010

Staples Annual Report



Chamber of Mines of Machala

With the purpose of a mining community development, it continues with the publication of the journal ECO.MINERÍA, as a forum for the dissemination of ideas, concepts and technological developments, stressing the importance of expanding the local knowledge to adapt mining technology to a responsible business means Bosga conservation, soil, air, water and biodiversity, respecting the rights of nature in accordance with the human right of rational use of mineral resources, promoting community development and industrial enterprises.


Friday, August 6, 2010

How Much Is A Blackberry Pearl Worth

The laser turns 50 and celebrates big

The May 16, 1960 was carried out first demonstration of a laser functional Theodore H. Maiman, although it had previously published several scientific papers. The invention was made possible by the contributions of many scientists, including Townes and Arthur Leonard Schawlow who are considered the inventors of the laser, which patented in 1960.
Laser ( LASER: Light Amplification Stimulate by Emission of Radiation or light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation ) is one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century, it has application in medicine, electronics, computer, industrial and military, among other .

Here in La Plata takes place this weekend, the South American version of LASERFEST (festival that takes place around the world in different locations), organized by the CIOp .

How she would have liked my dad! COPADISIMOOOO!! Laser show, stands, everything!

PROGRAM EVENT Thursday August 5

19 hrs laser show outside the theater Argentino

Friday August 6 9-12 hrs room visits secondary schools Petorutti
14-19 hrs Public and high school visits Petorutti Chamber

14 to 18:30 hrs workshop course aimed at science journalists 3rd floor conference room 17 hrs Talk
diffusion on the laser. Laser show, music and video room Astor Piazzolla
19 hrs Talk Opening Ceremony broadcast on the laser. Laser show, music and video room Astor Piazzolla

Saturday August 7 hrs
14-19 Petorutti General Public Chamber Coffee

20 hrs laser Laser Graffiti outside the theater

Sunday August 8 14-19 hrs general public Petorutti Room Café

20 hrs laser and laser show laser graffiti outside the theater room

1. You know what kind of laser pointer you have?
2. Technological Developments
3. Learning experiences on and with the laser
4. Entertainment lasers
5. Restoration and cleaning of surfaces with laser
6. Laser cutting service
7. Laser everyday items
8. Lasers in optical fiber systems
Pettorutti Room 10. Photographic Exhibition 50 years of laser
11. Holographic exposure chamber of

Petorittu 12.