Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Volunteers In Nursing Portland Oregon

En cada una de las partecitas de nuestro cuerpo tenemos nuestro ADN. Por disferentes que sean, nuestra identidad está impresa en todas ellas. Y lo mismo sucede con nuestros actos. En cada minúsculo acto, from any movement or to each conversation, the impregnate of our being. The only difference between our DNA and our way of being is that we are not static, so when I replace "our being" for "our 'be still'", something that changes every minute. It is not we change radically from one moment to another, but in the same way we get a wrinkle, without realizing it, or we get older, little by little, we changed our way of life with experiences.

But would not it. The point is that a kind of core of our being, I believe, remains. So when we meet a person, we know different aspects of their way of being. To An analogy: it is as if we entered a dark room, wanting to know what it contains, if it is a kitchen, a workshop or a bedroom, for example, but all we have is a lighter, than long sparks.

For example:
* spark *: we see a piece of library. "Oh, look how interesting, read such a thing .. what else to read?"
* spark *: we see a fragment of a painting. Do we identify the picture? is equal to that condition known? maybe it's another version ... And

Well, the sparks are those aspects, customs, sayings, thoughts, etc, we are defining a person as our own perception. And with those sparks in the dark, we decide whether that person is an idiot, if it's your lover, whether it is friend or foe, whether or not we can forget about him or her.

FLASHOUTs For me would be like a flash, which suddenly illuminates the whole room. A "flash!" and darkness again. But in that flash, we glimpse the whole room, but can not remember all the details, we have a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of place is. And in the same way, that Flashout shows me, me "paint" what kind of personality I have before me, in a way ... could say almost complete, or at its most relevant for me.

But what is a flashout? It is "something" that has made a person that reveals you as an act enlightening, revealing his personality. It can be a great show of generosity, or conversely, an infamous comment that shows what is detestable. It has to do with the intuitive intelligence, described in the book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking .

Let's see an example (that of being a teacher
...): I have a gym buddy who always friendly chat, we laugh. And one day, makes a comment very racist, that strikes me. That would be a flashout. I reveals a person with whom I can not establish true friendship.

Another example: a co-worker who does not share much more than that and some small talk. And one day, I was about to offer me a job, because he sees in me such and such qualities. This would also be a flashout. Revealed to me how connected or part of me was interested, and therefore also tells me what their interests and in common with me.

There are some people they clearly remember flashout, and from that, I think I better understand their motivations and their thoughts or ways of perceiving life and the situations they encounter.

And others, I recall flashouts contradictory (they are the least). These people baffle me ...

I think that's all. Anything I add in comments. Or maybe in my hobby perfectionist texts, edit, lol ...


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