Friday, February 27, 2009

Jennifer Kydd Et Steve Byers

'm in the clouds

think that when I was small, the phrase "in the clouds " was disqualifying and dangerous. You're in the clouds in class: you have a one. You're in the clouds in the kitchen, boiled milk. You're in the clouds in the street, honk, the light had not changed.

a teenager in the clouds was tolerated and was about romantic reverie 99% of the time.

now in the clouds is not out you just turn on the Twin Towers (I swear to God I did) or do not realize that you hit a cut in the portfolio and made with your meager salary.

But my life have appeared in a new clouds, clouds of words that I fell in love at first sight. I speak, I wink, share their burden with me immediately. Have had success, and his name included quirky, and very dospuntocero stamp. Lies, my poor bespoken clouds.

They are (trumpets sound ) the tag clouds.

Girls' blogs pampered serious people who writes about Technology (without tilde) or Networks, or important things like Viral Marketing or things like half pajaronas google curiosities.
tags clouds reveal, to the beat of the eye, what will the thing just entered a site or a blog, out of curiosity. I have saved enormous time: look at the cloud of tags and see a huge palabrón Conference noted for example ... I run fast and without guilt or shame. A site that has the word art or entertainment in its cloud, called me to stay. And so ...

Now, I've gone a step further. I started to use the tool of the clouds of tags so that other people used them as I do: as reference points and triggers for ideas, looking at him something like the knights shoes (this is a hobby of mine, I can do ) or when you are getting to know a person, look at some revealing detail (do not know ... if you sit on the edge or the center of the chair, if he raises his voice when he thinks he is right, things like that )

So I invented a device worthy enough of rip, mix & learn which is also part 2.0 style. We applied for the first time in a seminar for students of mathematics, then used it in an Internet course and education, and now I'm recycling to evaluate a series of workshops and lectures.

is this:

  1. GoogleDocs Use a form to ask the questions that led to the tag

  2. I meet all the words contained in the docs, the command (usually with a tool such office, well, whatever has a function "order") and if some can be grouped, the grouped. For example if they appear the words: happy happy happy put "happiness " three times and now. Ok, is a bit of cannibalism, but it works best
  3. Dump all the words in the web of TagCrowd and left to form the tag cloud.
  4. Finally the capture, sometimes the coloring (sometimes not ...) and expose it where it can see / admire / appreciate / serve as a kick off.
Here is a sample tag, just look at and test answers ... What question answer?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Area Of Shaded Segments


The two chairs are empty.
One, because he has not arrived. Another
because she was gone. Then the gray afternoon
more gray, because he did not, never comes, because it brings its load of hugs sweet, the aroma of toast, your eyes of stars sunset.
And because she does not return times into opportunities to return to burst with joy, because it is not repeated in others, because she has become a hoodoo that breeds resentment and fogs up rancid past happiness. On the double pain
is woven with needles of letters, a thin thread of understanding.
are souls who talk and dream, and compare injuries, and the parallel sigh alone. His empty symmetrical and opposed long sit in the chairs frost, and breakfast is a dangerous punishment simulation routine.
She says hope you do not, but lie and wait, biting his lip to prevent spillage of toxic love.
He is mortified because love comes out and joining forces to follow suit. No lies, no need: a sharp thorn stuck to the skin purple is the reminder.
Among the blanks, prancing around, it goes a dirty wind and warm. Brings more nostalgia, more cravings. There seems no comfort here.
It suffers for love too, suffers by not making love ... The empty chairs are impeccable, an eternal day in greyscale descends upon the soul.

Near-so close, the dew is kissing a lover's delight young leaves.
be enough to get out of chair and stretching your fingers, just that, that brief gesture, and the spring would start.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sore Throat And Menstration

The technology does not speak Spanish goddess

technology The goddess does not speak English. I read that phrase in my time college student in an educational policy point. In Open Veins ... , Galeano, yes. I twist to fight a bit with the teacher, who later became my colleague and my friend later. That are passed from xenophobic, hey. You do not win anything with eyes closed. Let's learn English well and in any case, metámonos ganémosle your field and the point from within. I tired of shit they can not use technology because the instructions are in English. If you are full of cartoons! The can follow any, che!

( And I felt the anger )

Today I was looking for data on this neogénero of writing that resembles cooking tips Doña Petrona, and is identified as " information pills. " Among many things quite entertaining (in the ride I forgot the original purpose of the search, as usual) I came across an article that talked about good design or good practices design, they should try to follow the instructions to do something.

A pill pills information about information.

address issues such as whether they should be text only or graphics only if the assembly instructions of an object needs to start with the image of the whole object, or whether it is better to "show" piece by piece. And more.

criticized some errors in transmitting instructions (which seemed curiously interesting didactic suggestions) to concepts such as assumptions, skip steps in the description, or wait until the end to warn what can happen to no longer this sequence ...
Y-icing on the cake, a special mention for curios and practical case (so labeled)

is a package of medicines and health-critical, led to a population with a high rate of literacy (illiterate, purists say, ok)

This device was used (say!) to distribute humanitarian aid in Afghanistan.
Let the humanitarian italic, but I get the guts.
This is a package that speaks . He tells the patient what is in the container, how to use the medicine, how often, contraindications, side effects, the due date.
award for my evil contraption called Rex .

Ok, but the idea is good, admittedly. Beyond the cost (I imagine, high) has his own idea. Let us think for the blind, for example. For seniors, who have difficulty reading. For illiterate, well, finally, too.
This container had a device that allowed it to be heard in Pashto, the local language of Afghanistan. Recorded by a human voice, the tone of Afghanistan, for more information.
And I think you put background a tune that began: Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light ... Goddess because technology does not speak English.
(Naa. latter is a lie ..)
(Ups! I'm giving ideas!)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Whats The Bst Protein For A Football Player

Chagrin d'ecole

Last Friday I bought (and on Sunday finished reading it ... ouch!) the last book of Daniel Pennac, called in English "Mal school "

I bought it because it was Pennac, not because they speak of schools (the same time I bought three the most diverse character ... to compensate ... haha)

Chagrin d'ecole not know if it exactly "evil school ." Chagrin is more like "discomfort" or "dissatisfaction" or "dislike"

A book dedicated to the students that the school considered a failure: the bad boys, who do not understand anything, the repeating of the year, who are sitting in class but never "are" there. Daniel Pennac
speaks in first person, mixing his exquisite command of grammar (francesa!) with family anecdotes totally believable or book microcapítulos tiny (less than simplex) which allows you to add one clarification.

Mr. Pennac was a bad student, a blockhead, a chump (translated into English as their francesísimo " cancre ") and tells her pain and suffering of the poor student in immaculate gear only a planned system for success.
In his book he speaks of his past " cancre " family of desperation by ineptitude, the four teachers who "saved his life " (how inspiring these four guys!) Of love threw him to the possibility of trust and success of your concern then, as teacher, of these students' special "," tough, " socks." Talk
faith eclectic unconventional methods, the students who recognize him on the street, in bars, airports, bookstores ... It is invigorating to read his metamorphosis.

Talk, however, confessed to cynicism or sadness, of the School Republic. This public, free, academically rich and democratization that France stood as a banner in May 1968.

regard, Pennac says

"May 68 was an anti-consumerist movement, but when its effects were fading and the French company adopted more liberal forms, then burst mass consumption also in school. Children and parents became clients and consumers. And the school has nothing to sell. Imparts knowledge, transmitting knowledge, something that is necessary but rarely desired. Today many kids seem to showcase the service of various brands. Those who have freedom of spirit to this clientelization of education are those who know better resist illusions consumption.

The book devotes an entire chapter to talk about marketing speech transvestite new languages \u200b\u200b pushes, permeates, causes and plays dirty to colonize without objection the-lean-school times. " The school must be open to advertising, as this will end up being a kind of information, instruction material " Pennac heard that phrase in a radio program that calls for the removal of children from the "ghetto school ( what kind, how modern, how lucky they are marketers to tell teachers that we are outcasts of the system ...)
And it is not the lament of an old professor borincano ranting about how bad guys talk, product sms typing in code, or because they have lost the good manners of the old days ... Pennac would say is right on the sidewalk opposite of that model. Well, me too. No teenagers scare me lazy to read and right in the game, but I do not think that is the prototype of a new intelligence.
are, however, victims of chagrin d'ecole. Resigned or fighters, are the kids that boldly yawn or look at you with eyes that leave no loophole for doubt: no look at you, you will not hear, do not understand a damn what you're talking about, "I leave the face and they leave. " Bored, empty, suffering from the evil school, but their teachers also felt.
The trouble is that the teachers have forgotten
have forgotten that one day they too knew .
did not know how recognizes an indirect object, did not know in which year was Kepler did not know what function had the estrogen (no, science profs, seriously, there was a time not to know!) and so on ... ad infinitum.
The poor student, or the one on the moon, which does not progress, or who overtly or silently express our specialty material or give a damn because they have nothing to contribute to your life .... that should be our ideal student. This is also understood
Daniel Pennac, who complain that teachers have lost the sense of ignorance.
reminded me a brilliant tip of Seymour Papert, who advised that taught to use the computer to another squatting beside . At its height, looking at the screen together. Do not take the keyboard for it, do not remove the mouse and do it: just down from your height (in my case, the order is almost funny) and the pair Get situated. And as you do, look at the problem how had looked when know yet.

In short, as I read the transformation of "chump " Daniel Pennachioni on teacher and writer Daniel Pennac, I began to appear in rows of fresh memories some teachers and teachers who serve as examples for both ends of the pendulum . I was lucky: I remembered before the good ones from bad ones.
also the memory of colleagues and classmates stigmatized as "bad students." I wonder what will become of them today (mmm. .. I must dive into Facebook ... haha)

A precious taste this book. Do not give it 5 stars because it would be an insult to the poor student who wrote it. I give it 4, but the top four, the four you want, mark the four northern him wherever he is.

And some links:
Here, an interview Daniel Pennac about this book.
Rimbaud's letter to his teacher Izambard, soon become his literary mentor.
Another interview, Jacques Ranciere, who rescued the Marxist philosopher Jacotot figure in his book "The Ignorant Schoolmaster"

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Engagment Card Wording

The experiment

'm lost
hooked away
way with the flow leaving
am a cornalitos , yes, yes ...
'm more into this
am "friends" with people I have not played in my life
'm in the whirlwind

I judge the experiment and part-
(have dual nullifies their validity? )
Ando bit for my own blog ...
Damn .... will be a day beautiful ...!

are the effects of this new drug

The experiment entangled in a network in which all fish will be caught is , at least, disturbing. I have rekindled atavistic fears and curiosities he believed buried in the evolution ...

Facebook seems a monster midway between the human and technological, is fascinating and frightening mix. I feel a little Dr. Frankenstein, a little, not much, since the creature mutates into leaps, day after day, he eats new and vomiting become quite another thing, naturalizes the most humiliating statements as such yy have made it clear that in Facebook who are committed "(and with a little heart icon-minimum plus the summum of bad taste-Facebook states that the person is married here, because here it says , That's enough, the word the user has the status of law .... shake classical philosophies, while Lacanian gloat over the fallen significant sharp chains. ...)

Braceo with difficulty by the sea crammed with names and faces and tests that do not interest me and people who do not care but "you might know." I choking at times, stupid and stubbornly returning to shore, clinging to an anchor that says "start" and cheating on me with the illusion of universal Genesis explains everything. I swallow, swallow lyrics, shot button and clicks, endless coils, successive tic solidarity with the new holding my index finger. I get angry, annoyed me, I have fun, I am surprised, without the slightest attempt, success-reduce my time on this site that is not even a single site, but a sticky web and tempting new doors to open ...

The best part is that neurons were stretched and rubbed me, shameless and mobile, axon-dendrite, dendrite-axon, dousing a other new bridges with very thin, almost feel them crackle and counted micronovedades .... Think, think, connect, weaving ideas, veramarina, not wasted time ... it is pure enjoyment and communication. Use is to communicate, says Alexander, and how to use is the poetry of this network ...

an ancient proverb says that the last thing fish would investigate the water.

Well, orange koi big mouths, we are one step ahead of you, then. Swimming, floating, watching with delight and fright, totally immersed in the experiment facebook.

Strawberry Fair China By Johnson

From November 16, 2008, countless hours ago and days, a must-see Hernán Casciari post.
not copy and paste anything, should be read. Worthwhile. A coup