Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Shoes Go With Peg


The highest academic recognition had eluded the best writer of Peruvian letters for several years

Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa finally received today, at 74 years, the prize for which was eternal candidate every year since the 1980's, but I always had missed the point that many they thought they never succeed.

Paradoxically, the Nobel came the Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa when his presence in the list of candidates seemed routine and marginal, although still full intellectual vigor and enthusiasm that keeps this production in which seems to cover all genres. His new novel, Dream of Celtic, will hit bookstores Nov. 3.

The rumor spread worldwide, although never confirmed logical reason is that Peru will not be denied the Nobel for lack of literary merit, but because of the controversy generated by its creed enthusiastic and militantly orthodox liberal.

writer born in the Andean city of Arequipa in a middle class family is a liberal without hesitation. Intellectual diplomacy does not go with him and not adjectives usually saves when to attack or praise issue. In 1990 he wanted to take all that theory into practice and ran to the right to the presidency of Peru, but it all ended with a showy defeat at the polls.

It was not always so: In the 1950's, the then future author of "The Green House, Conversation in the Cathedral" or "The Feast of goat "was a leftist. Those who know him then, but say he was a liberal Marxist radical, revolutionary and progressive sense of those years.

The truth is that even he was a member of a clandestine cell of the Communist Party who admired and defended the Cuban Revolution as virtually all Latin American intellectuals of those times.

The break came in 1970. Amidst the launch of the "boom" left behind "all that means ideological dogma and exclusivism." Criticized Cuba, considered the enemy of freedom, socialism and opened his mind to liberal ideas of right. The friends moved away and the season dates the right to the jaw that always fell out by the Colombian Gabriel García Márquez who preceded him in 28 years in the Nobel.

Following the electoral defeat of 1990, Vargas Llosa was a furious opponent of the authoritarian regime of Alberto Fujimori. It was a stage where he pursued and which adopted a second nationality, the English, a mark on the traumatic relationship almost love-hate has been at times with his native country.

"Politics is very ungrateful, brings out the worst in people to light and that I checked precisely in the years I embarked on a political adventure. I was subjected to many attacks, campaigns that were terribly unfair, "he recalled years later, Vargas Llosa, who, far from the seats, but still wielding the pen against" barbarian leaders "like Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales.

The Nobel helps to consolidate the name of who in 1963 recalled his years in military school in Lima and wrote a debut, "The City and the Dogs" cornerstone of a career that had begun to take shape worked in journalism since adolescence.

Vargas Llosa is remarried his cousin Patricia Llosa (the first wedding was with his aunt Julia Urquidi, love expressed in "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter" ) and has three children. Intellectual "pure", a lover of theater, cinema and classic, the reason is, however aside if it is to love their football team, the University of Lima.

Award Winner as Cervantes, the Prince of Asturias, the Metro or the Rómulo Gallegos, and Doctor Honoris Causa from American universities, European and Asian, in his case lacked the Nobel but now will.

LLOSA ON NOBEL LITERATURE: "It was a major surprise, at first I THOUGHT IT WAS A JOKE "

Peruvian writer said that when he was notified chose not to celebrate until no official announcement. Award thanked Spain for its support since the beginning of his work.

Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa said that when a representative of the Swedish Academy called him to his home in New York to announce that he had won the prize Nobel, took "with major surprise, at first I thought it was a joke."

"The truth is that for many years I thought I was not among the candidates (Nobel laureate), has been a major surprise, I did not even have the memory that at this time was the reward, at first I thought it was a joke, "he told RPP Noticias.

Vargas Llosa said that after announcement of his victory in the top of the world chose not to celebrate literature and call their children until the Swedish Academy made the announcement.

The author of "Conversation in the Cathedral " and "The Feast of the Goat" was that his friends have continued to call him to congratulate him, and they were so Sometimes that his phone rang he had to go out and walk a few minutes to relax because he was "half-stunned."

The Literature Nobel welcomed this achievement to Spain because it was very generous with him and his writings. He said that since he published his first stories were well received and were heavily promoted in the Iberian country.

"Part of this award is thanks to Spain because my novels and publishers have received a big promotion and have received a response from the English readers," he added.

Finally, described as "nice" that the Swedish Academy has decided to give Nobel in Literature for his "cartography of the structures of power and steely images of resistance, rebellion and the defeat of the individual."

"Look how pretty!, I hope it's true. I'll look in the mirror and I'm going to blush, "said the Peruvian writer when I read the reasons for his award.


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