Sunday, October 24, 2010

Heater Harmon Streaming


The Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa.

When almost everyone had given up the hope that Mario Vargas Llosa received, one day, the Nobel Prize in literature due to the belief that the Swedish the Swedish Academy were to continue Swedes forever and would grant him the prize for which consensus had deserved it for nearly three decades, yesterday the news was finally announced that Peru had been expected for so long.

Yesterday was therefore one of those unforgettable days in the Peruvian rose happy to hear that, finally, Vargas Llosa was going to join the select group of writers who have received the highest international distinction of the letters.

The Nobel has been given, certainly, by his literary career. It is not for this columnist to a trial on it because, obviously, my specialty is not literary criticism.

But I can, however, express the deepest gratitude that can have a reader as I, like many of my generation, began to read literature with Vargas Llosa, leaving the taste and love of reading that can only manifest that feeling.

Yesterday I asked everyone, famous and anonymous, that about this Nobel, interviewed on First News of ATV and my program of Capital Radio, for your favorite book Vargas Llosa, and I was surprised the diversity of the answers, but then I realized that the extensive and valuable of his work was explained.

But the appreciation of Peruvians by Vargas Llosa should go far beyond the scope of the letters for his influence in the defense of freedom and fundamental rights of people is extremely valuable, which through frequent practical lessons in ethics and democracy.

The past year has been particularly valuable in this regard. First, by carrying on the Place of Memory after this project had already been buried under the pressure of the sectors that infiltrate authoritarian governments in order to preserve these ulterior motives.

Second, less than a month, getting, with his resignation from the commission of the Place of Memory , the cancellation of the decrees were enacted to give impunity to violators human rights and the dismissal of the minister who promoted it.

Mario Vargas Llosa

is, for all the world, the 2010 Nobel prize for literature. For Peruvians is also a moral reserve that he used to defend the fundamental rights of freedom of the people.

By: Augusto Alvarez Rodrich


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