Saturday, May 1, 2010

How To Make A Trebuchet Blueprints

REFRESHMENT WILL CLOSE? by Augusto Alvarez Rodrich

Given the imminent threat of growing corruption is uncovered ends everywhere drowning his government, President Alan Garcia has responded, first, taking safe distance from heavily stained APRA and the other, launching initiatives to interpret public opinion that he is very concerned about the rot that day by day reveals.

The saga unstoppable 'petroaudios', a bamba sale Cofopri terrenazo in less than five thousand suns when its market price was about twelve million dollars, the increasingly suspicious and very profitable relationship with Jorge del Castillo Petrolera Monterrico, including former premier buildings discovered, a TC decides very strange; projects suck as the port of Callao, or the pardon scandal / desindulto Joseph Enrique Crousillat, who first released with Trafa, then let out and now nobody searches, "are just a few expressions the APRA government corruption is very deep, much more than they are willing to accept their Gonfaloniers.

Alan Garcia has noticed the problem that is getting: what is happening in his party with the two general secretaries, and accused the government means such a difficult time like 2008, when petroaudios erupted, and a huge risk to his presidency.

So yesterday in Nana, almost levitating, wave began in biblical and harangued: "Christ was firm and strong as you have to be in life, against the hypocrites, because there is no greater sin than hypocrisy , who is presented as pure black while his soul

(Columnist's note .- The President should use other colors less racist connotations), who prays on his knees without having asked forgiveness of his brother before going to pray. " In 'good Christian', the president was saying that his party and his government are full of thieves.

why the president has taken action on two routes. The first is distance of APRA, and particularly of its two secretaries general, and especially Del Castillo, whose relationship with Vera Gutierrez described as "unfortunate coincidence, during the press conference he gave yesterday in the courtyard of the palace. Garcia has said he expects to see what decides the APRA-as if it had nothing to do with the game, then see what he does in the government. The second is to propose the acceleration of a trial for corruption by the application in these cases the new Criminal Procedure Code.

The truth is that if the president fails Garcia ERA in his attempt to distance himself from corruption soon, the government can end badly , and then I could start singing, as in the commercial so funny last BCP, "we closed the kiosk."



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