Friday, May 14, 2010

Do It Yourself Racing Cakes

Table of rain and temperatures in La Plata

ordering I found images of those folders that are a potpourri of things that interest me but fail to form a class by themselves ... This tool box of rain and average temperatures of the city of La Plata, according to the month in which we are, he says:
  • In a blue line, the lower temperatures there is often, as the year progresses
  • In red, the highest
  • And green, the average temperatures
  • addition, blue bar indicates the number of millimeters of rain.
Let's say a picture is VERY useful if one is planning a camp! Surely in April will be a good month, as temperatures are not very high and relatively little rain. In June it rains too much, but the gift you get up at dawn to pee! And finally, the camp of the long weekend October is a good chance that end-boiled!
Finally, it also serves to schedule outdoor activities like bicycle rides, exhibitions, fairs, games, etc ... (And I put it here on my blog, so I find it safe, lol).

Red Like Ringworms On My Tattoo

I'm writing ... long ago ... no end in sight, on subjects that I like and have fun.
But the urgencies of daily drag me endlessly on the banks of a short sleep and light, an interminable vigil, a click of words and signs around me that weave networks, networks, most networks ... Ahi
Mezco me, I get a nap, greeting friends, I find more things I like and I have fun and push me a click of words and signs that weave around me ...

And this myth of eternal return chant and walk, cut and paste, capture images, greeting, think ...
And anything I want to finish telling the old way is over ... and there it goes:
  • my hypothesis that the digital natives do not know what they do, in true biblical style
  • my story of a group of people who did EDUCARE, a place where emotion is awakened by very different reasons to my article marketing
  • learning how to think-learn-teachers in the mix of the Internet with the dreaded Internet searched
  • oh so true, what Walsh ...
  • ah, and oh yes, the videos with music by Pato
  • ah ah ... and compilation of poems
  • and it was not going to end this article?
  • and it was not the red notebook was feared that the script book?

scored only these few lines, omitting other purpose procastinadas and unfulfilled promises.

I do not know, secretly hoping to be putting tildecitas of "done" any day now ....

Milena Velba Kaboratory

procastinación Procastinación the "Buy failures"

(Inaugurating the tag "refritos republish, May 2010, the imminence of a bicentennial celebration that seems to be breakfast the July 9 with multiple lanes, an old entry . remains dedicated to John, my best friend, and HH, who is now also my friend)

Tremendo poster, banners, doodles in the wind with an announcement worthy of the happy man: COMPRO FAILURES, says my brain that I read in the lineup.
The pucha! I thought, then there is a type successful enough to afford to go through life buying foreign failures. Then
formed a picture in my mind that first-person account:

- Hi good afternoon ... you purchase failures?
- Yes, my friend. What I can help you?
- Well, see, I have a series of successive failures, each more portentous, that might be interested in purchasing.
- Are they original?
- the guy asks, raising his left eyebrow. (Ah, Ladino, and started the objections to bargain)
- Look, original, what is being said ... there are original. I have a failed marriage important, but the end result I would say is acceptable. A failure as a player and two as a poet. And as a tinkerer, but with those boxes demon who sold on the Easy, say it's almost a tie, rather than a failure.
- Mmm ... I'm afraid that you are the standard selling classical ... typical ... if an old, would sell their gold on Tucuman Street ... And what expected from the sale, we'll see? What I had in mind?
- Upa! ... Estemm ...... do not know. Something of money ...? (Flushing evident. I hate the blood capillaries and involuntary vasodilation)
- ANYTHING?! of! !...? money He exclaims, question, hawks do not know how did you get that odd tone in three words-"Four failures per hundred dollars you say? A relatively mundane barter, if I'm getting this right? Not even entered his head that a subject so powerful as to buy from you in return failure could provide ... say ... a success? A minute or modest success, at least?
- Wow, sorry ... no ... I had not thought ...
- No I had thought! The typical response of the losers!
begin to retreat to the door, scared to father and lord, when it closes with a bang Stephen King movie. He glanced behind the counter, because now I guess I'm in horror at the gates of Hades, a door has to have the underworld in Monte Grande, and which aim mine, I got through it in search of a business than more delirious and impossible. Will pointed tail finished the event successful? "Breath of sulfur?
- For God and the Virgin desatanudos! - brama the homeowner. Ah, no, then it is not Lucifer, sigh I do not know what relief, but my mind only reaches dicriminar stunned that Satan would not invoke God at any time.
- And Itatí Virgin and San Roque sores! - still screaming.
Now I'm scrubbed, not only was not bad, but it seems like the competition. And it is not much to negotiate, any fishing you quit, you know the secrets, I'm lost.
- I think I recall, I apologize for the confusion ... -babble with a thread of voice so thin it seems to be cut as a silk thread stale.
- That! Confusion! It is the fifth person in the same afternoon that comes with that little speech! What a generous country! But you do me the favor queriddda (says support the tongue against the incisors in the style HH) and read WELL the sign at the entrance!
Salgo. Recoil. Leo. Or try, because the buyer furious spits me without giving me time:
- BOTTLES is what I buy, girl! JARS ! For I have already failure of my own perfume company ... you clear now?
She looked pale and unkempt, the eyebrows so high they seemed to lean perdérsele on the forehead. I felt sorry for, despite the unwarranted outburst.
- Had able to buy a type failures, this is sure to be a bastard flower - said, returning to treat you, returning to his chair, his table Beretta, in search of original containers miserable where catch a whiff of success that never was.

Dedicated to John, he read in the lineup the same as me, and inspired me this crazy story.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

How To Make A Trebuchet Blueprints

REFRESHMENT WILL CLOSE? by Augusto Alvarez Rodrich

Given the imminent threat of growing corruption is uncovered ends everywhere drowning his government, President Alan Garcia has responded, first, taking safe distance from heavily stained APRA and the other, launching initiatives to interpret public opinion that he is very concerned about the rot that day by day reveals.

The saga unstoppable 'petroaudios', a bamba sale Cofopri terrenazo in less than five thousand suns when its market price was about twelve million dollars, the increasingly suspicious and very profitable relationship with Jorge del Castillo Petrolera Monterrico, including former premier buildings discovered, a TC decides very strange; projects suck as the port of Callao, or the pardon scandal / desindulto Joseph Enrique Crousillat, who first released with Trafa, then let out and now nobody searches, "are just a few expressions the APRA government corruption is very deep, much more than they are willing to accept their Gonfaloniers.

Alan Garcia has noticed the problem that is getting: what is happening in his party with the two general secretaries, and accused the government means such a difficult time like 2008, when petroaudios erupted, and a huge risk to his presidency.

So yesterday in Nana, almost levitating, wave began in biblical and harangued: "Christ was firm and strong as you have to be in life, against the hypocrites, because there is no greater sin than hypocrisy , who is presented as pure black while his soul

(Columnist's note .- The President should use other colors less racist connotations), who prays on his knees without having asked forgiveness of his brother before going to pray. " In 'good Christian', the president was saying that his party and his government are full of thieves.

why the president has taken action on two routes. The first is distance of APRA, and particularly of its two secretaries general, and especially Del Castillo, whose relationship with Vera Gutierrez described as "unfortunate coincidence, during the press conference he gave yesterday in the courtyard of the palace. Garcia has said he expects to see what decides the APRA-as if it had nothing to do with the game, then see what he does in the government. The second is to propose the acceleration of a trial for corruption by the application in these cases the new Criminal Procedure Code.

The truth is that if the president fails Garcia ERA in his attempt to distance himself from corruption soon, the government can end badly , and then I could start singing, as in the commercial so funny last BCP, "we closed the kiosk."
