Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why Is It Called Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia



Dr. Augustine Paladins

exploration of the country in a systematic and planned start in 1962 with the creation National Service of Geology. For four decades, Ecuadorian professionals with the initial cooperation of the United Nations geologists and geological after missions from England, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Japan, conducted a survey of more than 75% of the national geological map at 1: 100,000, and the basic examination and partly detailed in 26 mining projects located in different provinces. These projects now form part of the heritage of the National Mining Company, having been returned to the Ecuadorian State, through the adoption of the current Mining Law.

Also in the last two decades, some foreign firms, mainly Canadian, have made large investments in exploration for gold deposits, polymetallic and copper-molybdenum in the southern region of the country and the Sub-Andean zone. The results obtained with the discovery of new gold-silver belt and copper-molybdenum (genetically related to a continental volcanic arc of Jurassic age), are known worldwide. The most important deposits are located in the south east of the country, in the provinces of Zamora Chinchipe and Morona Santiago.
Exploration studies conducted so far show that Ecuador has a strong presence, measured metal ore, 30 million ounces of gold, 40 million ounces of silver, 30 billion pounds of copper, significant amounts of molybdenum real expectations of lead and zinc minerals. On this base metal ore in the country, it is necessary to promote a policy to produce metal to the stage of refining.

"In the operating contracts are signed, the Ecuadorian State shall require domestic and foreign companies, which share appropriate, be delivered in the form of gold bullion silver, copper and molybdenum, in order to facilitate their employment in different sectors of industry and give them added value.

irrational exploitation of nonrenewable resources

in the country so far only been explored and exploited what interested them to foreign companies: our oil, gold , silver, copper, antimony, pumice, etc., raw materials have been exported in raw form, without any added value.

However, what is worse is that despite being non-renewable resources, foreign companies exploit these resources in a greedy and unreasonable, so that large reserves of minerals and hydrocarbons were lost into the ground or were thrown into rivers, into the air and tailings.

The mining district of Portovelo-Zaruma was for 53 years 1900-1953, the most important gold district of South America (also it was during the colonial period). Initially it was the Great Zaruma Gold Mining and then the South American Development Company SADCO, the two foreign companies during that time, mines exploded in Portovelo only exceptionally gold and silver, while other associated elements such as copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, indium and germanium were thrown the tailings or the banks of the Yellow River that runs against the population.

Also, when reviewing the maps of underground work, or moves through the mine shafts, it is found that the only mineral exploited transnational high gold content, which is why 160 thousand tons of ore with high gold contents were lost underground. Similarly left untapped all oxidized ore located in the upper levels, in the oxidation zone.
Much of the holding companies engaged in small-scale miners and miners, calling it anti-technical and irrational. However, have been them, the miners, who in the past 50 years have been responsible for developing all of this mineral, it was not exploited by foreign companies, despite them whether they have technology to do so.

Regarding oil, it must be emphasized that in the initial stage of the operation of the oil fields of northeastern Ecuador, Texaco and Gulf companies, began the exploitation of our oil like crazy, without observing rates gives the technical production, especially in the Lago Agrio field. As a result of this exploitation, some wells in this field is tapered, water shifted to oil in an irreversible process, losing large amounts of oil in the ground. This issue was reported to the country in the First National Convention of Oil (1974), which led to the operating companies have to perform the operation by observing the technical rates.

Today one wonders, which stay in the country of exploitation of gold, and he's staying in the exploitation of oil.

SADC in Portovelo reported to have exploded 200 tons of gold (a figure that will never be known exactly, for she never performed the control and oversight of the company by the State). But so that the country remained mines were nearly exhausted, only in recent years have discovered new reserves, "a polluted environment and hundreds of workers tuberculosis and silicosis.

northeastern Ecuador The situation is even sadder. During the 20 years that Texaco operated in the country, managing more than 1000 million barrels of oil. During that time a larger amount of formation water contaminated with salt, chemicals and heavy metals was thrown into the environment, you have to add water after rainfall exceeds the oil pools located next to the wells. This oil-laden water streams reached and streams in the area and polluting the whole environment.

The consequences of this barbarism are suffering many of the ethnic, tribal and settlers living near the oil fields as the Cofan, Tetetes, Sequoia, Yumbos. All rivers and streams are polluted area like the environment, so gas is burned., Etc. As is known to all these atrocities committed because Texaco has been prosecuted internationally. Also

is paradoxical that the people of Shushufindi, which is located on the largest oil field we have had for the amount of reserves and production of oil, does not have potable water, sewage and like all peoples of the northeast has emerged at the edge of roads and grown without any planning and zoning.

If the current government invited foreign capital to invest in the field of hydrocarbons and mining, you must first strengthen the Regulation and Control Agencies of the hydrocarbons and mining, and especially to departments and Control control with new, specialized technical personnel, to perform the control and supervision of the activities of domestic and foreign companies are keeping our non-renewable resources and the country's sovereignty


These examples should make us reconsider all Ecuadorians, especially the agencies responsible for planning and management of the country such as Senplades, Provincial Councils, Municipalities and some ministries. In Ecuador can not repeat what happened in the mines of Portovelo, Nambija, Ponce Enriquez and Chinapintza, places where at the initial stage without any planning plastic tents were built on the sites, and then small towns that until now, no most essential services.

mining planning should be based on existing mineral reserves underground. The amount of technical reserves determines the daily and annual production of one or more minerals and the life of the reservoir.

Wealth in metallic and non-metals in the south east, allowing planning to build one or more modern cities, ecological and sustainable in the provinces of Zamora Chinchipe and Morona Santiago. In this region there are vast plains, located near the belts of mineral deposits of copper, molybdenum and gold-silver located on the western flank of the mountain range of El Condor, as well as the confluence of the rivers Zamora and Nangaritza. Cities in the jungle, as units administrative and housing, would be surrounded by national parks and reserve areas located along the rivers Zamora, Quimi, Manchinatza, Bomboiza and others, as well as natural forests located on the eastern flank of the Cordillera Real and the Cordillera Condor.

The first inhabitants of these cities must be natives of the area, belonging to the Shuar and Achuar and settlers in the region. The first, to be benefiting from mining should also be them.

metallic mineral reserves of the south east, which join the metal ore concentrates exploited in the rest the country, allow for planning the installation of a metallurgical factory, Biohydrometallurgy to produce tons of refined copper per day for 100 years or more, and another to produce 500 000 ounces of gold and 1 million ounces of silver annually for 60 years. Also in the region, is built cement factories, special concrete sewer pipes at the site of Izimanchi, two factories to produce flat glass and derivatives Huayzimi sites and Lemon Indanza and several ceramic factories and ornamental rocks spread throughout the region.

The initial amount of non-renewable resource stocks south east, has an equivalent the order of 150 billion dollars, which will provide the cities that plan, of a modern network of highways, main roads realized Puerto Bolivar, Loja-Zamora-Zaramiritza (Peru) and Zamora-Zumba-JaƩn (Peru), an international airport, a dam and a hydroelectric plant to provide potable water and energy to the mining facilities and cities, as well as modern hospitals, schools, a research institute of geological and mining-metallurgical etc., etc.
This Macro Project, which is geographically linked the provinces mentioned above, will create thousands of jobs in extraction stage, tens of thousands of jobs in the transformational stage and hundreds of thousands of jobs in marketing, distribution and use of inputs mining and other activities related to the development of the region and country. The exploitation and industrialization of these resources must be planned on a global basis, and consider this area in the south east as a new pole of development. Projects must be developed in a planned and sustained, under the centralized management of an institution.
November 10, 2009


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