Sunday, November 8, 2009

How Long Will I Live With Stage 5



By: Vicente Encalada (Eng Geologist).

The small mining businesses are served by the interconnected national grid and the five main operations of a small-scale mines, operating on the basis of power from this system and the removal or extraction depends on electric compressors, the locomotives to transport electric charging batteries, exhaust ventilation and electric blowers, drain pump uses electric and natural lighting, carbide lamps have only been to ignite fuses.

The benefit of mineral, including crushing, grinding, classification, concentration, pulp thickening and stirring up sand and tailings transport depends on electric motors from 5 HP to 80 HP (3.75 to 60 kW).

The rationing blackouts, silence the mining camps and night shifts actually flattens the silent darkness. Not just the world ... is to produce, get off "breakers" waiting for the reconnection, the novella was left half-box, hermit life does not collapse as shown by the news the next day on the perturbation of the city or think to blame the President, not by coincidence that at this time was promulgated regulations for mining and industry-friendly opening, simply because the small mining "has made itself", solving the problems of technology with incredible mills, built infrastructure and led the network access interconnected fronts cost miners (penalty pay).

Miners are unique, are "far" .... NO!. Are the same Ecuadoreans have left to survive the ideological network of dependency, just waiting for the authorities to provide hospitality. Have learned to "trust their own efforts" are freed from the fear that has led to urban middle class and poor the city to rely on government budgets and private businesses. The miners are freed from political patronage to drop various forms of aid delivery, spreading the hope of change from above.

mining work moved continuously with stable energy network system facilitates the activity to the point of having established a new bond of dependency blocking of using hydro, wind and solar, offered by the peculiar relief of the mining areas.

The mining district of Portovelo and Zaruma was activated by hydroelectric power plants of the Yellow River and El Pache, abandoned in the eighties by INECEL plans, not tried to maintain let alone expand generating capacity. This same policy pushed the abandonment of hydro generation in Piñas, including the destruction of the central mini Indanza Limón, Mendez, Sucua, Macas, and others in the Amazon area, built with great effort and few tools for religious missions, the arrival of road access did not extend the possibility of improving these projects to generate low-cost, cleaner, offered facilities for the technical office with large trucks arrived to install stationary sources of pollution diesel-burning machines and produce the modern thermoelectrics.

dependence has ideology of technocracy subtly copying and imitation, the seventies was the era of major projects, Ecuador had to follow the same track, there are many mega projects in a INECEL who died between roles also buried by the owners of the country that discovered the great business of the shortage caused by drought in summer, covered very profitably by the barges of Guayas.

The country's hydroelectric potential has become a myth like the mining potential. The multiple potential from finding the tip of the thread to unleash the ball and open the curtain on new horizons?

Now the editors and presenters of newspapers, radio and television blame the government and the government of the past, the most innovative call upon the eve of the announced change, the rains abate the discomfort, if not raining mineritos "that will do?
Ponce Enríquez, 08 November 2009.


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