Wednesday, May 20, 2009

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BS GROUP, a leader in Training in Peru International Program presents "Design of Underground Mining" in conjunction with the University of Chile, in charge of international exhibitors Raul Castro (Chile), to be issued in the city of Lima from 13 June.


The mine design is one of the key disciplines of mining engineering foundation and raises the overall architecture of the underground mine. The mine design is based on the interaction of different disciplines including but not limited mining, geology, rock mechanics, unit operations, methods of operation and the underground ventilation, with the primary objective of achieving a harmonious architecture to allow a mining operation productive, secure and efficient.


After completing this course participants will be able to understand the interrelationship between unit operations, underground methods, geomechanics and ventilation of mines, to achieve an harmonious and safe design of underground mining. In this context the course offers basic and advanced knowledge of mining engineering that support the mine design for different mining methods.


At the end of the course participants:

• Understand the distinctive characteristics of underground mining methods hard rock.
• Understand the theoretical and empirical bases that support the design of basic units of operation.
• Understand the basis for sizing of rock pillars.
• Estimate the maximum size of houses, the assessment methods of dilution and recovery of mineral reserves.
• Understand the basis for the determination of operating units based on economic variables.
• Understand the various indices for comparison of mine design.


Managers, Supervisors, Managers, Supervisors and professionals active in the mining sector enterprises, particularly in underground mining. Executive
they have in their career plans to enter this industry.
independent consultants, researchers and teachers related to the mining sector.
Mining Suppliers and customers interested in improving their knowledge of the Design and Planning in Underground Mining. CURRICULAR STRUCTURE


DAY 01: Saturday June 13, 2009

underground mine design
1. Introduction 1.1 Introduction
underground methods course
Underground Mine Design 1.1 Basic concepts in underground mine design
1.2 Main characteristics of underground mining methods
2. Rock Mechanics concepts applied to design
2.1 Properties of intact rock
2.2 Methods of classification of rock mass-discussion.

selection harvesting methods
1. Rock Mechanics concepts applied to design solid resistance
estimate 1.1 1.2 resistance structures

1.3 Esfuerzos in-situ e inducidos en excavaciones
2. Selección de métodos de explotación subterráneos
2.1 Consideraciones económicas
2.2 Consideraciones técnicas
2.3 Métodos de selección
2.4 Ejercicios de selección métodos de explotación

DIA 02: Domingo 14 de Junio del 2009

Diseño Minas explotadas por sublevel stoping
1. Métodos de explotación por sublevel stoping
1.1 Características distintivas del método
1.2 Principales parámetros de diseño
1.3 Sistemas de manejo de materiales
2. Diseño de caserones
2.1 Fundamentos del diseño 2.2 Dimensions of mansions

3. Design exercises
DAY 03: Saturday July 11, 2009 MORNING SESSION

farming methods by pillars and houses
1. Room and pillar
1.1 Description of method and mining applications
mining operations Benchmark 1.2 1.3 Mining equipment

2. Design of pillars
2.1 Background of calculation: 2.3 Estimate
tributary area of \u200b\u200bmining pillars resistance

AFTERNOON SESSION: Practical Applications

3. 3.1 Practical Applications
calculation exercises mining pillars
Exercise 3.2 Calculation of maximum light

DAY 04: Sunday, July 12, 2009 MORNING SESSION

farming methods of cut and fill
1. Cut and Fill
1.1 Description of the method of cut and fill
1.2 Benchmark mining operations
2. Design filler filler

2.1 Types 2.2 Calculation of resistance in practical exercises filled

3. Mine design software based on geomechanical

DAY 05: Saturday, August 8, 2009

MORNING SESSION: Methods for sinking

1. Massive underground exploitation methods
1.1. Description methods
1.2. Benchmark operations block / panel caving
1.3. Risk of caving operations
2. Production-level design and sinking
2.1. Distance calculation
extraction points 3. Ventilation systems in mining for sinking
Air Requirements 3.2.
ventilation typical circuits
AFTERNOON SESSION: Methods of caving

sublevels 1. Description of methods for sinking
1.1. Applications of methods for sublevels
1.2. Benchmark mining operations
design production level 2.1.
shooting diagrams 2.2. Calculating distance between sublevels
3. Exercises

practical DAY 06: Sunday, August 9, 2009 MORNING SESSION

selective mining methods in narrow veins
1. Design houses
calculation methodology 1.3. Determination of dilution and its impact on farm economy
2. Case studies and discussion topics of the course
3. Final exam


Raul Castro (Chile)
Ph.D. University of Queensland, Australia. Professor: Mining Geotechnics, Materials Handling and underground mine ventilation University of Chile. Director Academic Diploma Underground Mine Design, University de Chile. Consultant Engineer (Mining Engineering RCR). Enami - Mine Exploitation Project Panulcillo (Basic Eng.) North Codelco Chuquicamata Mine Underground (Eng Conceptual). Project Engineer, El Teniente (New Level Mina). Mining geotechnical consultant (Mina La Pepa). Ridgeway Mine Consultant SLC Australia.


Participants who successfully complete the program receive the following certification:

BS Diploma issued by the Group.
Diploma issued by the University of Chile - Department of Mining Engineering.


The program will be held in the city of Lima on 13 and 14 June 1911 and July 12, 8 and 9 August at the following times.

Saturdays from 9:00 to 13:30 hours - 15:30 to 19:00
Sundays from 9:00 to 13:30


Calle Diez Canseco 160 - Of. 301 - Miraflores
Phone (51 1) 651 2956 / (51 1) 6512245
Lima - Peru

* People register for the program and have been heard by the blog " Geology and Resources Ecuador " receive a special discount.

For more information visit:

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BS GROUP, a leader in training in Peru, presented the International "Effective Social Management for Mining" by the international exhibitor CAROL ODELL (Canada), to be issued in the city of Lima from 23 May. PRESENTATION

The quality of relationships between a company and the communities, authorities and NGOs with interests in the project are a key emerging in the risk profile of the project. This is particularly applicable in Peru, where anti-mining groups have a strong organization and strong political allies.

Most mining companies are poorly prepared to face this challenge, as their core competencies are in specialized techniques. So handle the interests of different social stakeholders strategic and effective manner, often frustrated by internal barriers of communication in a prevailing culture where budgets and schedules and scenarios to social exclusion and resentment.

However, there is increasing experience in the world of successful approaches to manage the relationship between business and stakeholders. This course offers a series of theoretical and practical, tested in Peru and other countries, to improve relations between the actors and create win-win experience for everyone. Is present, test and evaluate the implementation of these approaches to the Peruvian context based on the experience of participants.

OBJECTIVES The goals of this course are:
• Introduce community relations professionals of mining projects in Peru, using a series of analytical and practical tools to systematize and organize their work more effectively.
• Present case studies both Peruvian and foreign, and use the expertise of the participants, to land the concepts and to discuss experiences with best practices and innovative approaches.
• Use a participatory approach considering presentations, discussions and exercises to achieve a dynamic force for the development of the program.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES At the end of the course participants will:

• Conduct a basic analysis of the social risks of a mining project and an overall strategy of external relations (and surrounding departments) to handle these risks.
• Identify international best practice standards and begin using them for funding, and guiding strategies to enhance the reputation and promote effective management of the challenges facing a project.
• Use simple tools to systematize the work of relationships with communities and other stakeholders in a pro-active.
• Manage design concepts for effective strategies to inform different stakeholder groups about the project, the project's achievements and, where necessary, provide the perspective of the company effectively to the challenges it faces.
• Apply concepts for overseeing the Social EIA achieves a permit and provides a basis for social management throughout the project cycle.
• Analyze the potential impact of profit improvement programs and mitigation of impacts of a mining company at the local, regional and national economic and social sustainability and manage different indicators to measure performance.
• Know where to look for additional tools to support its external relations work. REQUIREMENTS PRE

is preferred that participants have experience in corporate management around mining projects and / or other projects of natural resource management. TARGETING

This program is aimed at executives who work in the area of \u200b\u200bCommunity Relations Management and / or External mining companies or companies that manage natural resources. CURRICULAR STRUCTURE


SESSION 1: 23 and May 24

Introduction 1. Presentations and expectations
Social Risk Management
2. The importance of social management in managing project risks.
3. Social Risk Evaluation of Mining Project
4. Design of external relations strategy (and related) to manage the risks.
Best Practices and International Standards
5. International Standards - theory, case studies of best practices and implementation.
a. Safeguarding Standards of the IMF - especially focus on: socio-environmental management, labor rights, Spills, Safety and Health communal, resettlement and indigenous peoples. B.
Ecuador Principles
c. The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
d. Initiative Extractive Industries Transparency
e. The International Code for Cyanide Management
f. Other Standards - ILO, IADB, Ruggie
g. Other Marcos Volunteers: ISO14000, ISO26000, AA1000.

SESSION 2: 6 and 7 June
Community Relations Management
1. The Importance of relationships with key stakeholders to manage social risks.
2. Community relations and project phases
3. Community relations frameworks
4. Mapping of key stakeholders in a project.
a. B. Scope

mapping techniques 5. Understanding the networks of actors
6. Stakeholder analysis and design of strategies
7. Selecting query tools and detailed strategies
8. Negotiation.
a. Approach based on the interests
b. Necessary initial conditions
Case Study Management Communication Strategy
9. Communication about the project - with different actors - success factors
a. B. Analysis
Affairs C.
Response Analysis Posts
age 10. Communication channels
a. Informal / Formal
b. C.
popular techniques Presentation techniques based on technology
d. E.
written Sox Press / Radio / TV
f. Web pages
g. Social Media
11. Risk communication / environmental issues
12. Communicating bad news.

SESSION 3: 20 and 21 June
Social Impact Study
1. The Social Impact Study - scope, process and tools
a. The consultation in the EIA
b. C. Scope
Baseline Study
i. Approaches to health data
ii. The conflict analysis
iii. Iv
cultural data. Participation in the EIA
d. Baseline projecting
i. Construction
ii. Operation
iii. The Close
iv. The post-closure
e. F.
acceptable limits Alternatives to the Project
g. H. The cumulative effects
I. Mitigation Plans
Social Management Plan
Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility
2. Sustainable Development and Mining
3. The Resource Curse - fact or myth?
4. The role of community development in mining
a. Training and recruitment
b. C. Economic Development
D. Social Development
E. Institutional Development
Impact Benefit Agreements
5. Measuring Social Outcomes of Mining. EXHIBITING

Carol Odell is running Geologist, graduated from the University of Durham, England and holds a Masters in Mining Engineering from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada aimed at integrating social considerations into the mine design process. He developed and taught courses in social management mining, mine closure and mine management at the University of British Columbia and the University of Chile in Santiago. Has nearly 10 years as a consultant and researcher in social aspects of mining and has worked with governments, banks, communities and businesses in the Americas but also some experience in projects in Africa, Europe and Asia. He currently divides his time between completing his doctoral thesis at UBC, Canada, Panama, where it forms part of a team of Monkey Forest consulting firm implementing the external relations department for a major new mining project, and Peru where he lives with his family. CERTIFICATION

BS Diploma issued by the Group.


The program will be held in the city of Lima on May 23.24 and 6, 7, 20,21 June at the following times.
Saturdays from 9:00 to 13:30 hours - 16:00 to 20:30
Sunday from 9:00 to 13:30


Calle Diez Canseco 160 - Of. 301 - Miraflores
Phone (51 1) 651 2956 / (51 1) 6512245
Lima - Peru

* People who register the program and have heard through the blog " Geology and Resources Ecuador" will un descuento especial.

Para mayor información visite:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

How Much Does Chest Waxing Cost

rex VeRa

THAT Forewarned is forearmed: This post is NOT a book review over Piscitelli. I think it already has too many commentators, and the rest, to be responsible Done.

My way of knowing nocientifico

My way to enjoy those bits of life I will seduce is a mixture of Dona Petrona C. of Gandy and Dr. House, namely, taste the ingredients, disarmed the original recipe, tweak here and there and I see out my own salsa. Or: I draw a piece alive, I analyze it a bit, I guess, try to imagine the before and after the frames that cross ... but meanwhile I do something with it. Biopsy VeRa seasoned to Rex. That is basically my way of knowing. The plan
sautéed read materials as eclectic mix old and new with uneven luck, and sometimes find gems, solutions, new questions, people, voices, footsteps forward.

Recipe biopsy of "digital natives .... blah"

  • On the cover: CLASSROOM XXI

is the first thing I came as a surprise ... to say CLASSROOM. Inevitably associated word to school, school desks, chalk. No matter what I say after st ... AULA has sufficient weight. And if anyone doubts still remain, that it was not shake or stop with the green cap of the book. You are about to open the door of a HALL, dear reader, no clicks here and there, no cartoons, no animations. I was not distracted. This is a classroom, gentlemen. No mess of noise, sh. Here comes the teacher ... (That's camperita Green is the teacher? The faux fur of Einstein? Ah, then we'll see ...)

  • children phrases at the beginning of each chapter:
phrases that have no correlation with digital life, but they are nice signs that children are ... phrases (and the kids are witty and fresh, and use words as building blocks to assemble, pure ingenuity, simplesentido always, for ever and ever)
My mom says I of small wondered why we had to eat " to lunch" rather than eat when hunger. " That all seemed deep my question. "I was great existentialist or future? I doubt it. I was a child, nothing more. Native of innocence, though. Gerunds
  • everywhere
My teachers told me that literature is not an article headed (or writing, or description, or poem, or opening sentence, no, no, no!) With a gerund.
Good "Native ..." is full, full, packed with early Gerunda. Let's see, think Doña Petrona House, think: what can occur? Preliminary conclusion: we've been sliding in recent (and anteúltimos) times to a present expanded in which, every time we tell each other "you're doing " or "what are you thinking " or " why these procastinando "(ja)
One says, in the network of conversations" managing new courses ... " or "Offline passing ..." and eye-screens, are we understand perfectly well that "being".
gerunds I forgive ... and more (see following items)

  • theory mirror
Omnipresent Mc Luhan, reappears in the book with his theory that says " move into the future looking back ." Neomedia excellent analogy for entering the educational system of the hand of society and power: a great inertia force to new languages \u200b\u200band devices to play the role of the old. I came quickly, as in mold, memory, speech salesman interactive whiteboards that highlighted the benefits of the contraption in front of a group of principals and teachers stressing that this technology "put back on center stage the teacher's voice " Skin Chicken All happy and content, phagocytes are licking advance the power disruptor of PDI.
  • Teachers
These strange and terrible beings, obnoxious and lovable, uncompromising and mangled, teachers and seduction muchisisisisimas dancing in the book. Possible actors for change, hardened spots that impede and corrode, warm, levied excused, all, like in a drugstore. Teachers challenged
appear in many corners of the reading. One of the calls that I loved most was the call to become experts in communication competence, emotional intelligence, and seduce with his speech / value / content.
When this year began classes at Educare , I asked students in 2nd, 3rd, 4th year to think a word to represent this institution where they study, that their chosen career. That while I continue to keep talking "in volatile memory " to say it at the end of my talk. " not change it, no matter if repeated ." Many said " ideas, several said" family, "someone said" opportunity, "a teacher (the beloved" commander ") said" passion. " Nobody said reading, or study or science, or paradigm. I would say that these teachers, and these future teachers are on track. And then, if the technology comes the better.
  • Ex-escrow / Im-escrow [is]
explains: I'm out. Im-explains: I have to be undeniably inside.
quote: " Most teachers are held responsible only for the explanation of the contents, not the involvement of students " Judgement
catapulted me back in several years, when I came across in my career with a rare book whose letters (font, use bold and outstanding mix of images and text fragments) were well outside reading "classical" university. The book called " Mutations in education according to Marshall McLuhan " and dates from 1975 (!) The author, a Brazilian, de Oliveira Lima, sentence appears: "The teacher is the only professional who can attribute their failure to their recipients. If the teacher fails is because the student did not study, it is never their fault "or" Schools are spending more and more multiple energies preparing students for a world that no longer exists "
This book was very reluctant among my colleagues, and The following year he retired as a teaching material. A pity.
And then, the questions are: Are teachers a caricature exacerbated the authoritative teacher of The Wall? Or a version underpaid professor of literature of the Dead Poets Society?
"Just explain why they can not do more than that? Or because it is expected of them that chew the academic contents and put them in the crop predigested for toddlers? Perhaps
walking tracks nearby. You have to tune the ear asleep.
  • Neologisms / Lenguaviviente / Verses Alexandrian
I am least likely to say this, I that I spend hitting blows to the sacred language of Don Quixote. But one of the marks in the selvage of Alexander's book is the variety and abundance of unpublished words, do not know if accepted by the RAE, but misshapen and repegadas words, gringas words interspersed with native, atrocities, cocktail of languages. Much assembly of words, much tinkering with the parentheses and hyphens (Repito. .. I am the least likely to be surprised with this ....)
But, is this: I forgive you gerunds, and also the Alexandrine verses. I do not bother, however, mitigate the pace of reading.

End of recipe

Dosage and administration: a piacere
Side effects: not yet studied or planned.
Preliminary diagnosis: Tasty.
Warning: There is a dish of quick digestion.

A phrase (sample): "E la nave va"

Does Chicken Bhuna Have Tomatoes

I know my blog is moving (skin, gut, heart)
me want to talk and tell others, perhaps less literary, more worldly, more workaholic.
But I'm here instead of opening another blog where I devour the vertigo parsimonious "keep up", to update, to visit others to gain followers. I never wanted that, and I still wanting.

This is a warning, a horrible excuse early to some visitors. What will is the style, the self-imposed condition of writing without editing ( as it fell, was ) that is both iron rule and freedom of language ("key?)

everything else can become otherwise.
Maybe not. Metamorphosis

countdown starting ... cannibal: 100, 50 ... 10, 9, 8 ... 5, 1 ...