Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hodgkins Relapse Symptoms

apprentice of heroes

As we know, there in the distant sands of mythical time, the relentless Greek citizens spend their days by agreeing on the successive versions of the parents and children, loves, passions and misfortunes of their gods and demigods.

demigods or heroes were a curious species of subjects: children, frequently mixing of gods and mortals, came to be something like certification that the Great Ones of Olympus lower deign to shop around for the underworld and then.

These demigods were distinguished by a physical trait, or for carrying an object. His genealogy is jealously hoarded, and each region had its local hero, with whom, thanks to family ties, all had some degree of kinship. The theory of six degrees of separation (even without that name) was fulfilled to the letter, because everyone wanted to be relatives of the hero, even distant relatives or relatives were poor.

The result was a great deal of identity and belonging: in this town are all relatives of Hercules (Or Theseus, or Psyche, or Achilles) and that was that.
was enough to belong to the people or the region to be a strand of that network.
not matter much whether the "About Me" and the "about my network of people."

But who knows, who knows if these dark and ignored normal inhabitants of the world and also comuncito not dream of having their 15 minutes of immortality, his invitation to the bacchanal of Olympus, even if only once .. .

This habit that I have to tie past and present ... I wondered why this practice occurs in networks in which I move.
In my neighborhood, nothing. Live more time away from my house than inside, I do not know the names of all my neighbors. If one of them was a demigod, I, as fresh.
But in the neighborhoods of the Net .. um .... let's see ...

A superanunciada the usual and death of blogs is a move anticipated inflation of egos bloggers with hundreds of devices to "capture" readers (or "pins")
To shoot content through bland repetition. Do not say anything. Say what another says add a simple "way that" (and much better if "this" is "famous" or "known", a demigod if you can ...) In

posts of the second or third round it became more important the "About Me" than the content. We began to apologize to each other by the lack of originality and we convinced each other that was just as good "share" what happened to another blogger more inspired, or more time off to go fishing on the network news, to think and disseminate their own idea.

In Facebook this trend accelerated: who are your friends? Do you have friends and acquaintances? Let's see who writes on your wall?
No matter which celebrity has accepted your application along with 27 others today (and 32 hours, and 45 in the morning ...) " The digital patch , "as Alejandro Piscitelli, appears as rashes. My little picture of 55 pixels, with 55 additional pixels democratic ... that I ... Martin Varsavsky, for example.
" I see there, there on the side?
If you see me, I am . is the mode that seems to come galloping in this new world that reinvents itself every few days out of breath.
no longer need to remember my people, my region, my illustrious ancestors. Whether gods have come down to my neighborhood to mate (which pigs) with short-lived mortals.
The neighborhood is in the clouds now. ... How well the cloud computing, we over there ... Now
valid if I happen to many I see (or read me or follow me)

demigod mark you achieved in addition in the form of Facebook, a follower on Twitter. The spot that touches you and upsets can be a label that catapults you to the right of a celebrity for a full day. A fortunate event that triggers your blog or your profile to the front page of a newspaper (that is thousands of visitors, advertisers lick with greedy relish.)

The great contemporary terror is anonymity, said William Deresiewicz in The end of loneliness (I read in the blog of Dolors ... is that we read to those who read those We read ...)
But is so new that terror?
Do not feel the humble inhabitants of Greece concrete the same distaste to go unnoticed if they had a brand of celebrity, someone you know who boast illustrious?

Who knows if these intricate cataloging of gods, demigods, heroes, nymphs, satyrs, muses .... .... uffff are not the classic advance folksonomy.

And celebrity heroes become meaningful in many ways a hybrid of God and the same people could be labeled.
You could feel fortunate to have some to do with Aphrodite, or unhappy about the same ...
Look, Princess Arachne, who was sentenced by Aphrodite, demi will never be ... but do not know what you've saved monster network, continues to work ... date satisfied.


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