Thursday, March 26, 2009

Headscissors Red Blotches

The Importance and folksonomy

This is the story of a young man who wanted to be Zen and walked the roads of the kingdom in search of a Master .... without finding ...
But while I was looking for, without discouragement ever dreamed: "zen ... I'll be walking through the clouds ... to dominate the air ..." It
one day found their way to a poor woman who happened to hear your thoughts. It was a bitter young, ambitious and unscrupulous, so artfully presented himself as someone who could teach him to be Zen and walk in the clouds, and dominate the air.
to convey course such a secret, requiring replacement of 7 years of service.
Young meekly accepted and when the seven years, humbly approached the woman and asked him to reveal the secret.
Well, she did not know at all but had gotten used to having a servant so quiet and efficient (he only thought about the perfection)
To get by, invented the excuse that it was not yet time, their soul was not purified enough in the service ... if you still interested in being zen, and walking through the clouds, and dominate the air ... should serve for seven years.
So it was. Also happened that the denial of secrecy was repeated three times.
The young man became old ... was not so good server, because of wear suffered.
was no longer a help, and soon to be a burden. For
poisonous black heart of the abuser, the agreement came to an end.
Determined to get rid of it without any mercy, after 21 years of slavery of the apprentice, had no better idea to invent a ritual. He said that the secret would be revealed if he could climb alone to the top of the tallest tree in the park.
The cheating husband pleaded for the fate of the old slave, but his claim was late, greasy cowardice and useless after so many years of cruelty.
He also, with the complicity of silence, had benefited from this situation.
But the desire of the learner was unyielding, and there was, pale and trembling, climbing the branches with difficulty, like a bird too tired.
When he reached the top .... there where the wind rocked it like a dry leaf, looked down looking for explanations.
- " You let go of the branches!" - Cried the woman
- " do not want to die like that innocent" - husband groaned, covering her face with her hands.
The apprentice did not think twice and spread his hands gnarled twigs punished nearly transparent which clung. He hesitated only a moment, blinked ... Then I discovered with surprise that I was able to walk among the clouds ... and dominate the air ...
With lazy joy began to walk away, gently tearing the silence of panic that had gripped the throats of his two guards.
followed by the sky getting lighter and smaller.
fully diluted Before the clouds, they say he turned and said:
"Thank you both for this wonderful school ..."

And here's the only secret: that there is no magic, no secret that the will makes us learn lessons from the toughest situations and examples of the most execrable ... .

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hodgkins Relapse Symptoms

apprentice of heroes

As we know, there in the distant sands of mythical time, the relentless Greek citizens spend their days by agreeing on the successive versions of the parents and children, loves, passions and misfortunes of their gods and demigods.

demigods or heroes were a curious species of subjects: children, frequently mixing of gods and mortals, came to be something like certification that the Great Ones of Olympus lower deign to shop around for the underworld and then.

These demigods were distinguished by a physical trait, or for carrying an object. His genealogy is jealously hoarded, and each region had its local hero, with whom, thanks to family ties, all had some degree of kinship. The theory of six degrees of separation (even without that name) was fulfilled to the letter, because everyone wanted to be relatives of the hero, even distant relatives or relatives were poor.

The result was a great deal of identity and belonging: in this town are all relatives of Hercules (Or Theseus, or Psyche, or Achilles) and that was that.
was enough to belong to the people or the region to be a strand of that network.
not matter much whether the "About Me" and the "about my network of people."

But who knows, who knows if these dark and ignored normal inhabitants of the world and also comuncito not dream of having their 15 minutes of immortality, his invitation to the bacchanal of Olympus, even if only once .. .

This habit that I have to tie past and present ... I wondered why this practice occurs in networks in which I move.
In my neighborhood, nothing. Live more time away from my house than inside, I do not know the names of all my neighbors. If one of them was a demigod, I, as fresh.
But in the neighborhoods of the Net .. um .... let's see ...

A superanunciada the usual and death of blogs is a move anticipated inflation of egos bloggers with hundreds of devices to "capture" readers (or "pins")
To shoot content through bland repetition. Do not say anything. Say what another says add a simple "way that" (and much better if "this" is "famous" or "known", a demigod if you can ...) In

posts of the second or third round it became more important the "About Me" than the content. We began to apologize to each other by the lack of originality and we convinced each other that was just as good "share" what happened to another blogger more inspired, or more time off to go fishing on the network news, to think and disseminate their own idea.

In Facebook this trend accelerated: who are your friends? Do you have friends and acquaintances? Let's see who writes on your wall?
No matter which celebrity has accepted your application along with 27 others today (and 32 hours, and 45 in the morning ...) " The digital patch , "as Alejandro Piscitelli, appears as rashes. My little picture of 55 pixels, with 55 additional pixels democratic ... that I ... Martin Varsavsky, for example.
" I see there, there on the side?
If you see me, I am . is the mode that seems to come galloping in this new world that reinvents itself every few days out of breath.
no longer need to remember my people, my region, my illustrious ancestors. Whether gods have come down to my neighborhood to mate (which pigs) with short-lived mortals.
The neighborhood is in the clouds now. ... How well the cloud computing, we over there ... Now
valid if I happen to many I see (or read me or follow me)

demigod mark you achieved in addition in the form of Facebook, a follower on Twitter. The spot that touches you and upsets can be a label that catapults you to the right of a celebrity for a full day. A fortunate event that triggers your blog or your profile to the front page of a newspaper (that is thousands of visitors, advertisers lick with greedy relish.)

The great contemporary terror is anonymity, said William Deresiewicz in The end of loneliness (I read in the blog of Dolors ... is that we read to those who read those We read ...)
But is so new that terror?
Do not feel the humble inhabitants of Greece concrete the same distaste to go unnoticed if they had a brand of celebrity, someone you know who boast illustrious?

Who knows if these intricate cataloging of gods, demigods, heroes, nymphs, satyrs, muses .... .... uffff are not the classic advance folksonomy.

And celebrity heroes become meaningful in many ways a hybrid of God and the same people could be labeled.
You could feel fortunate to have some to do with Aphrodite, or unhappy about the same ...
Look, Princess Arachne, who was sentenced by Aphrodite, demi will never be ... but do not know what you've saved monster network, continues to work ... date satisfied.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Infequshone In The Pi

simple life not is simple

I like some songs that do not like anyone. I understand that one of them is "Generations", a theme dear Silvio. I especially like the part that counts:
The old is too old, his beard is blue,
the child is very young, his smile still intact,
and play the world, history, common life ... ....

An old, a grandfather, of course, playing with a child, that I can think of your grandson, or rather, great-grandson, playing to life. It is an evocative image, an image capable of causing nostalgia up to what we never had. This game will not need all that much, because they play to the world and the world is full of things, everywhere you look. In a space-time met certain liberties, certain minimum conditions insured, play is the language par excellence of children, especially when the laughter is still intact.

My memories of childhood play are glued to the voices of my three brothers and the indefinite number of cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, we have had, to many alternatives that were at the home garden, trees, the wooden cart as soon as we was too small, some plastic toys, cloth, wood. I had a favorite dog, but left her grandmother's house Nene, a hard plastic dog cradling or impossible to change position, but I adored her and called Tatun. And no wonder why it was a puppy and not dog or . The toys have their own temperaments, not create ...
My children were born in a golden age of toys, I guess. The shelves of major toy stores have a variety of deals that only come to see is an afternoon stroll.
is true that objects are fools and that "play themselves" (as he complains, to anyone who'll listen, old man) But there are wonderful things, materials noble, strong, brilliant, manipulative and inviting to the imagination.

remember like it was yesterday (ay!) Pato, a few months, less than a year, trying to make a Telefonito full of gadgets to make the sound again. He was playing with things that mimic the real world: a world of buttons, lights, sounds, buttons, antennas ... Also played with sticks, bugs, rocks, boxes.
At thirteen, has become expert in some Playstation games. Pato, like many other kids his age and background, remains a misunderstood love affair with video games. Mothers usually have one of two reactions to the idylls of our children: indifference or jealousy. Mine was indifference.
In the early days of rage, had tried to "engage" with the game and I was bored to death. So when Duck tells me that he discovered that such tricks or friend made this record, I nod my head trying to look as I understand, whereas before my eyes I see a scene that deserves to be subtitled (so I understand! )
Well, one of these days I sat with him to see a game of construction: sims.
At one point the game stopped (Pato "lost command of Sim" ) and I suggest ocuriĆ³ activate another command: it turned out. That suggestion gave me the password to enter the game, and I took one of the two " sims" (a small, disheveled hair, slim, Pato had customized a while before)

Well The sequence went like this:
  • First time: I looked helplessly Pato to make your sim walk, go to the house, take a leap. Pato imitate everything done and as a result ... sims kiss! And there are two men! Horrified by the advanced gay "my" sim, Pato gives me two or three tips for me to go to another part of the house and keep me busy snogged dangerous.
  • Second time: The game becomes more complex, more characters that will arise for attention. I strive to maintain the values \u200b\u200bof my character in the Balance: I do eat, sleep, bathing, with military precision. Duck manages to connect with newcomers, not in what he's s ... I concentrated on my own.
  • Third time: Pato see my values, everything is smooth and controlled, long a concern suddenly "uh, yours is better than mine ... "I can not their anguish now, I'm overwhelmed in response to my sim who eats, sleeps, poops, bathes, takes out the garbage, buying meat. UF! only survive and I have very busy ! Abandonment ... stresses me! not I enjoy it!
  • Fourth moment: Duck tells me something about the screen and just realized that was divided and each has its half. (I lost sight of the rest ...!) game sim Duck shows up with a guitar in hand. And let me know, incidentally, that became the girl's boyfriend with tight jeans (and that? "when it happened? ) I wonder how he did it because I could not more than meet the minimum, and I drove an analysis that I can give it to any therapist that he wanted to understand in these 45 years
"is that you try too hard to keep everything in balance"

So that was : I tried to keep . He, change.
My style works but does not result in anything new, and paradoxically, the more stable character, the more boring the game. Pato endanger your sim, it takes the edge of insomnia, let it fill with flies not bathe ... but you gain a guitar. The game is rich.

I took that lesson playing "the simple life." Finally, not playing is simple.
But eventually I got bored, I looked for a book of CF and I got a few mates.
Pato also got bored after a while. The difference is that when I got bored of playing, he left.

to continue playing.