Wednesday, December 23, 2009



DISEÑARTE , originally uploaded by Wilson_Graphic ® .

that ... DISEÑARTE

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why Is It Called Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia



Dr. Augustine Paladins

exploration of the country in a systematic and planned start in 1962 with the creation National Service of Geology. For four decades, Ecuadorian professionals with the initial cooperation of the United Nations geologists and geological after missions from England, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Japan, conducted a survey of more than 75% of the national geological map at 1: 100,000, and the basic examination and partly detailed in 26 mining projects located in different provinces. These projects now form part of the heritage of the National Mining Company, having been returned to the Ecuadorian State, through the adoption of the current Mining Law.

Also in the last two decades, some foreign firms, mainly Canadian, have made large investments in exploration for gold deposits, polymetallic and copper-molybdenum in the southern region of the country and the Sub-Andean zone. The results obtained with the discovery of new gold-silver belt and copper-molybdenum (genetically related to a continental volcanic arc of Jurassic age), are known worldwide. The most important deposits are located in the south east of the country, in the provinces of Zamora Chinchipe and Morona Santiago.
Exploration studies conducted so far show that Ecuador has a strong presence, measured metal ore, 30 million ounces of gold, 40 million ounces of silver, 30 billion pounds of copper, significant amounts of molybdenum real expectations of lead and zinc minerals. On this base metal ore in the country, it is necessary to promote a policy to produce metal to the stage of refining.

"In the operating contracts are signed, the Ecuadorian State shall require domestic and foreign companies, which share appropriate, be delivered in the form of gold bullion silver, copper and molybdenum, in order to facilitate their employment in different sectors of industry and give them added value.

irrational exploitation of nonrenewable resources

in the country so far only been explored and exploited what interested them to foreign companies: our oil, gold , silver, copper, antimony, pumice, etc., raw materials have been exported in raw form, without any added value.

However, what is worse is that despite being non-renewable resources, foreign companies exploit these resources in a greedy and unreasonable, so that large reserves of minerals and hydrocarbons were lost into the ground or were thrown into rivers, into the air and tailings.

The mining district of Portovelo-Zaruma was for 53 years 1900-1953, the most important gold district of South America (also it was during the colonial period). Initially it was the Great Zaruma Gold Mining and then the South American Development Company SADCO, the two foreign companies during that time, mines exploded in Portovelo only exceptionally gold and silver, while other associated elements such as copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, indium and germanium were thrown the tailings or the banks of the Yellow River that runs against the population.

Also, when reviewing the maps of underground work, or moves through the mine shafts, it is found that the only mineral exploited transnational high gold content, which is why 160 thousand tons of ore with high gold contents were lost underground. Similarly left untapped all oxidized ore located in the upper levels, in the oxidation zone.
Much of the holding companies engaged in small-scale miners and miners, calling it anti-technical and irrational. However, have been them, the miners, who in the past 50 years have been responsible for developing all of this mineral, it was not exploited by foreign companies, despite them whether they have technology to do so.

Regarding oil, it must be emphasized that in the initial stage of the operation of the oil fields of northeastern Ecuador, Texaco and Gulf companies, began the exploitation of our oil like crazy, without observing rates gives the technical production, especially in the Lago Agrio field. As a result of this exploitation, some wells in this field is tapered, water shifted to oil in an irreversible process, losing large amounts of oil in the ground. This issue was reported to the country in the First National Convention of Oil (1974), which led to the operating companies have to perform the operation by observing the technical rates.

Today one wonders, which stay in the country of exploitation of gold, and he's staying in the exploitation of oil.

SADC in Portovelo reported to have exploded 200 tons of gold (a figure that will never be known exactly, for she never performed the control and oversight of the company by the State). But so that the country remained mines were nearly exhausted, only in recent years have discovered new reserves, "a polluted environment and hundreds of workers tuberculosis and silicosis.

northeastern Ecuador The situation is even sadder. During the 20 years that Texaco operated in the country, managing more than 1000 million barrels of oil. During that time a larger amount of formation water contaminated with salt, chemicals and heavy metals was thrown into the environment, you have to add water after rainfall exceeds the oil pools located next to the wells. This oil-laden water streams reached and streams in the area and polluting the whole environment.

The consequences of this barbarism are suffering many of the ethnic, tribal and settlers living near the oil fields as the Cofan, Tetetes, Sequoia, Yumbos. All rivers and streams are polluted area like the environment, so gas is burned., Etc. As is known to all these atrocities committed because Texaco has been prosecuted internationally. Also

is paradoxical that the people of Shushufindi, which is located on the largest oil field we have had for the amount of reserves and production of oil, does not have potable water, sewage and like all peoples of the northeast has emerged at the edge of roads and grown without any planning and zoning.

If the current government invited foreign capital to invest in the field of hydrocarbons and mining, you must first strengthen the Regulation and Control Agencies of the hydrocarbons and mining, and especially to departments and Control control with new, specialized technical personnel, to perform the control and supervision of the activities of domestic and foreign companies are keeping our non-renewable resources and the country's sovereignty


These examples should make us reconsider all Ecuadorians, especially the agencies responsible for planning and management of the country such as Senplades, Provincial Councils, Municipalities and some ministries. In Ecuador can not repeat what happened in the mines of Portovelo, Nambija, Ponce Enriquez and Chinapintza, places where at the initial stage without any planning plastic tents were built on the sites, and then small towns that until now, no most essential services.

mining planning should be based on existing mineral reserves underground. The amount of technical reserves determines the daily and annual production of one or more minerals and the life of the reservoir.

Wealth in metallic and non-metals in the south east, allowing planning to build one or more modern cities, ecological and sustainable in the provinces of Zamora Chinchipe and Morona Santiago. In this region there are vast plains, located near the belts of mineral deposits of copper, molybdenum and gold-silver located on the western flank of the mountain range of El Condor, as well as the confluence of the rivers Zamora and Nangaritza. Cities in the jungle, as units administrative and housing, would be surrounded by national parks and reserve areas located along the rivers Zamora, Quimi, Manchinatza, Bomboiza and others, as well as natural forests located on the eastern flank of the Cordillera Real and the Cordillera Condor.

The first inhabitants of these cities must be natives of the area, belonging to the Shuar and Achuar and settlers in the region. The first, to be benefiting from mining should also be them.

metallic mineral reserves of the south east, which join the metal ore concentrates exploited in the rest the country, allow for planning the installation of a metallurgical factory, Biohydrometallurgy to produce tons of refined copper per day for 100 years or more, and another to produce 500 000 ounces of gold and 1 million ounces of silver annually for 60 years. Also in the region, is built cement factories, special concrete sewer pipes at the site of Izimanchi, two factories to produce flat glass and derivatives Huayzimi sites and Lemon Indanza and several ceramic factories and ornamental rocks spread throughout the region.

The initial amount of non-renewable resource stocks south east, has an equivalent the order of 150 billion dollars, which will provide the cities that plan, of a modern network of highways, main roads realized Puerto Bolivar, Loja-Zamora-Zaramiritza (Peru) and Zamora-Zumba-Jaén (Peru), an international airport, a dam and a hydroelectric plant to provide potable water and energy to the mining facilities and cities, as well as modern hospitals, schools, a research institute of geological and mining-metallurgical etc., etc.
This Macro Project, which is geographically linked the provinces mentioned above, will create thousands of jobs in extraction stage, tens of thousands of jobs in the transformational stage and hundreds of thousands of jobs in marketing, distribution and use of inputs mining and other activities related to the development of the region and country. The exploitation and industrialization of these resources must be planned on a global basis, and consider this area in the south east as a new pole of development. Projects must be developed in a planned and sustained, under the centralized management of an institution.
November 10, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How Long Will I Live With Stage 5



By: Vicente Encalada (Eng Geologist).

The small mining businesses are served by the interconnected national grid and the five main operations of a small-scale mines, operating on the basis of power from this system and the removal or extraction depends on electric compressors, the locomotives to transport electric charging batteries, exhaust ventilation and electric blowers, drain pump uses electric and natural lighting, carbide lamps have only been to ignite fuses.

The benefit of mineral, including crushing, grinding, classification, concentration, pulp thickening and stirring up sand and tailings transport depends on electric motors from 5 HP to 80 HP (3.75 to 60 kW).

The rationing blackouts, silence the mining camps and night shifts actually flattens the silent darkness. Not just the world ... is to produce, get off "breakers" waiting for the reconnection, the novella was left half-box, hermit life does not collapse as shown by the news the next day on the perturbation of the city or think to blame the President, not by coincidence that at this time was promulgated regulations for mining and industry-friendly opening, simply because the small mining "has made itself", solving the problems of technology with incredible mills, built infrastructure and led the network access interconnected fronts cost miners (penalty pay).

Miners are unique, are "far" .... NO!. Are the same Ecuadoreans have left to survive the ideological network of dependency, just waiting for the authorities to provide hospitality. Have learned to "trust their own efforts" are freed from the fear that has led to urban middle class and poor the city to rely on government budgets and private businesses. The miners are freed from political patronage to drop various forms of aid delivery, spreading the hope of change from above.

mining work moved continuously with stable energy network system facilitates the activity to the point of having established a new bond of dependency blocking of using hydro, wind and solar, offered by the peculiar relief of the mining areas.

The mining district of Portovelo and Zaruma was activated by hydroelectric power plants of the Yellow River and El Pache, abandoned in the eighties by INECEL plans, not tried to maintain let alone expand generating capacity. This same policy pushed the abandonment of hydro generation in Piñas, including the destruction of the central mini Indanza Limón, Mendez, Sucua, Macas, and others in the Amazon area, built with great effort and few tools for religious missions, the arrival of road access did not extend the possibility of improving these projects to generate low-cost, cleaner, offered facilities for the technical office with large trucks arrived to install stationary sources of pollution diesel-burning machines and produce the modern thermoelectrics.

dependence has ideology of technocracy subtly copying and imitation, the seventies was the era of major projects, Ecuador had to follow the same track, there are many mega projects in a INECEL who died between roles also buried by the owners of the country that discovered the great business of the shortage caused by drought in summer, covered very profitably by the barges of Guayas.

The country's hydroelectric potential has become a myth like the mining potential. The multiple potential from finding the tip of the thread to unleash the ball and open the curtain on new horizons?

Now the editors and presenters of newspapers, radio and television blame the government and the government of the past, the most innovative call upon the eve of the announced change, the rains abate the discomfort, if not raining mineritos "that will do?
Ponce Enríquez, 08 November 2009.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Why I Wore Red Lipstick Shirt



By: Vicente Encalada (Engineering Geologist)

After approval of the Legislative Committee in January 2009 Mining Law according to the new constitutional principles of 2008, the mining started pending the promulgation of the regulation according to the legal structure of Ecuador is responsible to the Presidency of the Republic, was the term very loosely be exceeded more than four months of law, without appearing the above and longed regulation.

Good news! President Rafael Correa breaks the tedious waiting with great force in the week of 20 to 24 October, introduced on the public agenda the discussion of mining issues, begins with a visit to the self-titled first canton Ponce Enríquez mining, surveying underground workings mining company Golden League; attends the Zamora province where local authorities and the population is polarized with respect to mining and culminates with Saturday's media chain.

Clearly the President expressed the government's decision to promote mineral development over the opposition of his former allies, environmentalists and some social movements, stating that Ecuador is a country with mining and among other arguments reminiscent of the paradoxical statement attributed to Mr. Humboldt ¨ Ecuador is a poor country sitting on a gold bench ¨ (In Peru, says the German scholar made the same claim on the country), expressed surprise at the large number of occupation generated by small-scale and artisanal mining and social immobility of the sector against opponents that few but very skilled estimated to assemble protest rallies. Committed government involvement in training and development bank credits to artisanal and small scale, in order to make responsible mining without contamination and without affecting in particular the sources of water, even loudly ordered the brand new sectoral Secretary , close a mine to meet the demand of a delegation of the site's Lopez.

resorted to the argument of lack of technology edge to explain the "smart" government decision to encourage the entry of foreign firms until the new State mining company created to acquire the relevant technical skills and can operate autonomously, but did not indicate the areas or sites of "bank gold "would be reserved for this entity.

The President has been very direct in supporting the exploitation of gold deposits of the Northern Fruit Association Aurelian - Kinross (the advertised discovery world's biggest miner of 2008), as a curiosity to learn the business of roles in stock it is recommended to revise the price change and stock movement of these companies during the past two years.
The forum opened by President Correa in the Ponce was interesting the complaint made by a "mine" about the exorbitant rates of contribution for the holders of concessions for the San Gerardo (Ponce Enriquez) charge to operating units , - which there is a true partnership mining. This issue was also responsible for resolving the Carolina Mr. Bernal, a professional who replaces the Secretary for Mines Dr. Jose Serrano, currently President of the famous Anti Corruption Commission of Government. It is worth remembering that the mining of San Gerardo was closed for environmental violations, on the eve general election (June 2009) by Dr. Jose Serrano, then reopened a plant in order for constitutional protection to not having followed "due process" and now all work is in full operation by decision of the new official .
is commendable attitude of government to define its position on the controversial mining issue, even when the indigenous social movement after a lifting test, very cautiously accepts discuss the water issue that has entwined with mining.
It should raise a warning flag to clarify the government and the public that the "gold mine" is to be built and will only be true when you count mine sites of proven reserves sufficient and bankable studies approved, ready to support a large-scale industrial process, the four or five mineral deposits deemed more feasible to produce a short time (four years ) will not generate significant resources to change the national macroeconomy. There is much skill on the part of companies to announce figures in hundreds of billions of dollars without telling the billions of dollars it will cost to operate and benefit the mineral, forgetting the production period, while very important parameter in mineral economics and public finance. Today in global mining projects are considered major gold mining stocks which have more than 3 million ounces and copper projects with a higher production rate to 100,000 tons daily. (In Peru are on the waiting list projects porphyry copper mine more than 200,000 tons a day).
recognition and support for small-scale mining, does justice to a sector that is injecting wealth upward from local communities and creating employment for thousands of Ecuadorians mass with little potential for being unskilled labor. For the first time a President recognizes and makes a decision to train and fund this unique productive mining, processing plant in an environmentally and socially responsible industry.
President Correa announced a strict challenge away with the use of mercury from gold mining, Salta conservative response: impossible! But if we remember that in the Inca and early colonial times was used ovens and methods huayras. If this historical fact is added to existing techniques with different methods of gravity concentration machines, simple techniques of acid leaching and torches that can easily reach high temperatures, then you may not use mercury to recover gold and native bulk solution is in the hands of professionals and practical miners.
Train a productive sector that has been built also, adding to everyday experiences, needs a lot of technical skill, social and educational programs and long-term persistent, we are all responsible for changing the small-scale mining, we a single force to position the Ecuadorian mining as a productive sector responsible.
Making Ecuadorian mining coordinated efforts may contribute to the national macro economy but let's not much hope that oil will replace the figures in the national GDP.
President Correa has given strong encouragement to mining miners is now time to respond with corrective actions for responsible mining accepted by communities and citizens.
promoters industrial mining should be further research in the field, develop feasibility studies and bankable projects, promote their projects hopefully not go beyond the truth and act responsibly away from the social and political manipulation.
small-scale miners must appropriate training, methodologies and techniques to adopt environmentally friendly and act responsibly as members of local communities and not as strangers in search of adventure wealth as the only trophy.

Look mining with optimism and objectivity!
Quito, October 2009.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Can I Put A Refrigerators In Closet

Fruta del Norte project - Ecuador


The Fruta del Norte deposit, the company Kinross Gold Corporation, is located south east of Ecuador, in an extension of 95.000 hectares, known as the Condor project. Kinross acquired 100% of the project on September 30, 2008 the company Aurelian Resources Inc.

Fruta del Norte Technical Report

Halle Berry Short Hairstyle In Catwoman

deselected Kinross Gold mining CEO May Be perfect storm in price dynamics

Kinross President, is encouraged by the momentum that President Correa gives mining, talks about the importance of the Fruta del Norte deposit, and anticipates an upward trend in gold prices.

See full here.

Can You Get Herpes On Your Stomach?

International expert warns risks of mining exploration in Venezuela, Ecuador, Russia


In conference in Eritrea, Africa, the expert Brent Cook warns of the dangers of mining investment in several countries, including Ecuador.

Read more here .

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Improving Hot Wate Bottle Mottled Skin

I want to be summer ...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Removing Sony Stereo Without Removal Clips?

September 11, the day of ... Moving Cloud

"September howls still chilling their double balance Everything happens one day by such hatred. And the same angel that in Chile there was bombing President sees the two towers with thousands falling unforgettably " (*)

fue.Clavado is so in memory.
Of those anniversaries that do not require notice, because they are rooted in the conscience or because all this talk about the previous days.

I do not know how many people were aware that September 11 was the bloodiest attack in Chile that overthrew President Allende, to install a long horror of persecution, torture, silence ... an unfortunate story that is told over and over again in our hit Latin America.
But I know that millions around the world remind us that September 11 "fallen towers." We breakfasted
image thick white smoke rising in foamed outrageous anger, bubbling madness from those buildings that should be untouchable.
We saw ad nauseam, ad nauseam. Were repeated for hours, days, months, replicated accompanying stories of dedicated firefighters of New York, stories of survivors, neoleyendas photo found in the ruins, speeches of leaders, opportunists, messiah ... all gathered in front of an adhesive the amazement of the evidence.
I recently did an exercise, rather a game with a group of teachers, showing a succession of images on a video of Linkin Park. Then they were asked to jot down everything they could remember of what is seen. 90%, in the list, put "twin towers" when in reality what they saw was the image of a demolition.
It has been so persistent and so intrusive message that until we see where even they are.

Yo, I admit, I do not remember the date that the U.S. bombed Iraq, with the complacency and silence of many governments, they were horrified and sympathized that during the 9-11 tragedy. I have no mental images smoke in Iraq, their children destroyed as worthless toys, their wives sobbing with their foreheads resting on charred walls of the pain of irreparable rupture. It "was not" on TV, there were no masses, or moments of silence, or posthumous monuments of light in empty space.
When the two planes, loaded with blind hatred, it must be said rammed towers ... bubble burst, fired more than a murderer fire, dislocated and put upside down the very meaning of the number crystallized around 9-11, the number savior, the SOS series of good and diligent police officers and helped build a new myth, a new flag agitar.Plantaron scaffolding for new excuses to justify who knows what new invasions.

And of course, our day loaded teacher.

What is 11? " The day of the twin towers " says eight out of ten kids (I ask this same young Chileans, just for curiosity how many out of ten, I will say that the day the coup overthrew Allende ...)

True, Sarmiento is not nice or marketer. Teachers' Day is a bizarre mixture of grupete of "breasts" that September 11 and pizzerias crammed racks, with union claims. A mixture of concepts star (hits, ethereal, beyond confrontation) with challenges to the role, task, title, exercise ...
Teacher's Day is a civic celebration. It is not a democratic nor a happy celebration of the word. (Pen, the sword.)
In fact we separated, from within the profession, hygienically, stupidly, on the day of the teacher's teacher.

But what the hell ... I want the September 11th remains the day of the teacher, not the day of the towers!

course, I understand that my desire is doomed to fail most miserably. Will I have a vocation for a number of proposals that touch sterility.

But if it's desires ... I also want to let me count the pains of the people of New York. If we are to mourn dead unfair llorésmolos everyone. Everyone ... everyone.
At 3 thousand of the towers, the 35 thousand creatures, that same 9-11 died of hunger in the world, the hundred thousand? "Six hundred thousand? A million? killed in Iraq ... (when the amount will be considered sufficient?)
face of such figures, confirmation and a corollary of human stupidity, the debate in Argentina on the timing are chosen coincident with the deaths of the characters memorable, (not life) is almost anecdotal. And in

plan to ask the impossible:

... would like the September 11 has taught you something to Chile, and that learning does not give up because he has paid dearly
that 11
... September has been taught something to the United States, ice hit in the kidney of pampered city, which serves to warn and sisters, and not increase the locks. More locks are useless if the thief is inside your own home.

... that on 11 September in Argentina, is still remembered as the day the teacher, a day for gratitude and memory.

(*) Excerpt from "Date with Angels" by Silvio Rodriguez

Sunday, August 23, 2009

When Are You Most Sensitive Around Mestruation

SI! got it! Lidia
a bit ... and is still a little crooked ... but here we go with the mobile tag. Webmaster
With Deluxe

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Super Hit Unrated Movies

Pests of indifference

remember vividly my sense of disgust and discomfort while reading a Houellebecq in her gentle, exasperating, agonizing description of a future human clones plugged into their terminals, alone in the midst of an eternal and perpetual connection, attached to the horrible mandate to continue being themselves, through screens always available, but always symmetrically alone.

This can not be a good foresight, I said. This bleak future of technology by creating false company, I think not, I would not sell it because it is a bitter French ... to come to America a bit, to represent him teach the benefits of touching, patting his back, to embrace of human crowding of the field, spontaneous communion Each week we when we were like sheep stranded in a train car.

future Along with this memory knotted the invective of a priest not cool, refined it, good oratory, fluid vocabulary (well, the priests have enough leisure time to read the books they like, the least they can do is to be learned something).

The sermon came to mind the resurgence of AIDS in the world. AIDS came with case, even in the speech. Like saying the Devil or Lucifer or Al Qaeda.

"What else is this but a punishment from God to the derangement in promiscuity and sexual mores? Today no one thinks of marriage, fidelity, partner for life, not live, in the midst of a permanent license, misbehaved like dogs ... "

And, like dogs.
dehumanized by the scandal, insisting punished for giving bites at the apple. Dogs. We were dogs.

blow on the head, heart, illusion. Us (we were young then) and we had a joyful feelings horizon, a promise of laughter, and flexible bodies and kisses and love. No: we had a prior conviction, a future of disease and death. Both

wait to enjoy the sex, it appears AIDS ...!
At first (in the style Niemoller) did not matter because he was a queer thing of subnormal, was the fever rose. Then there was no problem: in Argentina, we were all so normalitos so comilfó say Cortázar, as prolijitos after kicks to the head of the dictatorship. How many gay Argentines die of AIDS? Na, a few.

But, horror of horrors the thing beyond followed.
virus, retrovirus, the damn mutant did not deign to come from space (this would have been the twentieth century, at least) greedy and rude, mocking, disastrous killer ... it poured as a full-fledged fever.

And so we live, as the exile of free love, flowerpower as the execution of a deadly silencing hack contact, generating its new stigmatized black vomit ... passing
There is much talk, much AZT, pretty much trading against discrimination, a lot of explaining geneticist with computer graphics and slogan phrases this spread but not what, if-da, da-not that selfless and free love may be the best remedy, no cocktail saved if there is a hand that rests on the shoulder of the wearer of the bell of AIDS.

And then when it seemed that the priest of the conviction sentence was hopelessly crazy dogmatism, when the Frenchman twisted predictions are tentatively beginning to splinter, and to cover that fat capita translucent autumn of forgetting those freckles ... then the fever reappeared influenza . That

unromantic. What a lack of charm, a flu die, release the mucus froth life, having the flu whose name even to laugh at, that swine flu, what little charm ... what little dignity ...

But worst of this plague reemerging not so much against such maneuvers do not get it . Ridiculous, absurd, laughable: we stop cohabiting getting sick from AIDS, and end contracting influenza virus. It's a bad joke, is like marrying a witch ...

To avoid falling into the abyss, so that germs do not take ownership of our guts and our lungs howling, we entrench ourselves in an unnatural untouchability. Do not touch. No kiss. Do not eat together. Do not drink mate. Not met, that there is much to talk about. Moving, gentlemen, moving.

Something went wrong again and then march, with our history books and our reviews of pests, the new exile from the beloved feelings of proximity, avoiding suspicion, looking with suspicion any human can be a vial of poison to another human being, a bearer of pain, fever, insecurity, dry cough of death.

We salute from afar, and soon we will stop doing that, lest the air, the energy in his eyes, which focus attention on

... I do not think the same case had plotted evil with such sinister plans . Dehumanize us, make us dogs, pigs become, become fearful of each other beings, incapable of caring, without a sense of pride.

We have everything, but pests and breakfast corrupt our intangible treasures, for they are neither more nor less than that indifference pests.

I'm tempted to send back to Homer in time with his toaster time machine.
That is, you go and then, two, ten, CIENMIL more times, until that threaten in a world where love is not ill, where the contact does not put you at risk, where they again piled on the night, smelling and human brotherhood , trembling with emotion, some low fire where cooking, slowly, slowly, the soup of civilization.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Adward Winningjello Chocolate Chip Cookies



try to adapt the essay "The broken window fallacy" written by Frederic Bastiat, a real case of the society (in order to create discussion)

By: Francisco Encalada

In a country abundant wealth, one day a group of people with few opportunities for improvement found in mining (small scale or artisanal) a way to survive. Then they began to dig holes in the ground without much art, in order to obtain Gold This altered the lives of other people who were near the area of \u200b\u200binfluence, which in Most were engaged in agriculture, which is why the rivers used as feedstock for their crop was contaminated.

is when people (many of them just curious) began to philosophize about the fact and said that after all this misfortune may have its good side: people who had no growth opportunities (many of them uneducated) found in mining a way to survive.

produce miners How? "100 sucres (national currency)? Able is not hard to meet the needs of individuals. But what if there were no mining? What about the miners?

100 sucres The miners would have more to spend on your needs and might have more money in the economy so that others spend those 100 sucres and so on.
The "broken window", will be generating money and jobs in a spiral and people conclude, then, that mining far from being a threat to society, has become a benefit for everyone!

So far everything seems fine, but looking at it from another perspective the following happens
While mining means more income for people to meet their needs What about other people, in this case with the farmers?

If there is sufficient water for irrigation, farmers would be 100 sucres less for their expenditures on clothing (or anything else that would want to acquire), because it would have to invest more money getting water.

So far we only have the prospect of 2 parts of society involved, the miner and farmer.

If we see the farmer and member of society, lose the ability to meet their needs, ie in this sense: it has been depleted (no something I needed). In addition, the profit obtained by the miner, is not nothing but the loss is now the tailor (who sells clothing to the farmer). On this side no new "jobs" has been created. This forgetfulness

precisely because the tailor never entered the picture. People will only see the quarries and mines from the surface. What ever see is the farmer's new clothes, simply because it will never be made. See only what is immediately visible to your eyes.

is important in the analysis of the problems facing society regarding their means of subsistence, to take into account all aspects that involve a little action. While we can see that mining creates destruction and losses to farmers, it is important to note that there is also lack of knowledge of the miners when their activities, because they are people with the sole aim to survive without but were not able to do. The ruling in the analysis, it would know which are the total benefits and costs to society.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Who Does A Temporal Artery Biopsy



By: Numa P. Maldonado A.

At this point in human history, characterized by crises of various kinds and at all encouraging forecasts short and medium term (mainly demographic explosion disasters and climate change), when food shortages threatened to encourage new winds of confrontation and violence, it is necessary to urgently implement measures to help alleviate the impact of these new "Horsemen of the Apocalypse ".

Loja, in the national context, is an underdeveloped province, due to the traditional way of government administration of the country held in the central (bipolar) and inequality ... but, especially, the lack of positive action projects and we , their own children. We must recognize, even if it hurts, that complacency and lack clear goals, has prevented the development of Loja. Although the province has extraordinary resources to be exploited. Derivatives thereof, among others, may be mentioned programs such as agroecology, mining, ecotourism .... In this article we will refer, in essence, the production of agricultural products or agro-ecological clean.

The mountainous terrain and isolation related to the culture of our peasants and farmers, have joined in Loja to occur and continue to produce good quality food specifically linked to the widespread practice of agriculture Traditional, on which lies the modern agro-ecology. Our coffee agro height and floor cañadulzales premontane are a sample.
What is missing from this traditional agriculture is adding modern scientific developments to achieve higher production and productivity without adversely affecting the environment, and expanding the base of social benefit. This challenge is achievable if part of optimistic assumptions and rational: zoning of crops, improving soil fertility and implementation of a correct agrotechnical, use of local inputs and appropriate genetic material, good use of changing rainfall patterns and the annual increase of rain ....
In other words, from a Provincial Strategic Plan (and hopefully regional), look clean agricultural production, with "green label" to transform provincial food importer exporter of agro products with value. If we will and good deeds, take-off towards sustainable development is not difficult. But it requires, that if a leadership based on ethical principles. not paternalism. Leadership eliminate factional struggles village and all the OG's with universities and professional unions, traders, artisans and farmers to benefit all. It seems that the coordination of the program should rest with the provincial prefecture, by its legal mandate.

not forget that the purpose of wealth came with the XXI century: feeding a human population growing at rate of 2.5 persons per second is not easy (the key question of the day, together again the gloomy Malthusian concept is as follows: "What will, then, a world hot, crowded and hungry.") On the other hand, clean food consumption has increased demand. For these reasons, whether the current global food crisis not take advantage of favorable conditions for development of agroecology offered by the province of Loja, our negligence or lack of vision will be unforgivable. As Einstein said, is in times of crisis when the human intellect has the best chance of development. So: is the right time to start the development of Loja order!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Poem For My Sisters Who Is Prgnant

sun Arms (them and me) to seasoned biopsy

Alejandro Filio, do not know where, in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bsomewhere, singing the theme is beautiful ..

I have a audio version sung with Silvio. And then, they each where you are, and me here, taking my mates well Argentines and playing with the compu a bit, do this miracle, this joke, this license the technology that is now in my power to blow a few clicks : Dear and suffered

groups, with you, just to right click, three voices, Silvio, Alexander and Vera, singing the chorus Brazos de Sol ..

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hs6 Vs Hd6 Su Carburetor



Date: 2009-06-09 20:13:13

Alberto Acosta exposed to the Constitutional Court its views on effects of mining law.

former president of the National Constituent Assembly reiterates its criticism of the body of existing law

The Mining Law that governs the country was not consulted communities, indigenous peoples and nationalities before their adoption. This is one of the many questions that made the former president of the National Constitutional Assembly, an economist Alberto Acosta, and exposes members of the Constitutional Court, who requested to submit its views on the different effects of the implementation of this body law. Among other things, to Acosta, the large-scale mining does not generate jobs, and instead, destroys local jobs and is generating migration.

economist exposure Acosta, in its entirety, is:

Members of the Constitutional Court

In my capacity as a citizen of Ecuador, I, Alberto Acosta Espinosa, 17-02088822 identity card within the process-IN 0011-09 cumulative-IN 0008-09, responding to the request made to me by decree of May 26, 2009, happened to present my arguments on the economic, environmental, social and cultural aspects of the implementation of current Mining Law:

1 .- The pre-legislative consultation to communities, indigenous peoples and nationalities

The Constitution recognizes the pre-legislative consultation for communities, peoples and nations. This matter is referred to in Article 57, paragraph 17, which states that communities, peoples and nations must "be consulted before the adoption of a law that could affect any of their collective rights."
The mining law was not consulted communities, indigenous peoples and nationalities before their adoption. Moreover, being a law of such national importance, it should open the door to a major debate in which the whole Ecuadorian society. This unfortunately did not happen. The few meetings, and even isolated somehow manipulated to talk about mining in very few places in the country can not be assumed to comply with the constitutional provision.

This is worrying. The absence of an active participation of society in defining the legal framework for this type of extractive activities has exacerbated the negative effects thereof.

remember that since the sixties of the twentieth century, the petroleum activities have been violated massively the welfare of the people of the Amazon. Indigenous communities and settlers have suffered countless atrocities at their most basic rights in the name of the mythical being the entire population. The discourse on the importance of natural resources for national development crumbles to the realities of a system that only appreciated in terms of capital accumulation, especially crime, even though these activities may endanger life.

For indigenous peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon, oil activities have meant a radical change in his life. Indigenous communities and even the settlers of the Amazon have been a number of assaults on their basic rights in the name of development and welfare of the entire Ecuadorian population.

While it is impossible to put a price on nature, because life is immeasurable damage "caused particularly by the Chevron-Texaco, could be quantified in billions of dollars, the expert in the trial against the company estimated at 27 billion dollars damage, on account spills, pollution of wetlands, gas burning, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, wildlife and domestic animals killed. To this we should add materials without payment, salinization of rivers, disease (cancer cases reach 31%, when the national average is 12.3%) for low-paid work.

In the psychosocial field complaints are many: sexual violence by the company against operators of adult women and minors mestizo and indigenous, spontaneous abortions, discrimination and racism, forced displacement, harmful cultural impact and disruption of social cohesion. Moreover, on Chevron-Texaco also weighs the extinction of indigenous peoples such as the Tetetes and sansahuaris, more than all the economic damage, social and cultural caused to the indigenous Siona, redwood, Cofan, Quichua and Huaorani, including white settlers -mestizos.

territoriality is primarily affected, food and cultural traditions of indigenous peoples. Mainly communities, indigenous peoples and nationalities living traditionally in the concession area of \u200b\u200bthe Chevron-Texaco, a situation that has been repeated in other concessions with varying levels of severity. Even

is good to remember that the environmental remediation that would have made the company was a whole line was, with the complicity of authorities.
This claim is beyond the scope Amazon. Exceeds the destruction you have to pay Chevron-Texaco. Affects the entire society. Moreover, an opportunity to punish and halt the pollution caused by oil activities, which is held by the combination of political power with the transnational discourse that encourages the exploitation of oil (and now large-scale mining) in supposed benefit of all inhabitants, speech to a policy of concealment of reality, intimidating those who oppose, humiliation and neglect for the victims ... dollars earned while only low amounts have benefited the entire population, since most have flowed in a few pockets, especially the powerful corporations and the external debt creditors. Trust

now the exploitation of mineral resources will help solve national problems reissuing the same practices of exclusion from society, not only naive but irresponsible.

hope that the Constitutional Court members do not become complicit in similar situations to allow extractive practices outside the constitutional provisions.

2 .- Consultation with communities, indigenous peoples and nationalities

In the Constitution there are two forms of consultation.

One that is done to communities affected by environmental risk decisions, in which case the opposition of the majority of the respondents is covered by the decision of the administrative authority above, as required by Article 398. This provision is applicable for all Ecuadorian society.

The other, under Article 57, recognizes communities, indigenous peoples and nationalities the right to prior consultation "under the Constitution, treaties, agreements, statements and other human rights instruments." According to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples requires the consent of the respondents to perform some activities which may affect the exercise of their rights.

Article 90 of the Mining Act confuse the two types of consultation and said that consultation with communities, indigenous peoples and nationalities would be made "in accordance with Article 398 of the Constitution." This reduction of the right of communities, peoples and nations is unconstitutional. Intended to ignore their right to prior consultation and free, prior and informed that they are entitled in accordance with the above international instrument. Here
sadly acknowledge that the Constitution did not incorporate the right to consultation in conjunction with prior consent for any of Ecuadorian society. However, in the context of a Multinational State, which recognizes specific rights to communities indigenous peoples and nationalities that right is guaranteed through the incorporation of international treaties that protect those communities.

deny this right would be to deny the validity of the international instruments accepted as valid by the Constitution, women and members of the Constitutional Court.

3 .- The division and hierarchy of laws

Article 133 of the Constitution contains the division of organic and ordinary laws. The former are higher in rank than the first. This division, referred to in other letters and constitutional aims to organize the body of laws in accordance with their significance. So this article sets out the matters to be regulated by organic law, such as those related to the functioning of public institutions, human rights, constitutional guarantees, the decentralized bodies and political party system.
However, the Second Final Provision of the Mining Act states that its provisions "shall prevail over other laws and may only be amended or repealed by another Act expressly designed specifically for such purposes." While not literally becomes a law is organic, is absurd to claim that a law has "privileges" with respect to other laws of equal legal status.

As the matter is, the Mining Law is an ordinary law and as such could not modify or override statutory laws. Nor could do compared to other ordinary laws, but according to general principles of law, ie in particular with regard to the matter is concerned.

No legal basis for this Act to have a sui generis and not reform all the laws, specifically, by a law reform its content explicitly or tacitly, whether a new law of equal or greater legal status includes different rules to those provided for therein.

The Constituent Assembly was very careful not to put in the field of organic laws those relating to the economic-productive, for the simple reason that the economy, namely capital, must be at the service of human beings never the reverse. "The human being is the subject and purpose" of the economic system and economic policy, as required by Article 283 of the Constitution.

Then they can not laws regulating the economic-productive to be above the laws governing human rights, as could be the food sovereignty law or water law, among others. I wonder why this provision of the Mining Act is intended to violate the Constitution? Could it be that this Act is to minimize the content of the Constitution in regard to water as a fundamental human right? Do you provide members of the Constitutional Court for this outrage?

4 .- The compulsory easements and territorial rights of indigenous nationalities

Article 57 of the Constitution, in paragraph four, contains the right of municipalities, communities, peoples and nations to territory, which will be inalienable, indefeasible, and indivisible. This provision is also violated by the Mining Act.
Moreover, the Act states that since it is a concession, the surface lands are subject to easements to be occupied throughout the extent required by building own facilities and mining activity, transit, water supply, railways, airfields and every other system of transportation and communication, etc. Holders of mining concessions "may agree" with land owners regarding easements (Article 101). Do not confuse the word "may" which means option or possibility with the word "shall" to mean an obligation or mandate. The property owner does not have the option to decline or object to the easement.

The easement is a way to divide the property because the owner still is, but the effective control of the land passed to a third party. This equates to the possibility of dividing the Indian territory, and even foreclosure.

This is an issue very carefully. Ask ourselves, what is the relationship of indigenous nations and its own territory?, Can survive the indigenous nationalities (especially culture) without territory?, What is the experience of the oil activity in the territory of indigenous communities? Questions you should ask the members of the Constitutional Court. 5 .-

Exceptionality in the private sector in strategic areas

Article 316 of the Constitution stipulates that the State may not delegate to private participation in strategic sectors in exceptional circumstances. The Mining Act, ignoring the constitutional provision of exceptional, given the same treatment to the public enterprise and private companies access to mining concessions.

This is, without doubt, another constitutional violation. The basic spirit of the Constitution, in Article 313 clearly states that "The State reserves the right to manage, regulate, control and manage the strategic sectors in accordance with the principles of environmental sustainability, precaution, prevention and efficiency. Strategic sectors, decision and exclusive control of the state are those who because of their importance and magnitude have decisive influence economic, social, political or environmental, and should be oriented to the full development of human rights and social interest. Are considered strategic sectors of energy in all its forms, telecommunications, non-renewable natural resources, transport and refining of hydrocarbons, biodiversity and genetic heritage, spectrum, water, and others determined by law. "

Major non-renewable mineral resources are minerals, because of the Act Mining. And to encourage their use, as stated in Article 315 of the Constitution, the State-owned enterprises constitute the management of strategic sectors, the provision of public services, the sustainable use of natural resources or public goods and development of other activities economic. "Willingness to comply with the Mining Act, the which, however, maintains control of these resources by private companies, especially multinationals.

remember what happened in the oil sector when delivered indiscriminately exploiting this resource to transnational capital. These policies submissive eventually weaken the role of government and business, while transnational corporations gobbled up the bulk of oil revenues. Thus, in the early eighties of the twentieth century, as part of the strategy of reordering of global power-over "long night of neoliberalism" in the words of Rafael Correa, President of the Republic ", the national legal framework was required to incorporate international standards in various fields, including oil and mining, among others. Public International Law held what was space reserved for the private law of contracts. This is the result of a pincer-like action on the one hand, global standards and practices laid siege to the State and another from the same state opened the door to transnational corporations have an impact on national life, offering increasingly benefits. In this scope, with various forms of external pressure and internal regulations adopted and standards imposed by multilateral lending agencies.

For this reason, the Assembly Constituent Montecristi, which I had the privilege and honor to chair, resolved to strengthen the state's role in the exploitation of natural resources. Stomp the exceptional set in Article 316 is a constitutional violation.

addition there is reason to establish another unconstitutional. With the legal provisions in relation to the amount of royalties to pay, you can not comply with the provision of Article 408. They determined that "the State will participate in the benefits of use of these resources (minerals, author's note), in an amount not less than those of the company that exploits them." This constitutional provision should be incorporated exhaustively in the Mining Law, as a reference point to secure the participation of mining revenues between state and private companies.

In reality it would be naive to expect the state income is at least equivalent to that of firms. It will say that you can sum royalties income taxes paid by businesses (in any way will be supplemented by employee participation, which was also reduced in the law unconstitutionally Mining). But, in practice, recognizing that businesses are those that control the information, this expectation is met, since that mining companies are experts with a series of fraudulent practices, to hide their true income to minimize tax payments. This has been shown for Chile, Orlando Caputo, mining expert, who was a representative of former President Salvador Allende in the Executive Committee and General Manager of Codelco (Corporación del Cobre).

6 .- The rights of nature and human right to healthy environment

Article 71 of the Constitution grants rights to nature or Pachamama, where life plays and performs. There he reads that Nature has the right to respect fully their existence and the maintenance and regeneration of life cycles, structure, functions and evolutionary processes.

Mining Act opens the door to large-scale mining and open pit extractive mode incompatible with the conservation and sustainable use of the environment, especially in areas of high ecological diversity and high social sensitivity.

environmental and social problems of mining are well known. Without attempting to address all issues of this activity can make a synthesis of the most significant, noting that this information is available in a book I wrote entitled The Curse of Abundance, which is coming out soon Notice.

Mining typically involves drilling the ground, removing material from underground, move and process massive amounts of rock, in many cases use polluting chemicals. Furthermore, not everything that moves is used, in the case of copper mining, including more than 95% of the original rock may become waste removed. In the case of gold, per ounce, obtained with the latest technology, produced 28 000 kilograms of waste.
In Ecuador, this relationship, according to the Water Forum could cause an enormous movement of land. Aurelian If the Canadian company will exploit the deposit Fruta del Norte in the Cordillera del Condor, which, according to the company, contain reserves of 137 million ounces of gold, the volume of waste would reach the astronomical figure of 400 billion kilograms of waste material. A figure comparable to the 5255 waste generation (five thousand two hundred fifty-five) years from the city of Cuenca, which currently generates 200 tons of garbage daily.

addition, many of the impacts of this activity will be much more severe in geographical areas characterized by high rainfall, usually rich in biodiversity, which in desert regions. That is, to put it in good romance, not the same thing to mine in the Chilean desert, in the forests of the Cordillera del Condor or Intag or water sources Quimsacocha. However, natural resources, including biodiversity and lower air-desert areas such as in Chile, also may be affected by these processes, to the extent that contamination can occur is maintained until many years later.

mining uses large quantities of water for metals, which then typically is poured contaminated in their original courses. Take, for example, the problems caused by mining through the use of water. To produce one ton of copper polluters are required and between 10 thousand and 30 thousand liters of water (other sources say up to 70,000 liters of water), an ounce of gold requires 8,000 liters of water. Open pit mines commonly dry slopes around the mine, the deeper the mine, the more drying and major impacts on agriculture, livestock and local climate. There have been cases where mines have lowered the groundwater level of 300 meters; mines have to pump about 100 million gallons of water daily to access the mineralized material.

Moreover, foundry waste (slag and dust) can contaminate surface and groundwater. These wastes often emit pollutants, especially where water has a pH that react unusually high or low, and / or are salted or containing lime. More dust, are the gases, which in the case of copper, usually contain arsenic, among other heavy metals. Thus, the plant Oroya (Peru) has contaminated 99% of children with lead above the standards of World Health Organization. The Norlisk smelting plant in Russia, has destroyed 350,000 hectares of forest soil acidification. This list is endless ...

When exposed to the elements (air and water) minerals in the mine, especially those related to sulfur, acid-generating which is then filtered into the subsoil. These leaks not only impact the ground, but can go directly into rivers and streams, as the case of the Sacramento River in California, to name just one example. This is known as acid mine drainage. It is a phenomenon impossible to contain, contaminated groundwater and surface water acidification and heavy metals, and these impacts can be long or even permanent (there are mines in the Roman Empire that still cause serious pollution problems, in Spain, Rio Tinto, there is waste acid drainage from mines operated two thousand years ago.) The abundance of water
existing groundwater and high rainfall in Ecuador, dangerously increase the risk of generation of acid mine drainage. Moreover, there is no scientific evidence of large-scale mines that have prevented this phenomenon contaminant in the tropics.

There are a number of products which are very harmful to nature used in mining. For example, industrial, cyanide is used to extract gold from the mine (ie, where is all the ore body, the earth and rock that contains the metals sought). A dose the size of a grain of rice would be enough to kill an adult. Concentrations as low as 0.1 mg liter (mg / l) of arsenic are lethal to sensitive aquatic species. The mining industry in the U.S. is responsible for 96% of the arsenic contamination in the country. Mining in the U.S. represents less than 1% of GDP but generates 43% of toxic waste.

Studies show that the pollution caused by mining existing dangerously extends the Ecuadorian coast. Part of the banana plantations in Ecuador would be contaminated by mercury and other elements. The fruit may be rejected in the international market. This pollution also affect cocoa plantations and aquaculture. Even be at risk of the sources of water used to supply the vital liquid purifier in the city of Guayaquil. The cause is the large contamination with heavy metals in rivers Tenguel, Gala, Chico and Seven. Recent evidence
pollution which indicate that at the processing plant Paz-Borja water sedimentation pools recorded nickel contamination to 0.1161 milligrams per liter (mg / l), exceeding the allowable limit set by Unified Text Environmental Law is 0.025. Also, the mercury concentration reaches 0.0076 mg / l when allowed is 0.0002 mg / l. The Municipality of Guayaquil, in a study on quality water, held in late 2007 and published in April 2008, confirmed these high levels of pollution. For that reason, the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, in April 2009, temporarily shut down mining in the area Tenguel.

ore processing usually requires chemical treatments to remove heavy metals. These metals are often filtered directly from the ore using strong acids. Minerals undergo a grinding process that involves compression, addition of various chemicals, combined with physical separation processes that produce waste called tailings. Both types of processes produce wastes that contain numerous scrap metal and non-metallic mineral, but also contain high concentrations of chemicals.

Modern mining extracts minerals in large swaths of territory where they are in very low concentrations (mineral law). The current average for copper is 0.7% ie 100 tonnes of material removed, equivalent to only 7 kg mineral. The remaining 99.3% is waste, with concentrations of other minerals and heavy metals like arsenic, lead, chromium, cadmium, sulfur, etc. These wastes must be stored for life, for what you use dams, creeks or dams to be isolated to avoid being swept away by flood rain, etc.. In areas of high disaster risk, with high biodiversity and high rainfall, can be fatal.

Many processes require mining infrastructure requires long-term maintenance to prevent serious deterioration and pollution. Such plants and equipment maintenance require continuous and long term, may be one of the most expensive environmental activities related to mining. It is anticipated that the environmental impact will continue for decades after closure, or even forever. The worst thing is that the economic calculations made by firms do not include remediation costs or externalities. On this point there is categorically Mining Law reason for this constitutional claim.

For such large scale projects, the central point must be unconditional respect for life itself. Recall that in the United States itself, especially in some states there are severe limitations on large-scale mining. In Wisconsin, for example, governing the so-called Mining Moratorium Act, which requires anyone interested in exploiting mineral resources, which, in advance, show that similar operations have been handled without contamination of water during operation and up to 10 years after mine closures. This may have been one of the major innovations of the new Mining Act.

The operating companies sometimes do not need to remediate the environmental impacts on natural resources. Environmental costs are assumed to be zero cost. And there are many cases of companies that, once the exploitation of mineral, break before assuming environmental liabilities. As a result, in many countries actual costs are often subsidized by taxpayers and concerned citizens.

estimated costs to remedy a zinc and copper mine in the state of Wisconsin (U.S.) are $ 5 per ton of processed mine. In other mines the remediation costs amounted to $ 67.60 per ton. Only in the case of ECSA in the Cordillera del Condor if you applied this same formula with the lowest value (5 $ / ton), the cost of remediation would be approximately $ 1,500 million. Half of the total value of mineral supposedly exists.

Another fact worth considering is that large-scale mining does not generate many jobs. Employment and local demand is generally of poor quality. The positions of specialists and skilled workers are filled with people from outside the mining areas, and even abroad. In Peru, the mining sector employs about 0.9% of the economically active population (EAP). In Chile employs 1.4% of the PEA. In Brazil, about 0.1% of PEA.

But yes, mining destroys local jobs and generate migration, pollution of soil and water moves agriculture and livestock; prevents tourism destroys wages, increased crime (similar to the case on many issues in the Amazon oil Ecuador).
Also consider accidents associated with transportation of mine waste and chemical processes affecting the local population, and environmental impacts resulting from the use of millions of pounds of explosives necessary to open huge holes open pit mining.

Finally, without claiming to have exhausted the subject of environmental and social risks, there consider the human rights violations common in mining areas. For example, about 70% of forced displacement that occurred in Colombia between 1995 and 2002 occurred in mining areas. In the mining areas of Peru, a country that seeks to make an example of open mining, the Human Rights violations have multiplied exponentially. In Ecuador, the most serious cases of human rights violations have occurred in recent years are related to transnational mining companies and of course oil activities. This reality was recognized in 2008 by the National Constituent Assembly to issue the mining mandate and granting amnesty to people criminalized by mining companies.

should be noted, ladies and gentlemen, members of the Constitutional Court that the Mining Act in question does not give adequate treatment for small-scale mining and artisanal mining and subsistence, which are present in Ecuador in the field of metal and nonmetal mining, as well as mining of construction materials. It is precisely in these activities where pollution and disregard for the human condition of the miners, their families and surrounding communities are the norm.

Under these conditions, no wonder the discontent of the communities where developed or intend to develop mining activities. Are becoming larger and more radical demonstrations, especially since 2006, contrary to what might be the large-scale metal mining and open pit. These different responses from society, often accompanied by violence sparked primarily by state repression or the mining companies themselves, as well as official intolerance to discuss frankly and openly about the future of mining, are only one side visible from the stormy relationship between local communities and mining.

So far these protests against large-scale mining are focused on clearly defined areas. All of them against companies whose activities are primarily in the exploration phase. Mining companies, learning from the bad social practices of oil companies, deployed actions to win support among the communities, leading their division and even fratricidal conflicts.

Under these conditions, declare a priori that mining "is because it will" impose a mining law without a national debate and without public participation, as mandated by the Constitution disables the possibilities for open and frank dialogue. When in advance and has sunk a position, without considering the arguments of those potentially affected by extractive activities, is being planned social conflicts.

therefore dismiss the claims of unconstitutionality of this Act, knowing all these arguments, opens the door to conflicts that could result in repeated confrontations such as those already living in various parts of the country-Intag Tundayme, Victoria the Portet, or worse still more violent actions, such as those recorded in the Peruvian Amazon these days. Keep in mind that the slaughter and repression unleashed by the Peruvian government in the Cordillera del Condor affect communities Ashuar (Awajún and Wampis), relatives of those living in Ecuador.

The potential for conflict is imminent if we consider that Article 63 of the Mining Law leaves open to interpretation of the concessionaire's ability to criminalize the inhabitants of the areas in which they conduct their mining activities. It is necessary to take into account that there are cases of prosecution brought against farmers by mining companies, for their opposition to mining. The mechanisms of direct intervention in the current mining areas pass through successive states of emergency declarations and the criminalization of those who oppose these extractive activities or those who just complain about the repeated abuses of these companies.

Therefore, opening to large mining scale, particularly in the open, only increase the risks of confrontation between compatriots and margins of repression against citizens, with priority to meet the demands of transnational capital accumulation.

on you, ladies and gentlemen, members of the Constitutional Court bears a huge responsibility.

is all I can say in all honesty. I am available to the Constitutional Court to extend the information contained in this document, either in writing or in open court. Notifications that match the receive me in my office at Prairie Street and Avenue Almagro, building of FLACSO.

Sincerely, Alberto Acosta Espinosa

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Kragen Snow Chains For Honda




By: Vicente Encalada (Engineering Geologist)
mining involves all the human and natural settings with a large multiplier effect, so they are necessary public policy.
Mining is an economic activity with high social responsibility that aims to extract and process the reserves of a reservoir (mineral profitable) for materials, metallic and nonmetallic compounds and pure elements (fine) to be used directly or used in the manufacture of materials, tools, equipment and utensils so necessary for daily living man.

So it is easy from the emotion, passion sometimes justified "conservationist" rush to proclaim the mining abandon but almost impossible, at the risk of returning to the caves, to give up mineral products and their derivatives industrial.

By including the definition of the term "high social responsibility, makes it different from other businesses like a grocery store, shipping fleet, agricultural export, banking, among others, because they must work in line with community interests and not cause destabilization in the natural environment.

A miner goes to a remote area, to seek an uncertain and unknown mineral deposit, make a risky investment sunk, if it finds a good thing just got a little more security to increase the capital invested and when the investigation concluded with the presence of a deposit with reservations characterized by being limited and not renewable, there is only a new medium to put more money in order to start operation or start a mine. Alongside the miners interact with the locals and has launched an association for long term relationship with different conditions, as mines are discovered are fixed and can not move until they remove the last ton of ore, trying to leave the renovated space with acceptable physical changes.

Mining has been divided by the physical and chemical properties of minerals extracted in metal and nonmetal, the type of tillage and underground; , and production rates in small, medium and large scale.

The definition of small-scale mining, is sometimes taken as a pejorative adjective for small, lower or not important and not at the adverbial sense of quantity in size or dimensions.

small-scale mining is an appropriate activity to exploit mineral deposits or small size limited volumes of ore bodies which are arranged in tight or narrow minable only successful if they apply appropriate methods and operations and how tank size. If there were no specialized experts and entrepreneurs small-scale operations, these mineral deposits could not be exploited positively with technologies of medium and large scale mining. small-scale mining is a specialty!

Usually in a country are the three classic levels of size of deposits, but there are cases in which the geology, deposits dominate one or more levels. Hence, it is not the will or the laws of men, if not natural laws that control the geological characteristics which determine the scales or levels of production of small, medium and large scale.

mining since the beginning of the Republic has been in the interest of the central government. The Great Liberator Simón Bolívar enacted to Colombia, including the Department of the South, today our country Ecuador, the first mining law, which includes mines as the property of the Republic. Recall that the Liberator Bolívar was a miner, was the owner of the mine Yaracuy State Aroa, Venezuela. Mina sought to negotiate with British companies to rehabilitate his precarious personal finances and help their colleagues who had left everything to American liberty. The Liberator taking total power but always had a clear difference between public purse and pocket personal. Never thought he and his comrades in arms could live public service, may die for their country but not live in the country.

rulers and have always been interested in mines, including oil, as an important sector for increasing national wealth and seek progress of their nations not only in Ecuador but throughout Latin America.

This interest in the mineral hot cause he even national political struggles that led to the nationalization of oil in Mexico, the nationalization of the tin mines in Bolivia, nationalization copper in Chile and in Argentina's nationalization of oil in the 70's.

In Ecuador, there is concern of public officials and citizens in general to find a new resource that serves to support the national economy in the past it was the cocoa, coffee, bananas and oil. All aspire to be the new mining industry.

The artisanal and small scale in the south of the country, with many work fronts in the provinces of Zamora, Azuay and El Oro, has meant the opening of many sources of employment with the automation and labor qualification work, but also with the claim by the alteration of water sources.

local communities feel the urge while beneficial income of small-scale mining activity, also have the desire to preserve harmony in their natural environment and the need for sustainable economic activities in the long term. Enthusiasts

conservationists warn not only environmental damage but will fuel the conflict in the very fragile and sensitive network. But since its ideological vision and care related to mining.

There is a wide public concern and the State, whether authorities the local and national mining activity, this creates a large area of \u200b\u200bintersection and interaction citizenship - state, which may be open to doubt and uncertainty and be completed by sound public policy to ensure correct use of the country's mineral resources .
The artisanal and small scale, has demonstrated the potential of its creative power to generate employment and economic activity without the financial disbursements of the State. It has increased employment and local economic movement.

arguments will not claim the inflow of funds to the treasury, but the great truth that small-scale mining has a major role in generating local employment and capitalization, and this contribution is as significant for local and national economic autonomy that leaves far behind the large numbers of patents, royalties and other contributions should perform, the large and medium industrial mining.

local employment and capitalization are more valuable than large tax revenues, it means human and social development are impossible to buy in the market, is the result of the efforts of daily living and building a culture and tradition which advocates a harmonious relationship among men and the changing but wonderful nature.

Yes!, Mining economy but we also want respect for human rights, decent jobs, participatory communities, clean rivers, tropical forests preserved, pristine stopped, finally, a multiple living landscape diversity.

Small miners have been organized and have risked their work and small economies to harass and obstruct the free development of rural quiet and remote places, forgotten in the names of the official maps, but to extract and mineral benefit, but have been some destabilizing impact as an end byproduct of production. Every action has an impact on actions positive and negative. Negative reactions can be mitigated with technical knowledge and ethical awareness.

In these critical circumstances, the Association for Responsible Mining (ARM), led by Ms. Cristina Echavarria, promoted in the Andean countries initiative "Fair Trade", which seeks to enforce a law, human, social, economic and responsible mining technique, which is consistent with the purpose Cooperative Bella Rica Mine, participating in the pilot project with the neighboring countries of Bolivia, Colombia and Peru.

The artisanal and small scale has been expanded in southern Ecuador, where there are also initiatives to medium industrial mining projects. The miners, citizenship and state are determined to promote this sector has been productive, willing to go the simple, sometimes messy quantitative growth of mining, a mining development of quality, so it is necessary to establish public policy to define the role of director State action and the different participation and responsibility of citizenship and miners in the construction of a mining generating better human conditions. The

mining policies in Ecuador have a very broad scope, however priori can point to five main lines of action:

• Training • Community Relations

• Sustainable development • tax incentives (no charge)
• Institutional Strengthening of the State to enhance its advisory role responsible small-scale mining.

small-scale mining, organized and responsible for Latin America, should be a core of human equality improvement and to build a globalized world not only interconnected by trade, but rather deeply interacting in pursuit of respect for the dignity and the preservation of human dynamics of nature.

The association of small-scale mining in Latin America is headed in the right direction, so it deserves to paraphrase the word of command of General José María Córdova in the victory of Ayacucho, affirming the decision of small miners in Ecuador and Latin America make socially responsible mining, with one voice that states: Miners discretion tools! Step winners!

Machala, June 5, 2009.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Watch Digital Playground Pirates Free Online



BS GROUP, a leader in Training in Peru International Program presents "Design of Underground Mining" in conjunction with the University of Chile, in charge of international exhibitors Raul Castro (Chile), to be issued in the city of Lima from 13 June.


The mine design is one of the key disciplines of mining engineering foundation and raises the overall architecture of the underground mine. The mine design is based on the interaction of different disciplines including but not limited mining, geology, rock mechanics, unit operations, methods of operation and the underground ventilation, with the primary objective of achieving a harmonious architecture to allow a mining operation productive, secure and efficient.


After completing this course participants will be able to understand the interrelationship between unit operations, underground methods, geomechanics and ventilation of mines, to achieve an harmonious and safe design of underground mining. In this context the course offers basic and advanced knowledge of mining engineering that support the mine design for different mining methods.


At the end of the course participants:

• Understand the distinctive characteristics of underground mining methods hard rock.
• Understand the theoretical and empirical bases that support the design of basic units of operation.
• Understand the basis for sizing of rock pillars.
• Estimate the maximum size of houses, the assessment methods of dilution and recovery of mineral reserves.
• Understand the basis for the determination of operating units based on economic variables.
• Understand the various indices for comparison of mine design.


Managers, Supervisors, Managers, Supervisors and professionals active in the mining sector enterprises, particularly in underground mining. Executive
they have in their career plans to enter this industry.
independent consultants, researchers and teachers related to the mining sector.
Mining Suppliers and customers interested in improving their knowledge of the Design and Planning in Underground Mining. CURRICULAR STRUCTURE


DAY 01: Saturday June 13, 2009

underground mine design
1. Introduction 1.1 Introduction
underground methods course
Underground Mine Design 1.1 Basic concepts in underground mine design
1.2 Main characteristics of underground mining methods
2. Rock Mechanics concepts applied to design
2.1 Properties of intact rock
2.2 Methods of classification of rock mass-discussion.

selection harvesting methods
1. Rock Mechanics concepts applied to design solid resistance
estimate 1.1 1.2 resistance structures

1.3 Esfuerzos in-situ e inducidos en excavaciones
2. Selección de métodos de explotación subterráneos
2.1 Consideraciones económicas
2.2 Consideraciones técnicas
2.3 Métodos de selección
2.4 Ejercicios de selección métodos de explotación

DIA 02: Domingo 14 de Junio del 2009

Diseño Minas explotadas por sublevel stoping
1. Métodos de explotación por sublevel stoping
1.1 Características distintivas del método
1.2 Principales parámetros de diseño
1.3 Sistemas de manejo de materiales
2. Diseño de caserones
2.1 Fundamentos del diseño 2.2 Dimensions of mansions

3. Design exercises
DAY 03: Saturday July 11, 2009 MORNING SESSION

farming methods by pillars and houses
1. Room and pillar
1.1 Description of method and mining applications
mining operations Benchmark 1.2 1.3 Mining equipment

2. Design of pillars
2.1 Background of calculation: 2.3 Estimate
tributary area of \u200b\u200bmining pillars resistance

AFTERNOON SESSION: Practical Applications

3. 3.1 Practical Applications
calculation exercises mining pillars
Exercise 3.2 Calculation of maximum light

DAY 04: Sunday, July 12, 2009 MORNING SESSION

farming methods of cut and fill
1. Cut and Fill
1.1 Description of the method of cut and fill
1.2 Benchmark mining operations
2. Design filler filler

2.1 Types 2.2 Calculation of resistance in practical exercises filled

3. Mine design software based on geomechanical

DAY 05: Saturday, August 8, 2009

MORNING SESSION: Methods for sinking

1. Massive underground exploitation methods
1.1. Description methods
1.2. Benchmark operations block / panel caving
1.3. Risk of caving operations
2. Production-level design and sinking
2.1. Distance calculation
extraction points 3. Ventilation systems in mining for sinking
Air Requirements 3.2.
ventilation typical circuits
AFTERNOON SESSION: Methods of caving

sublevels 1. Description of methods for sinking
1.1. Applications of methods for sublevels
1.2. Benchmark mining operations
design production level 2.1.
shooting diagrams 2.2. Calculating distance between sublevels
3. Exercises

practical DAY 06: Sunday, August 9, 2009 MORNING SESSION

selective mining methods in narrow veins
1. Design houses
calculation methodology 1.3. Determination of dilution and its impact on farm economy
2. Case studies and discussion topics of the course
3. Final exam


Raul Castro (Chile)
Ph.D. University of Queensland, Australia. Professor: Mining Geotechnics, Materials Handling and underground mine ventilation University of Chile. Director Academic Diploma Underground Mine Design, University de Chile. Consultant Engineer (Mining Engineering RCR). Enami - Mine Exploitation Project Panulcillo (Basic Eng.) North Codelco Chuquicamata Mine Underground (Eng Conceptual). Project Engineer, El Teniente (New Level Mina). Mining geotechnical consultant (Mina La Pepa). Ridgeway Mine Consultant SLC Australia.


Participants who successfully complete the program receive the following certification:

BS Diploma issued by the Group.
Diploma issued by the University of Chile - Department of Mining Engineering.


The program will be held in the city of Lima on 13 and 14 June 1911 and July 12, 8 and 9 August at the following times.

Saturdays from 9:00 to 13:30 hours - 15:30 to 19:00
Sundays from 9:00 to 13:30


Calle Diez Canseco 160 - Of. 301 - Miraflores
Phone (51 1) 651 2956 / (51 1) 6512245
Lima - Peru

* People register for the program and have been heard by the blog " Geology and Resources Ecuador " receive a special discount.

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