Friday, February 18, 2011

Rectal Rash After Taking Mucinex

Dear people and other critters! I
warning, as usual, to be set aside on Saturday when my birthday festejaré number thirties. It is clear that the party will be ...

Maisson of Chyn In

List things to bring:
  • Occupation: Some details pirate Some color or white fluorescent
  • Something beverages (mineral water have)
  • A friend or something like it
  • Music (MUSIC SAID, EH? not those sounds horrendous dance musicoides)
There will be some surprises ... Any suggestion is welcome! Those who came to the party and know that what I like most is when the party takes their own life and leaves my control ....

Clarifications number:
1) The "detail" can be pirated from a pair of earrings or a scarf, to the Jack Sparrow costume complete. That is, if one of the men is brought liner position, or one of the girls some hoop earrings, and that's a detail pirate. That is not "I brought my wooden leg" for not dancing, eh? No contest was going to do better detail ... but if you like, we prize!

2) The "something fluo" is because we will put black lights and is well ..

That's all for now.

(\\ ,,,/) Chinchiya

PD: plis avisenle anyone that deserves your criteria invitation!

Monday, February 14, 2011

2 Player Games Tech Deck

Balance Birthday Party this year already, and it ends ... Oliverio

This year was quite varied! And several things that took place, had their continuity: the sword, the car ... Step tell!
  • began with the Chinese New Year, which again semi-coincided with my birthday. A bolonqui of people, all very picturesque and I bought my sword. Sword I used to learn, during the year, the basic form and compete in the Pan American Wushu Open! (I raced a new suit, made with Thai fabric dad had brought one of his trips).
  • The issue of self: I first went to Paula (San Miguel, Province of Buenos Aires) with Sofi co-pilot, and accordingly, we missed! hahaha ... an adventure ... This year strengthens me as a driver, I decided to go to Capital and everywhere, which determined that this summer we went to Valeria del Mar! A holiday special ...
  • This year I left the Area Council, after four years as Chief of Training. A relief! And I dedicated myself to Interclanes Council, the Octant for intimate. The truth that was a very cute for Interclean, we had a couple of activities taken over and we have a critical mass to be able to design things for this year. And it gave me the opportunity to plan something guide-UNLP extension ... we'll see if this year, however, do a pilot. Y We are in the three years of celebration of the centenary of the guides, which is very exciting ... But it seems that my turn of costadete, does not give me full in the heart as I went before with some activities guides. As I'd like to direct, be in contact with the bases and not flying so high ...
  • We did a couple of house parties: the party of the circle for my birthday and the talent to spring. What good that came out! And now the pirates' plan.
  • Mora started nursery school ... a little bumpy start because they first started in one, did not fit, Then I learn that he had entered the UNLP, and when it was used to it, boom! falls out of bed and hits his head, a wound with several points ... a great fright, poor thing. The rest of the year rather tranqui until October, which grabbed a terrible intoxication and dehydrated to the point that we had to be hospitalized to get stronger serum ... And then her birthday, which came out very beautiful. Then search garden for this year, a task I created uncertainty and anxiety ... And the party of the maternal end of the year, which gave him his diploma graduate! She is a little sun!

  • Another issue was that family reasons were filled the animal house! Mati, the queen of the house, now competes for attention with Meque, which is always tucked into trouble, Tigra, our loving and beast dog, and Mushu, as expressive as ever ...
  • also started the process of coaching! On the one hand, they walked down a path from the guides but from another perspective. On the other hand, an experience, a transformation in every area of \u200b\u200bmy life, with a plenary meetings that were highly mobilized. And a "change of observer" permanent, every day, so I had to resort to Iris (my psycho) again, to analyze certain things with your help.
  • On the subject work, sigocomo JTP and assistant in Physics I, and as an assistant in Physics III. In FI I got more into the subject of research in teaching with new technologies, I went to a couple of conferences (one in Cordoba, who accompanied me Nacho and Mora), and I think in this area I can also bring things from the coaching .. . We'll see ... AH! and I've turned to politics (as was previously ay. student in the CAD, and the academic board) Now I'm the representative of the teaching assistants in the Committee on Basic Sciences (former CAD ).... bequeath to Head of Department? hahaha ...
  • And for music, were the three (Nacho, Mora and me) to see Nonpalidece in Athens, and the two to see Rammstein in October to Avellaneda.
  • Perhaps one of the things that I generate more excitement of the past year and will continue this year is the publication of my stories and poems. I got into a group of authors who financed the publication of anthologies, coordinated by Sergio GvH. I do not want to have more ... I hope to come out this year and comment.

  • And something that is still projecting this year: my tattoos. Edu (Huarpes) I finished the left short sleeve, and this year we will do the right. As told Iris: I'm joining my life. I am making supplement, relating to enrich the various aspects of my life. The symbolism of me I keep my sleeves for those who ask ... because it is a long story.

Well, that all this .. it's my birthday! And what awaits me incredible year!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Birthday Verses For Men

Vacation Girondo

From time to time I get to read poetry ... or "She" arrives to me. And Oliver Girondo to these poems as sound, as instinctive and carnal, is a great discovery for my summer. Thanks ...


current is very intense lightning
be a donut bed
an ebb tide morbid hum of anesthesia
a fluorescent body surf a voracious
prehensile contractile ajar
corolla and aphrodisiac spray
and lethal
home drunk from alveolar

violated it is the thirst for it and its slopes slow and crash entremuertes that

disintegrate if God is their belly
but it is the chrysalis of a larva of the blue inhaler
a dragonfly marrow
a caterpillar lewd naked rub nourished only
a succubus chupochupo
mollusk that runs dropwise
the word of mouth far too much joy
the total flushing
the whole "shock" after "shock" the complete collapse

syncope is a beautiful moated
a "cross" panther love tropical plexus
a "knock out" technical
happy if not a land composed of libido Eden hell
sediment a pellet binder
obsessive lip insoluble residue of a solution
radioanímico mechanism bipedal booming
a suit
a "robot" female electroerótico with their station and spasms of delirium

lyric-dramatic though it may be a mirage
a look of
an entelechy nonexistent absence
Ophelia naiads or just a piece of reality ultraporoso
a despotic indubitable matter heaven flesh

a partridge in cream

And of the stakeout and recontradicciones
and with or without feeling tired and repropósitos

and identically rediálogos reademanes and yawned
and reverse and the right
and the twists and turns and tangles and bedrooms and
remembranas of pegajosísimos memories and lips
and the insipid and sípido of remucho and Remen
repoco and
recansado of folds and twists and turns and rubbing
remanoseado and smug than even their most remote outposts

retanteo exploding and tired of
remasaje and stubborn trick and restarting
topless erect and reconcubitedio
and hopelessly
and tare in vain anxiety and high resonance
born and arid while just slow fat camel and pore

and sparing mad dwarf
spasm and grim monster sip of failure and what pornodrástico
tired to the bone strabismus
same error from time wandering
and fuss and folly
flute and proud
consumptive urban debris
hidefalo bipedal walking on the grounds and it
type and libido and office
so much so tight remetáfora of nausea and revirgísima
innocence and instintitos
and ideational reputitas
and reputonas ideons
and the ebbs and hangovers of the dry conditions
from what parents
seas and lunar tides
hollow resonance and warm beaches of boredom mothers wing
sempiternísimamente archicansado
calm in all directions and contradictions of the instinctive and sensitive

remeditativo or remetafísico warm and typical reartístico
and intimísimos remimos and
recaricias of language and their words and reconjugaciones regastados moors and
and its rules and necropolis remuertas reputrefactas
words just tired of the tired tired tense
extensive training to engusanamiento
and silence.

of The masmédula. 1954.