Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rotator Cuff Surgery Cost


The Provincial Prosecutor Walter Goyzueta 1st Neyra. Research Office of the Attorney Provincial Corporate Criminal Tacna, achieved effective sentence of two years imprisonment for the accused Yoci Eder Marino and Paolo Zalcedo Ramos Valeriano Layme for the crime against property in the form of aggravated robbery.

The facts date back to January 27 2009, the approximately 2:00 am, when the accused Yoci Zalcedo Marino Ramos and Eder were Valerian Paolo Layme by near Leguía Avenue, when they observed a car parked Toyota Production Plate AK-8157, and as there was nobody there, decided to remove the accessories thereof.

The Charged Layme Valeriano to commit the criminal offense used a screwdriver and scissors to steal a car radio, a rearview mirror and other objects, while Salcedo Ramos watched not approached the police or owner of the vehicle, also was keeping the stolen goods in a black bag.

personal Incidentally police patrol car was making rounds of prevention Avenue Leguía plate patrol aboard PL-7482, when observed the suspects inside the vehicle, so decided to intervene in the act, carrying the surgery to decrease the vehicle, leaving the stolen goods beside the vehicle.

immediately put the knowledge to Duty Prosecutor, who ordered the preliminary investigation, proceeding to question the surgery, who after recognizing having committed the crime refused to early termination and waited for the oral proceedings, which aspired to a suspended sentence.

Finally Sole Criminal Judge, after hearing the oral trial discussion between the Attorney Goyzueta Neyra and Technical Defense , last Wednesday, 24 condemned Yoci charged Eder Marino and Paolo Ramos Zalcedo Layme Valeriano to 2 years of actual imprisonment for the crime against property in the form of aggravated robbery, ordering immediate placement in the Penal Pocollay.


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