Sunday, November 28, 2010

Polymar Aroma Beads - Ontario


tail blocks and blocks of surprised me by reaching the near Stadium Racin 'Clu de Avellaneda (as would the Hunter). not really expected so many people! On the other hand, as badly organized queues ... According to a note of the Rolling Stone , more than 35,000 people.

and fauna that looked! from Marilyn Manson clones Putis up great with T-shirts Ladies Maiden or AC DC. Moving across the spectrum: white (little), gray clearly, gray, black mouse (T-shirt for a thousand years), black, sleek (Wave I just bought the shirt that sold here "). Well, also some colored shirts ... red mainly. And bored and spend hours in line, we started to have T-shirts Punisher: saw 6 and one of Cthulhu (very like)! "Security" and Caching tail ... a joke, really.

circulating rumors that Rammstein would not put giant screens for people to concentrate on the show itself, but - did I mention that the organization was very poor? - I suspect it was not the thing ... because we were in mezzanine we missed much of the show precisely because they are far away: Till guessed what he was wearing (the singer) and not to mention the expressions on the faces of all musicians. Still, fire, lights, dancing, music speaks for themselves. Each topic had its own set of lights (different colors) their own pyrotechnics and costume changes were a lot, too.

The show itself was impeccable! Beyond that the second subject was discontinued because some fences fell (poorly armed?) And there were people who fell with them, Rammstein played nearly nonstop until the encores. And encores were excellent!

Personal Insights: Till has an impressive public management, with just two or three sentences in Castilian people howled at will. And the keyboard is full of tomatoes, really made us laugh with his antics ...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Letter To A New Mother

New blog!

opened this new blog:

blog is not over, at least for me.
I realized a while now every time I read more about smart women and nonconformist, that changed a little time, called attention to injustices, in order: feminists. And I thought of doing a blog to compile all this info in one place, for me, and why not for other people: notes, clippings, ideas, history, all relating to feminism. And occasionally peppered with some personal thing, experience or opinion. Nothing too ambiocioso, right? just collect things. Something like my personal experience of feminism, with input from my friends too.
I chose this date to open it because it seems emblematic November 25 is the Day of non-violence against women.

And that name?

Read more ...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Low Estrogen Causing Inflammed Cervix

ESPOL Paper: Understanding and Responsible Mining

By: Mr. Vicente Encalada

Guayaquil, November 8, 2010.

When he finally finds the nail enriched, against all odds, including technical advice, the artisanal mining and small-scale, exclaimed with satisfaction: A lot to ask God is that nothing worth knowing !....

While mining requires very lucky to meet the random circumstances that are beyond the limited research or vacuum pre-investment studies, characteristic of metal mining, so far the only production in Ecuador: small-scale mining and artisanal gold.

What is most needed is responsibility to continue to develop and create their own space, have been welcomed by local communities and appreciation of Ecuadorian society.

"Knowledge is Responsibility," the Commander Ernesto Che Guevara. It is certainly true, if we know the consequences of our acts and actions, we can avoid adverse reactions and effects of mining operations.
miners are not organized or run many risks to go, sometimes in remote locations, to pollute water, air, soil, in order to destabilize the nature, but to extract mineral resources demanded by the standard of living of the society.

The start of mining production brings joy to investors and recipients of tax officials, but soon local claims arise by various "new" problems that disturb the domestic life of host communities. ;

This requires knowing the pre-existing problems and potential problems that can generate new mining operations.

Knowing requires research and scientific abstraction, there is the space for Higher Education in Minas Gerais, before having the opportunity, has the obligation to participate responsibly and systematized in the prevention and resolution of problems mining activities and impacts.

Now the applicant society ever more articles from oil and minerals, that company is not willing to tolerate the negative impacts of extractive operations.

Miners we have to respond by reformulating our concepts, we now need professionals that lead to mining with a focus on mine closure rather than the privileged "old" approach to production.

Mining Engineering should consider opening mines to be closed, while interested in the reserves, production rates, criticized the law, especially as a stay should be interested in space when no longer there is mine.

Asking questions such as:

  • Infrastructure and facilities to be abandoned to abrasion factors of time?.
  • water, soil, vegetation and fauna, wait for the chance of natural recovery?
  • communities are immersed in the "litter" and longing for a better past?
  • The tailings were deposited as potential sources of acid mine drainage and pollution?
  • The country left without income or unemployed?
  • always before constructing an artificial element or remove a natural deposit must ask the question: How will it work and when the mine closes?

Mine operators need of mining engineering to extract, transport, drain, vent and light, with appropriate techniques to ensure during the conduct of operations to mitigate the negative effects impacting on natural and social parameters, ensure physical and chemical stability after mine closure and sustainable projects in parallel could permit.

the current situation in Ecuador, the small-scale mining should be `enriched not only by high concentrations of the nails but by the widespread knowledge and innovative techniques for professional graduates of the School of Mines Institutes Higher Education.

The challenge is serious, because payments are regarded as professional fees and unnecessary costs, knowledge is less valued than luck, then who would play to demonstrate the value of knowledge is to it possess.

Sometimes university graduates are bitter because they are not "studied" do not give them opportunity and space and value to your preparation and have a reason because they first entered the university of mining practice where the levels are not approved for testing if results not .

Young graduates have to work hard to prove, that being that they knowledgeable? , They have an advantage to make operations more efficient and accountable. This implies suddenly enter into competition with the experience routinely taken as models enter the "correct" and "appropriate" and take the challenge of taking skills to innovate.

mines professionals must come prepared to do and always to study abreast of new problems that need new solutions to the difficult test to pass semi-annual cycles are repeated daily, then we need graduates who are willing to study to pass every day a new course of their professional practice.

small-scale mining in Ecuador have to be open to university graduates to be benefited by the added value of knowledge and scientific research. Impossible to do responsible mining claim no knowledge. Government regulations without training is a dead letter.

be responsible small mining claims to be creative because knowledge and technology is not a single book, equipment and tools not found in catalogs of high-tech brands. Be used in innovative knowledge and practices scattered in publications not written. The college graduate has an opportunity to create, innovate and adapt their talent to an unknown reality sometimes underestimated.

The professional technician must also have a perception to fit multiple cultural, social, economic and political, since it is not mining for mining, but in a global context where it should take full responsibility for legal compliance, tax payments, social security work, health and mine safety, good community relations, sustainable and environmental prevention projects.

is a great truth: "Knowledge is Responsibility! ".

Toronto Blood Work Clinic

State seeks its share of the Mining Law

Print Source: Information Analysis Bureau

The standard was approved by the so-called 'Congresillo' in January 2009. It establishes a royalty to the State's highest private enterprise of all proceeds from the sale of minerals. You are also given priority in allocation of land for exploration and development, and created the National Mining Company. The miners' unions claimed that the rule changes are radical and fear more reforms. In the Assembly there is a project that Pachakutik introduced in May this year.

The strongest feature of the current Mining Law, which was approved by the Interim Congress in January 2009, is that this time the state has a greater involvement in their own natural resources, because this country is going to take off its economy, as leagued assembly COUNTRY block the vote on the second debate of the law. The assembly of the ruling party contributed with 50 votes in favor of the Act, 65 members present.
The content of this rule does not retain any of the Mining Law was enacted in 1991, employers and consultants say. "He took a turn over 180 degrees," Orbea consultant said Victor, who also collaborates with the College of Engineering Geology, Mining, Petroleum and Environment (Cigmyp).
based Assembly of reforming the law, namely, Articles 408 and 313 of the Constitution which state that property are inalienable, and indefeasible State non-renewable natural resources, and in general, products subsoil, and other fields. Also non-renewable resources are considered a strategic sector and the state reserves the right to manage, regulate, control and management. Orbea
For current law there is no state boundaries, as participation in contracts with mining companies. He explained that the new text back royalties from last year, gives the government a minimum of 5% of profits by mining.
This benefit could rise to 50% plus the income tax, utilities, Value Added Tax (VAT).
procurement system, also unique, modified according to Orbea. The article states that the concessionaire will have to sign a separate agreement with the state to explore, exploit, benefit and other resources.
"Now there is the single contract which had given him extraordinary powers to universal, say the mining concession, which in part was fine but otherwise not. Now we have that the dealer must explore a mining area, but the while I discover a site has to return to talks with the State to negotiate a contract for exploitation. If you do not agree, what makes (the state) is contracted to the dealer as professional services, "said Orbea.
This type of contract is almost unique in the world, said the consultant, even in Latin America. "For there are negotiations stalled because many foreign companies do not look kindly on that ...."
concessions on areas that previously taken without due process also will regulate the current Mining Law, said Vicente Encalada, president of the Chamber of Mines of El Oro explained that before the grant was sought directly of land but now you enter a system that may also involve other interested bidders on the same property.
also mentioned that the company interested in exploring for or extracting minerals must submit a semiannual report to explain the progress of their work. "Before the patent is only being paid a dollar in the first year per hectare, and over time reaches $ 16. This time they asked for the plan of work, investment and semi-annual report is to verify if what you (the company) has committed to invest and work was being done, "he said.
For Marcos Reyes, president of the National Mining Chamber, radical reforms of the law were made to restrict mining in the country in private hands. He said because the validity of the new law the State reversed nearly 3 000 concessions, leaving about 800, with which he said there are not many resources to the country, from the payment of license fees hectares.
But he said that the reversal of mining concessions had to do with irregularities. "What happens is that you had to recover for the state a given surface to form a new state company ... So where going to work this new state company would create if needed the concession in private hands. Had to recover them, had them back. There was an argument that is waved at any given time in the Assembly, and as there was a minority, obviously as illegal because obviously it has been approved for this mandate is issued " . Demand

Constitutional Court

Indigenous Organizations as Conaie Ecuarunari, Confeniae, called in December 2008, then file the draft Mining Act Irina Assemblywoman Cabezas, who held the presidency of the Committee on Economic Development and Production 'Congresillo'.
The Indians said that the text of the law affecting the concept of "good living" and therefore was autocratic and unconstitutional.
the absence of consensus, the groups filed suit in March 2009, the Constitutional Court. But in March this year, the president of the organization, Patricio Pazmino, said the constitutionality of Article 15, 28, 31, 59, 87, 88, 90, 100 and 105 of the standard.
These items are related to declarations of public utility easements, freedom of exploration, mining concessions and more. Warranty

environmental involvement

In May 2010 Clever Assemblyman Jimenez, head of block Pachakutik, presented a bill to reform the Mining Law. The text still does not pass debate, and although not known with accuracy the content the author of the project, according to Jimenez Blog of the National Assembly, the proposal is the correct application of the constitutional mandate on participation Ecuadorian state the benefits of exploiting natural resources that are not clearly regulated. "
Jiménez said that the current Mining Law avoids the responsibility of the State in terms of policies and measures, "to avoid the impending environmental impacts, which leads to implicit more than punishment, the obligation of the owner mining restore ecosystems and compensate individuals and communities affected by mining. "
In that sense, Assemblyman proposes the creation of a guarantee of 10% of proven mineral reserves of the state mining companies Ecuador to ensure care for the environment.
The Mining Act prohibiting the installation of camps in areas of national security, which was not met by the prefect of Zamora Chinchipe, Salvador Quishpe, who has reiterated that the area of \u200b\u200b20 km of national security are located foreign companies.
said it repeatedly denounced the current government, including documentation but has not received a response.

not updated safety regulations since 1998

Vicente Encalada, president of the Chamber of Mines of El Oro, said that regulations on safety in the mining sector in Ecuador is not Reform for twelve years. However, he stressed that the updating of regulations has no major impact on the occurrence of accidents.
explained that the issue of mine safety has been discussed in international meetings, where it has been reported that countries like Chile and Finland, known for many mining, security codes has more than 2,500 standards, but still maintain a high rate of accidents.
"The problem is that everyone thinks is the lack of regulation, lack of laws, regulations which make accidents, it is not. The problem of accidents is lacking in conscience that arise from the lack of training. So no one can, no person, manager or worker measuring or assessing risk and less aware of the dangers but is aware, "he said.
explained that the entities responsible for reviewing compliance with safety standards in mining is the Undersecretary of Mines, where he indicated that the owner could not be pronounced on safety in mines in the country because he was at the site of Portovelo (El Oro).
In that place where the company operates Minesadco, working in the country for ten years, four miners were trapped in a landslide last Friday. After the accident the undersecretary Energy, Mines and Petroleum suspended the granting of the mining company for inactivity in the area, due to the incident.