Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wet Indicator On Lg Dare


the country's gratitude to Mario Vargas Llosa

The letter sent yesterday by Mario Vargas Llosa to President Alan García with his resignation from the chairmanship of the commission of the Place of Remembrance, as an expression of protest against the amnesty disguised decided by its Government to bring violators of human rights in Peru, is a lesson in dignity, ethics and democracy.

This is particularly important in a context of moral torpor that affects many organizations and prominent individuals in the country today are more interested in a good political relationship and trade with the government, rather than disinterested defense values \u200b\u200bdifferent from the Lima stock exchange.

matches Vargas Llosa In its letter, the reaction to the scandal that have occurred by a diverse set of institutions like the UN Rapporteur, the Commission, the Episcopal Conference and the Ombudsman. Also, by prosecutors, media-with the exception of those who are convinced that respect for human rights should not be an obstacle to economic stability, "and a large number of people who signed the statement" Given a new attack on the rule of law ', led by Julio Cotler, Coll and Pilar Salomón Lerner Febres.

The government's response to such reactions was varied from indifference, denial of the obvious, and even open support such decrees made specifically for the promotion of impunity for human rights violators, including members of the Grupo Colina, Alberto Fujimori, Vladimiro Montesinos and several other criminals.

All this was seasoned by the increasingly unbalanced and pestle arrogance of the minister, hopefully only until today, Rafael Rey, who became the spearhead of impunity for human rights violators.

However, the letter of Vargas Llosa, for his strong national and international prestige, he confronted an inescapable way the government of President García pacts with impunity, forcing him to retreat and to proceed immediately to initiate the repeal of the decrees to dismiss King, who has become a symbol of the lack of democratic and ethical conviction that the government has shown, a stain that can not be erased even by this 'correction' is not out of conviction but forced to avoid a greater disrepute.

The country owes a thank Mario Vargas Llosa for his willingness to legitimate, as in this case, put his personal prestige for the defense of fundamental principles of democracy as, without doubt, are human rights.


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