Sunday, September 26, 2010

Good Basketball Game Songs

Answer: The European Parliament calls for ban on cyanide in mining

Author: Mr. Vicente Encalada

We fucked ! If we abandon the extraction activity, and primary production without having a good level of knowledge that allows us to live in technology, patents, high finance, in order to have the intellect and resources only value.

We must preserve nature untouched as much as possible with a rational use of natural resources properly applying the first law of thermodynamics Conservation energy and matter! Nothing is destroyed, everything changes!

We can not become guardians of nature's outstretched hand, waiting for alms to survive without doing anything and without anyone. Adema this model of charity work, the developed countries only given through NGOs, less than 3% of GDP., With a crumb want to buy a green southern hemisphere.

have to go to deep ecology, we need a mountain of knowledge to gain wisdom and be able to enjoy the good life, in the austerity and humility.

Delete the use of cyanide in Europe, where there is an irony metal mining gobeliana (ie great truths to hide dark interests, well not yet Europe communication has exceeded fascist Hitler). Not to panic, the world has always moved at the double standard.

Europe must make available to mankind's great resources accumulated and concentrates, expressed in gold reserves caused by cyanide and bought at ridiculous prices under $ 100 an ounce. (Now an ounce of gold is in 1300 dollars)

Yasuni case submission is an expression of ideology, do not borrow money for a criminal act is not brilliant initiative, which should not be done simply is not done to the satisfaction of having done the right thing even if it means sacrifice and hard conditions.

We can not beg in exchange for not using cyanide for gold mineral processing, we must find a method of recovering gold without using mercury and cyanide, in the extreme case of using cyanide to adopt the cleaner technologies and practices to ensure maximum mitigation that changes catastrophically accelerate natural changes.

We can start small-scale mining in our country (the only thing we have in production), we begin to know it, measure its operations and its socioeconomic environment, and set out with an innovative practice of gold mining clean.

Ready! Work for a better country, a country with production practices, products and services, cleaner public and private.

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The European Parliament calls for ban on cyanide in mining

Source: European Parliament

The plenary of the European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution today in calling for a ban on the use of cyanide in the European mining before the end of 2011 to protect water resources and biodiversity.

Brussels Belgium - 05/05/2010.

The text, adopted with 488 votes in favor, 48 against and 57 abstentions, calls on the European Commission (EC) propose such a measure and eliminate any direct or indirect support mining projects involving the use of cyanide. MEPs also call on the EU executive to support the regeneration of areas where it is present this type of mining granting financial support to encourage green industries, renewable energy and tourism.
The EP also calls for amending the current legislation on the management of waste from extractive industries companies are required to provide insurance compensation for accidents or operational problems that create pollution.

European Parliament resolution on the prohibition of mining technologies
cyanide-based EU B7-0240/2010


- having regard to Article 191 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
- having regard to the precautionary principle laid down in the Rio Declaration on Environment
Environment and Development and the Convention on Biological Diversity, June 1992 (Rio de Janeiro)
- having regard to the environmental objectives of Directive 2000/60/EC
European Council of 23 October 2000, which establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy
- having regard to Directive 2006/21/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 15 March
2006 on the management of waste from extractive industries, by allowing the use of cyanide in mining within a maximum allowable levels,
- having regard to Directive 2003/105/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 16 December 2003 by amending Directive 96/82/EC (Seveso II) of the Council on the control of the risks associated with major accidents involving dangerous substances,
- Vista Directive 2004/35/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 21 April 2004 on environmental liability, under which Member States may exempt operators to bear the costs of environmental damage if certain circumstances are shown,
- having regard to Agenda 18 months of the English, Belgian and Hungarian and policy priorities water and biodiversity,
- having regard to the measures of the Czech Republic on the general prohibition of the use of technologies based on cyanide mining with the amendment of Law no 44/1988 of mine 2000, and the amendment of Law 48/1993 Hungarian mines, 2009 laying introduces a ban on the use of technologies based on cyanide mining in the territory of Hungary and the German decree enacted in 2002 prohibiting cyanide leaching in mining,
- Vista the question, March 17, 2010, the Commission on the Prohibition of the use of technologies based on cyanide mining in the EU (O-0035/2010 - B7-0206/2010)
- having regard to Article 115, paragraph 5, and Article 110, paragraph 2 of the Rules,

A. Whereas the United Nations has declared 2010 International Year of Biodiversity, a statement by inviting the world to act in 2010 to protect biodiversity on Earth,

B. Considering that cyanide is a highly toxic chemical used in gold mining and, in Annex VIII of the framework directive on water policy, is ranked as one of the main pollutants, and can have catastrophic and irreversible impacts environmental and human health, and hence on biodiversity,

C. Whereas, the Common Position of Ministers of Environment of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia on sustainable mining, issued at the 14th meeting of the Ministers of Environment of the Visegrad Group on 25 May 2007 Prague (Czech Republic), they expressed concern about dangerous technologies used and planned mining activities in various areas of the region that pose significant environmental risks with potential transboundary effects,

D. Whereas, under the Sofia Convention on Cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of the Danube, the parties agreed that in addition to the priority hazardous substances under the framework directive on water policy, cyanide is classified as a hazardous substance important

E. Whereas in the past 25 years have been recorded worldwide over 30 major accidents related to discharges of cyanide and that there is no real guarantee that does not recur such an accident, especially given the increase in extreme weather conditions, for example, intense and frequent rainfall, as envisaged in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,

F. Whereas several Member States of the European Union are considering new gold mining projects to large scale open pit using cyanide-based technologies in densely populated areas, thus generating new potential threats to human health and the environment,

G. Whereas, in accordance with the framework directive on water policy, Member States are required to achieve and maintain good water resources and to prevent contamination by hazardous substances, and whereas, however, that the quality of water may also depend on water quality in the river basin in question situated in neighboring countries that use technology based on cyanide mining,

H. Whereas cross-border effects of accidents involving cyanide, in particular regarding pollution of major river basins and groundwater, underscore the need for a common approach at EU level address the serious environmental threat posed by the use of cyanide in mining,

I. Whereas it still lacks prudential rules and adequate financial guarantees, and that the application of existing legislation regarding the use of cyanide in mining also depends on the powers of the executive powers of each Member State, so a future accident is only a matter of time and neglect,

J. Whereas some Member States have not yet fully implemented
Directive on waste from mining,

K. Whereas mining using cyanide creates little employment and only for a period of between eight and sixteen, but it can cause enormous ecological damage border that usually are not compensated by the responsible operators, which usually disappear or go to bankruptcy, but by the State concerned, ie, by taxpayers,

L. Considering that operators do not have long-term insurance to cover costs in case of accident or malfunction in the future, M. Whereas it is necessary to extract a ton of low-grade ores to produce two grams of gold, which generates an enormous amount of mine tailings in mining areas, while between 25 and 50% of gold is finally in waste pile, considering also that large scale mining projects that use cyanide used several million kilograms of sodium cyanide per year and that a failure in transport and storage can have catastrophic consequences,

N. Whereas there are alternatives to the use of cyanide in mining that could replace the cyanide-based technologies,

O. Considering the public outcry against the current mining projects that use cyanide in Europe, which has involved not only individual citizens, local communities and NGOs but also government organizations, governments and politicians,

1. 1. believes that compliance with the objectives of the EU under the framework directive on water policy, namely to achieve a good chemical and protect water resources and protection of biodiversity can only be achieved by prohibiting mining technologies based on cyanide;

2. 2. Calls on the Commission to impose a ban on the use of technologies based on cyanide mining in the European Union before it ends 2011, since it is the only sure way to protect our water resources and ecosystems from cyanide pollution from mining activities, and at the same time, make a regular assessment of the impact;

3. 3. Notes relevant initiatives within the EU and the United Nations system and actively encourages the development and implementation of mining safer alternatives, including alternative mining without cyanide;

4. 4. Calls on the Commission and Member States not to provide support to any mining project that employs technology based on cyanide mining in the EU, directly or indirectly, until the prohibition applies, or support projects of this kind in third countries;

5. 5. Calls on the Commission to propose an amendment to existing legislation on the management of waste from extractive industries, to require that all operators are required to have insurance for damages and to cover all costs of remedial measures designed to restore the original ecological and chemical status in case of accident or malfunction;

6. 6. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission and the parliaments and governments of the Member States.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bauer Skates Compared To Reebok Skates


the other day chatting with my brother, I commented indignantly how bad he had parked a type, occupying the space of two cars. And he says
"Yes, the block is all fragmented ...
-LOL ... Would have to pass a defrag!
-course ... that is the role of the "rags" - (people who are dedicated to accommodate all cars have to park in one block).
I thought brilliant concept, or as my dad would say: "sharp." One idea that was developed in computer science, but applied to daily in a city park the fact and use the space wisely.
must be thousands of examples of this ... finding them would be good to go.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wet Indicator On Lg Dare


the country's gratitude to Mario Vargas Llosa

The letter sent yesterday by Mario Vargas Llosa to President Alan García with his resignation from the chairmanship of the commission of the Place of Remembrance, as an expression of protest against the amnesty disguised decided by its Government to bring violators of human rights in Peru, is a lesson in dignity, ethics and democracy.

This is particularly important in a context of moral torpor that affects many organizations and prominent individuals in the country today are more interested in a good political relationship and trade with the government, rather than disinterested defense values \u200b\u200bdifferent from the Lima stock exchange.

matches Vargas Llosa In its letter, the reaction to the scandal that have occurred by a diverse set of institutions like the UN Rapporteur, the Commission, the Episcopal Conference and the Ombudsman. Also, by prosecutors, media-with the exception of those who are convinced that respect for human rights should not be an obstacle to economic stability, "and a large number of people who signed the statement" Given a new attack on the rule of law ', led by Julio Cotler, Coll and Pilar Salomón Lerner Febres.

The government's response to such reactions was varied from indifference, denial of the obvious, and even open support such decrees made specifically for the promotion of impunity for human rights violators, including members of the Grupo Colina, Alberto Fujimori, Vladimiro Montesinos and several other criminals.

All this was seasoned by the increasingly unbalanced and pestle arrogance of the minister, hopefully only until today, Rafael Rey, who became the spearhead of impunity for human rights violators.

However, the letter of Vargas Llosa, for his strong national and international prestige, he confronted an inescapable way the government of President García pacts with impunity, forcing him to retreat and to proceed immediately to initiate the repeal of the decrees to dismiss King, who has become a symbol of the lack of democratic and ethical conviction that the government has shown, a stain that can not be erased even by this 'correction' is not out of conviction but forced to avoid a greater disrepute.

The country owes a thank Mario Vargas Llosa for his willingness to legitimate, as in this case, put his personal prestige for the defense of fundamental principles of democracy as, without doubt, are human rights.

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DÉJÀ VU Fujimori by Augusto Alvarez Rodrich

Why Alan Garcia wants to rid the Colina Group?

legislative decrees on human rights has just promulgated the government of President Alan Garcia is an expression of their scant respect for the fundamental causes in a true democracy and not simulated, and are a throwback to the worst moments of the construction of the platform designed fujimontesinismo impunity in the mid-nineties.

These legislative decrees (1094, 1095, 1096 and 1097, promulgated on September 1) provide, among other things, that only considered a crime against humanity to those crimes committed after 2003.

This would allow the archiving of cases of violation of human rights on the grounds of the extension of processes. The problem, however, is that the exaggerated extension of these files is because, first, to the moves made by lawyers for those convicted of such serious crimes and, on the other, to the complicity of the Ministry of Defence for not cooperating, as it should, with the courts.

The beneficiaries of these rules are a large number of people, including the complete list of the Grupo Colina, Santiago Martin Rivas, Jesús Sosa Saavedra, Carlos Pichilingue, among others, as well as other proven violators of human rights as Telmo Hurtado. Several of them already being processed at this time, their output files.

also benefit to this rule are already sentenced Alberto Fujimori and Vladimiro Montesinos, and even the current President García. As noted by counsel for the IDL Carlos Rivera, this standard would achieve the lifting of the sentence for Fujimori to the conclusion that, legally, it would be a crime against humanity. All this seems to fujimontesinismo made by the 1995 amnesty law as it seeks to exclude the accused by human rights.

Thus, after all the progress on respect for human rights, with great difficulty, must be recognized, since the collapse of fujimontesinismo and during government of Valentin Paniagua and Alejandro Toledo, which is making the current administration of President Garcia is reversed so unfortunate as unacceptable.

Why a democratic government source on this muddy swamp autocratic? You can speculate on several hypotheses related to other measures in place at this time in the military-police, but more likely is raised by Fernando Rospigliosi on Sunday in this newspaper on the sharing of ideas with President García Fujimori basic approach , which would explain the presence, yesterday and today of the promoters of these anti-democratic actions, such as Vice President Luis Giampietri or Minister Rafael Rey.

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GOD AND THE DOCTOR GARCIA by Cesar Hildebranth

When I met Alan Garcia was an agnostic, a cuasiblasfemo and gonzalezpradista to the core. So it was secular and half-hearted sinner.

disguise Now I see purple, Cyprian invested linguist, Roman papal to the neck and a founding Templar. What happened?

I think he understood he was the best of men but, in heaven, must ally itself with everything I could.

would, he thought, a team invincible: the God who bowed to Rome and Rome itself was made with the man who is so close to divinity. God and Caesar in the Andes: everything is possible.

Garcia has a joint venture with God and that is why nothing happens when you put it under a building injured. And so is that it manages to announce the existence of a temporary child consenting to the presence of his saintly wife. And so it is going to Pisco and promises to move the rubble in less than a week-oh, miracle-that a year from now everything will be rebuilt "miracle of San Hernán, but hopefully not Santa Cutra- and the area economy will not suffer even in its export figures, more than miracle celestial spell.

Enrique Chirinos Soto Cossack stuck a stick and then confessed. Politically stabbed someone and then engulfed an effervescent host. Constitutional Court dissolved an order of Joy Way and was immediately gargle with ten Hail Marys. To Chirinos, Catholicism was not only belief and faith was a shower that desenmugraba English.

suspect that Dr. Garcia's relationship with major powers is a bit similar. So after each lie is the Lord's Prayer and then a despicable the Beatitudes and the day after a session high qualities of chest beating. Religion as carbonic soap.

That does not mean that Dr. Garcia lacks of faith. The surplus is and that makes it dangerous. If the converts tend to Orthodoxy, it seems that Dr. Garcia is leaning towards fanaticism.

tell me that is becoming increasingly difficult to discuss its decisions, refine their infallibility, add to its surprising decision. As Bush when fire removes the infidels and demonized countries, Dr. Garcia believes now that God gives orders, that the sky will fall memos that he only respects and that, after all, that closeness with God exempts from the banal view of his ministers and the even more banal scrutiny the poor wretches of the press.

Besides, God is not behind the 11-point rise in popularity? Have not been anything on the evaporation of those sixty thousand votes that prevented Lourdes Flores be president? And in the multiplication of the tiny original hacienda, multiplication allowed to have that apartment in Paris, these houses, those accounts, "was not God, maybe?

From time to play God Dr. Garcia will end pareciéndosele. Faced with this colossal proximity, What can import the patrol that are not bought, ministers do not resign, the funds are not spent, the demands of the impatient and the comments of those who claim to have been betrayed? And perhaps Wilbert Bendezú, do you have a pint of Judas?

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which live by Cesar Hildebranth

The marriage of Dr. Alan Garcia with Mr. Alberto Fujimori Fujimori, a descendant of the most ancient nobility yakuza, has been, without doubt, the social event of the year.

Photographed by Mario Testino, printed by the millions in Hello magazine, cloned in all spoon roses journals, coupled by Luis Alva Castro lame Balenciaga (wedding) and rabid Versace (to party), and blessed by the Chaplain General of Prisons, Mr. Vladimiro Montesinos, both wore serene and happy sausage in separate Armani, a gift from Asbanc for starting the liquidation of the Banco de la Nacion, and willing to do everything possible so that this time the thing does work.

Because we can not forget that both characters had their hit and run in 1990, when Alan advised to Kenya, he instructed for discussion with Vargas Llosa, the alley became a disciple of from 7 stabbings and even lent him for all purposes to Montesinos, who was already intelligence adviser appointed by Fujimori Garcia before he discovered his best talents in the art of killing and dexterity under state snack bags.

That romance was hot, he met a thousand washes in Congress, a thousand other entanglements in the commission investigating the origin of the fortune of Dr. Garcia, until a minor misunderstanding, instigated by Montesinos, Fujimori was made after Garcia with the help of tanks and in order to take him to his office to ask how he made to avoid leaving fingerprints and what was the trick to leave the BCR with less than $ 130 million (-US $ 130 million) and then appear to give some tips on the economy.

But the villain of Montesinos Garcia called the doctor saying that the Japanese, who every day saw Tora, Tora, Tora for inspiration, wanted him dead. And there came the quarrel that ended decoupling for a while.

But not now. Now is not Montesinos to intervene. In this love the years have not spoiled, that the bodies of both sides ended up shielding, Rodrigo Franco, on the one hand, Hill, on the other, the pediment as a dowry, Barrios Altos counterpart, nobody can stop.

And there are, as witnesses of this marriage of blood, the fierce fight against the slaughter NGO requested by Fujimori and about to be executed by the Apra-dismantling the fight against corruption-gesture that suits both parties, "and outright sabotage the extradition of Fujimori, almost physical condition to the consummation of the wedding because a boyfriend so high qualities can not come with handcuffs on, what are they thinking.

All this wrapped in the same cueca prochilena, Fujimori started by signing the shameful and treacherous agreements of 1998 and continued until the excess by Garcia to the Hen Turuleca put in Torre Tagle. Those who, like Cipriani, believe in the sanctity of marriage can only hope they are happy. (A cloud Enci rice on the couple).