Saturday, July 31, 2010

Coffee Cake Low Calerie

a brick AS MASSAGE TO THE NATION by Augusto Alvarez Rodrich

's speech yesterday (July 28) by President Alan García could be classified broadly as a good message, but that statement must be balanced with some precautions must be taken into account in the analysis and, in essence, involve an individual choice of each person making the assessment.

The first is that it is indispensable note that this fifth message of the current government administration, and, for all practical purposes, the latter with implication effective governance for the next year will be fired and when all the attention and is placed on the successor- is that corresponding to the final phase of the government.

In this sense, it would be unfair to assess this message from the perspective of if it was the beginning of a Presidency. Although at times the speech yesterday by President Garcia had the tone of openness, this message is-not forget-the output and no reason to judge him differently. Ie Why would that change of focus in the last year, a head of state he feels has gone well during the previous four?

The second caution is that the message yesterday Garcia is, as most had expected, a brick with more numbers than concepts, which is a bad habit of all the presidents. This raises the question of assessing the post by-numbers which proves to be considered, or what you believe is missing.

Third is the credibility factor, ie, if the evaluator of this message believe or not the issuer. For example, if you believe the president when said that his government will not interfere in the electoral process, something we all suspect-up to Garcia's own statements, that has not happened. Fourth

caution: if you are uncomfortable that President García express and set out policies that conflict with what he is doing or has done until recently his government. For example, on issues of corruption.

If we ignore the four above-mentioned precautions, or do we turn a blind eye to them, one might conclude that the message yesterday from President Garcia, the fifth and final cash from your current administration, was a bricks to palm a citizenship a lot of numbers that, in essence, sought to give a massage to the nation to say that, for better or for worse, nothing significant will change during the twelve months that remain in power. If you that sounds good or it feels wrong, it is another thing, the thing is that you can not ask the impossible.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Got My Irs Refund On A Tuesday

Magazine Assign responsibilities within the Company


four individuals were once called "All the World "" Someone "," No "and" Any. "
  • always had a job to do, "Everybody" was sure that "someone" would.
  • "Anyone" could have, but "Nobody" did.
  • When "No" did, "Someone" got nervous because "Everyone" had the duty to do so.
  • the end, "Worldwide" blamed "anyone" when "No" did what "anyone" could have done.
Conclusion: In fact his company is not neglecting the level of responsibility and the proper allocation of tasks to their employees.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Where Can I Buy Bluegills

FUJIMORI IN PARADISE by Cesar Hildebrandt

listen to Alberto Fujimori describe their paradise of opium and see that people like him can only thrive in a country to 40 percent of citizens that they dont say "what-if repeated surveys governing a democracy or a dictatorship. So
Peru a 40 per cent of citizens who aspire to almost not be citizens and want to be, sometimes with enthusiasm, happy and sad subjects serfs. Behind
Fujimorismo is the power of submission and the overwhelming ignorance that hurt the soul of Peru.
listen to Fujimori and say that if there were geysers of cynicism would sound like his voice. Talk about courage
the man's voice trembled when he spoke to seek refuge in the embassy of Japan at night the failed coup of General Salinas Sedo. Talk
honor the man who emputeció the Armed Forces, Congress made a pigsty, abolished the constitutional order, ignored and even his signature fingerprint in order not to pay a debt to the mother of his children. Talk
pride itself the subject Japanese wanted to be senator for immunity to free him from the scope of the law. Speaking of responsibility
the man who filled 45 suitcases of videos, money and loot many, took the presidential jet and went from Brunei to Tokyo, where he sought asylum and from which he resigned by fax to the presidency of the republic.
talks about love of country the leader of a gang who ransacked treasury bills for a more conservative value estimated at
two billion U.S. dollars
. Talk
the verdict of history, the subject who was fishing in Iquitos when Dincote police, without any help from Montesinos, captured Abimael Guzman, the man who fled the country after learning how to Montesinos bought these congressmen who are now be rubbing their hands. How pathetic
poor devil is Fujimori. All the powers attributed to the things that went well and was portrayed as a fallen president, uninformed and irresponsible when you mention the murders committed the crime to which he applauded, stood and amnesty.
"I was commander of the armed forces in the sense that a football coach commands the team," he said yesterday distilling the essence of his legendary cowardice.
So we praise him for having "commanded" the armed forces that defeated the hiking, but we should exonerate him from liability when those same armed forces killed the elderly, children and women in the highlands of Ayacucho.
We thank you for pulling the country out of economic crisis in which we sank Alan Garcia, who did so much happen to Fujimori, "but we forget that with him all workers' rights were abolished, all semblance of fairness was persecuted, all corruption in the privatization process was possible.
We have to say thanks for peace with Ecuador-Tiwinza including, Ecuador navigation rights in Peru including rivers, but can not remember his disgusting role in defeating Peruvian Cenepa, when our soldiers lacked logistics, communications and, in many cases , ranch and shoes.
We must be grateful to his regime because "refound the country" (Fujimori dixit), but we have to forget that fifteen of their Ministers or are in prison or are under orders to capture thieves. We must be Fujimoristas
by schools FONADE planted, but we must recall the press filthy mess he created for his opponents and, surely, "raising the cultural level." This closed
Democratic Congress that allowed this honest largest prey to be aware of, this model citizen who converted to an aide in tax break in and steal bags into the house of Trinidad Becerra, this decent man who had as a partner Montesinos, this statesman defending Saravá subjects as this angel who lived from vermin, this exemplary man who gave a coup when his wife, in a fit of holy madness, denounced the attacks of Sister Rosa and brother Aritomi Apenkai the box, this proved the fact to Miyagusuku, the crying shame what they read and play with the desire to forget the Peruvians, that Mr. Fujimori, in short, remains exactly the same miserable misery moral loves and endorses. Fujimori
The secret is that it has become socially successful the worst vices of the "Peru": cruelty in the tumult, cynicism as a method and, especially, cowardice upgraded to a vital function.
Keiko Fujimori's victory, given, will be the colorful summary of the domestic tragicomedy and a test that is thriving economically and morally viable.
Courtesy: Diario "La Primera"

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Clave De Activación Pctv Sistems

One Giant Leap - Just need a nudge and mining Yasuní


A millionaire promoting a party at one of his mansions, at some point for music, and says, facing the pool where crocodiles bred:

  • who managed to cross and exit live on the other hand, win all my cars ... Does anyone dare?
Terrified, the guests remain silent and the millionaire insists

  • The achieved cross and go live on the other hand, win all my cars and my planes ... Does anyone dare?
Silence prevails, and once again, offers:

  • The achieved cross and go live on the other hand, win all my cars, my planes and my mansion ... At this point, someone jumps into the pool ...
The scene is awesome ... an intense struggle, the man defends himself as he can grab the mouth of the crocodile with his hands and feet, twist the tail of reptiles ... After several minutes of terror and panic, leaving the brave man almost died.

Millionaire approaches, congratulates him and asks,

  • Where do you want to give you the cars?
  • Thanks but I do not want their cars ...
Surprised, the millionaire question
  • What about airplanes? Where do you want to deliver them?
  • Thanks, but I do not want their planes ...
Surprised by the reaction of the man, the millionaire question
  • What mansions?
  • I do not need theirs ... I have a beautiful home and can keep them ...

Impressed, the millionaire question
  • But if you . does not offer anything, what do then?
And very angry man said:
  • Find the damned who pushed me to the pool!
Conclusion: is important to recognize our abilities, life goes between success and failure, the value gives us the strength to overcome difficult moments. We need only a nudge!