Saturday, April 3, 2010

How To Get A Lost Confirmation Id

by Cesar Hildebrandt

The Peru has several world records to his credit.

The world record-category of narcissism idiot chest and back, synchronized swimming, butterfly style, for example. Idiotic narcissism is expressed in the phrase "God is Peruvian ", or the belief that our food is second to none, our landscapes are unique and our folklore has no peers.

Peruvians are like the Brazilians. The only difference is that we have not won the championship five times World Cup and we had to Ayrton Senna-to say nothing of the Brazilian aviation industry, the size of its GDP and human qualities and ethical Lula.

The funny thing is that if an impartial observer would come to this land and ask people, the people of this great people who are supposed who we are, you vote in the upcoming election, 22 percent of respondents say, "Keiko Fujimori ." And then the observer would fall back.

For KeikoFujimori Higuchi is the daughter of Alberto Fujimori Fujimori convicted felon -alias Kenya Fujimori, President of the Republic alias alias alias Peacemaker and His Excellency, winner of three sentences add 38 years of actual forcible detention.

This thief who stole in bags murderer who used weapons of State este peruano que se hizo japonés para eludir la justicia, este japonés que fingió ser peruano para gobernar, este cónyuge que encerró a su cónyuge cuando ésta lo denunció por robar donaciones japonesas, este resumen de todas las taras yakuzo-peruvianas que uno puede imaginar, es el padre de quien se perfila como la próxima mandataria de la nación (así, todo con minúsculas).

Y no es que la señora Keiko haya huido de su ADN ni de la maldición de la herencia. Porque la señorita Keiko estudió en Boston con dinero robado por su padre, felonía que ejecutaba Vladimiro Montesinos pero que mandaba hacer el propio Alberto Fujimori.

And that would be an ugly spot in any country where decency was a requirement to enter politics.

is not a stain, however, Peru . Because in this country, in apparent enormous ego, everything is tolerated.

is tolerated, for example, that the political agenda of Ms. Keiko clanesco summarize in this cry: "pardon for my dad!" (With that Peru will not have a president but a warden and will be, Finally, what Saravá always dreamed to be: a vast Lurigancho).

For if God is Peruvian, and say huachafo, then Satan also went through the Reniec.

Source: The First


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