Saturday, April 11, 2009

What To Write In A 21stt Birthday Card

metamorphosis Hugos are not all brown

was not going to start this mini-series of posts as well, but anyway.
blogoliteraria True to my self-flagellation, which is NEVER edit the posts, write as it comes, the spontaneous release (because I have to stop to write three papers) so I feel this issue goes well " Hugos are not all Pardos"
A paraphrase that night all cats are gray, I guess.

A Hugo Pardo met him name for your blog (I have it in my travel, long) and face-inch days ago, after a talk he gave at the battered Classroom Communication 108 in the UBA.

said two or three things that left me eager to keep talking, but of course happening while I went back to my house. That damn delay of my brain ... which makes cracking the whip on my tired axons when I am not physically present where it should. Bueh.

In Infonomía network profile, to the question "What can you offer?" Hugo responds:
"Serendipity settled and focused, ie capacity for invention / discovery amplified and energy to work in a new field of research such as mobile devices and Web 2.0 applications" (fa!)
And someone who is able to guarantee serendipity deserves a moment of analysis, I reckon.
Here it is, on my part.

The talk reviewed the seven principles of Web 2.0. Well, as it is "almost " my subject in a subject that I teach, I seemed superknowledge seven. I know to order, almost
What I saw at that time was something else: the faces of the students. Attentive, quiet, just the heads up and down furiously taking notes (analog, but two or three). Whenever
at the conference appeared the phrase " well, you already know this " I watched the forest of faces. No nodding, not denied. Trying to stay safe by putting neutral expressions (action for excellence in college student masivo, seguir siendo un punto, uno más, una gestalt de ojos-nariz-boca que toma apuntes...)

Pero cada vez que Hugo afirmó " ustedes esto YA lo saben " ví pasar, en un destello ínfimo, en un instante digno de la publicidad subliminal, una expresión de susto por el mar de caras.
Acaso fuera " bueno, si ya lo sabemos, a qué repetir?" O acaso " ah, si?"
Pero me pareció, más de una vez, que el fantasma que flasheaba decía " no, carajo, yo NO lo sabía".
Me hizo pensar en cuántas veces uno, en conferencias, para no ir a menos en la consideración the recipient, it must assume that everyone knows what not everyone knows.
I also thought many times we talk about the principles of Web 2.0, those who know at least a little, assuming that they all seem fair and ad hoc.

At some point in the discussions, Hugo told that one of the "critical notions" on the web 2 is that, paradoxically, can not bear criticism. You can not criticize the web 2.
The web 2 is good, is free, democratic, fun and modern. And if you do not like the web 2, you have to silence you.
is not politically correct to criticize any object, application or device bearing the seal to be dospuntocero.
(I give it right: it actually happens. To me, although the phenomenon attracts me a lot, cause I sting intellectual attitude of many new gurus ...)

Because of this zero tolerance to criticism I think many young people, very nativodigitales them very facebookers , very connected, get up on fashion and technology excuse themselves wondering what to do with them.
Because of this fear of being left out to feel the naturalized (because, come on, and we hung up the prized sambenito Marc Prensky, we have 30, we are not natives much we try to manage well our vital information) is that sometimes we enrolled into this same complacency as new because it's new , as it is 2.0 2.0 ...
We are so afraid that accuse us of outdated or resistant to innovation, which we dare not argue with anyone who claims that if you are in social networks, digital-do not exist. We
the same face of terror imperceptible to the assertive tone of " know this already" but our fear is equivalent to " my God, it came with the thing over there?"
Now, two cases (more) that happened at the conference, I'd like to weave here.
One was a resounding advice, based on one of the famous seven principles.

SIMPLICITY, boys and girls.
not twist in the design loaded in 100x100 format polished and sterile in complicated methods of protection. Communicate in the most simple things can worthwhile.
even give that advice again in the final round of questions. Best
simple, lightweight, stripped, but with good content. Taste, meaning, value.

Another was also a counsel, but non-conclusive. I knew more to confession (con-fession: attest, declare what you believe) and an impulse to tell who, for whatever it was, they gained confidence at that time.

This was more or less like this:
"That this country is malfunctioning or not working, that we see. That we used to complain, either" (if I remember correctly, said that the Argentines are very whiners a horrible little word, worthy of the mouth of Ned Flanders.) "which is fine but complain and shut that does not relieve us of responsibility to do something in this sense "

And say there in that space, and before that stack of people watching and scoring with greedy eyes, I thought a goal from midfield.

For now, most in this
post these four tips
  • The one with "You already know " (no, not everyone knows it and see what we do with this, not be pedantic, or brick wall higher the native / immigrant, or give assume that the world is my small, small world)
  • The point-to simple and lightweight. Simple, simple, simple .
  • to generate the valuable content . Simple and value, rather than twisting and insipid. "The most powerful competitive weapon is knowledge"
  • of
  • The assume responsibility in this scenario.

You know: do it simple, convey something meaningful, and responsible for the consequences.

"think more or less like Hugo Pardo?

Go figure ...

next: Easter reflection on walled gardens and the gardens of the victory. What I'm thinking, I promise to write when you reach the point.


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