Friday, January 22, 2010

Bloons Tower Defense Not Blocked

of Ecuador in relation to Newton's laws


Author: Mr. Vicente Encalada
To close the start of 2009 and 2010 is relevant to summarize the most important mining events that occurred in this industry of Ecuador in 2009.

expectations focused on the promulgation of legal norms, as expressed in the publication of the Mining Law, THE JANUARY 26, JANUARY 2009, followed by a long waiting period for issuing the Regulations for the fully operational of the Act exceeded statutory deadline of May 30, 2009, extending until November 4, 2009 the issuance of regulations that would apply the new Mining Act, and on this date President Correa signed the following decrees:


In the field of real mining has not discovered any new or increased deposit reserves of the four industrial production potential deposits (Cerro Mirador, Fruta del Norte, Quimsacocha and Rio Blanco). In small-scale mining was surprising suspensions and reopening activities in San Gerardo (Ponce Enriquez, Azuay).

And here you have to see Mr. Isaac Newton?

The First Law of Inertia has served the mining industry to maintain its state of rest as there is no force (government policy) that requires him to change state.

The third law summarized in the principle of action and reaction applies to the case of oil exploitation in the field named ITT Yasuni reserve. It is worth remembering this universal principle of physics, which takes place today, the originality of the idea of \u200b\u200bnon-oil development in Yasuni, between the Presidency of the Republic and former President of the Constituent Assembly.

Every action generates a reaction, as a result of human actions, grouped under the name of human actions, and reactions generate impacts on nature and the environment, but the man can not stop using resources for their welfare and survival so this basic recommendation to abolish the actions to eliminate the impacts, despite being an easily understandable decision is difficult applicable.

The dispute over the "originality" of the idea is nothing more than an exercise in rhetoric, the originality of the principle of action and reaction has been recognized for Mr. Newton.

The people must seize resources for their welfare, is also "pretty rhetoric" because in fact the oil is extracted for export, as consumption outpaces the country also the nation's refining availability is not suitable to treat sulfur heavy crude extracted, reconstituted debiƩndose import oil. It recognized that oil production injects financial resources through export currencies are (..!) partly reversed in domestic requirements.

then need the application of Mr. Newton's second law which says the change in motion is directly related to the driving force print and occurs as a straight line along which the force is applied.

If we change the use and management of renewable natural resources must establish policies that act as a single force, on a line with direction and meaning according to the new constitutional principles of respect for nature and good live.

is important to be original but more important is to have the intelligence to use the knowledge property of humanity that our fingertips, the warm water is already there to be invented.

If there are areas which may contain mineral deposits or oil, but where we can not mitigate environmental impacts, let's keep intact, should not be prospected least explored, it sounds like economic blackmail rather than to environmental awareness, raise money for not doing an action extractive resources, find new alternatives "clean", remember that the European economy surplus (which can now donate money), historically over-exploitation leads to exhaustion of their own natural resources and the concentration of wealth resulting from the theft (through blood and fire) of the peripheral countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

us apply the universal laws of Mr. Newton, but if necessary, importing and copying knowledge to stop borrowing from the right or left either investment or financial compensation, it is time to abandon this mentality and ideology of dependence .

The intellectual elites of the country must break his self-imprisonment, but think you can make profound changes, with a handful of brilliant in the control groups, the "putsch" intellectual has failed, the thinkers have had to leave his seat a penalty of public authorities to return to the chair. I think they have enough dignity to recognize the importance of disseminating knowledge at the grassroots level. Stridently dispute with his ideological comrade President yesterday and today, is back on track and always be on the bar and resentful.

The task of disseminating the knowledge you need a lot of intelligence, skill and perseverance, and even more when it comes to breaking old paradigms of natural resource use, but following the methodology of the three principles of Newtonian forces must define:

1 .- moment of inertia which we
2 .- The strength and course of action to implement
3 .- The reaction resulted from the action.

hope the professors add their contribution, providing medium-term results with conviction to autonomously decide how, when, for whom and to extract our mineral and petroleum resources.