Friday, December 26, 2008

Black Light Csi Sperm

News yesterday that the dead you kill

... good health.
So goes the famous phrase. So I've taken in this beautiful, sunny afternoon.
Actually, my intention was to go to Blogger, hang a nice little sign here that says "BLOG legally abandoned"

I became convinced that the cycles and the routines of high tide, low tide ... and that processes are initiated and are completed ... and how much reason have physical education students when they repeat the catchphrase of " kill the game before I die "

So: I went to kill him to blog. Cold
ominously, anointed with all the right reasons, which, of course, the heart does not understand.

I shook my fingers, with short, precise, studied, discrete wave motions, the powders of intimate postings they come to me sometimes, in times and places absolutely not conducive.

Who cares if I write or not? Are pure nonsense. Trivial observations. Conclusions for a sociology of the useless.

knife-mouse in hand, silencing the muzzle of the pistol of keys of costadito entered by the back door, thinking about finalization of sleep, so cowardly shrug in case, dangling from his lips the words of "I killed him because he was my"

But I was awake.
And dreaming.
As a lapdog unable to betray almost jumped for joy as I entered. Ladino sentimentality, made me recoil.

I took the brushes and brooms, I hit a sweep, the color suits him, lifted the fallen chairs, I made calculations on my free time ... to change a bit, what do I know what trifles written string.

It seems that the blog has behaved as a good friend to forget the pettiness and rancor, and then the task gave me pleasure, relax, initiative.

not promise much.
not promise anything better.
But I will open this window of my world, where fresh air enters me when I need to ventilate the spirit.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Midnight Ftv Uncensored

You see the thong

Tanga was the name of a garment worn by the Guarani. Specifically, the Guarani women.
was a minimum, two opposing triangles covering the genital area and tied to the sides of both hips. It was very hot, there was no need shelter more. Infer that the motive to cover the shame it was not a matter of daily life: working women often crouched on the floor and certain exposures could be dangerous. The men were not wearing any clothes.
( Well, imagine the corollary of history after the conquest, men and women were forced to "cover their shame" with a garment called tipoy, camisole tops, rectangle, probably more uncomfortable, but totally Christian and civilized )
Finally, the thong was, without argument, the clothing of women. Outdoor Clothing , if you include the classification.
Over time, morality and decency, and modesty and restraint and what people say, the thong was left in the morbidity and was forbidden to look at underwear.

And I say that because it was not anymore.

underwear now has a production and a paraphernalia of variations to choose a set of panties and bra you can take an entire afternoon.

It turns out that now the underwear is designed to display more or less openly at the sight. There are precious remerita back together, and girls do not care about equally across the strips of their bras, but leave them hovering over their shoulders as saying "See? I have down the muscular corset"
The thongs take all the laurels in terms of exhibition, planned or unplanned. In conjunction with low-rise pants, the colored thongs and multi-show with shameless here, there and everywhere. And here (ay!)
The classic game
perverse children make a fellow "Chinese pants" was never more simple and handy. Girls with thong: underwear Chinese insured.

And what fashion " sexy" for men to show the elastic of his underpants. Especially those with a top mark printed or embroidered on the edge forward a tad strutting hip in an unambiguous gesture of " heh. Which brand of underwear I'm stripping, I am a winner"

The trouble with these fashion is that they spread out and flow with vertigo surprising bit of walking and seeing results from the combination emetics "hipster / thong " and the horrible ass fallen ones were not only elastic but also half lined trousers, which is supported without reservation in his belt trouser jean ...
Guys: look in the mirror before leaving home, please ...
think that not so long ago, the admonition of our mothers and grandmothers, foolproof method for accediéramos to give us a shower or change clothes inside was: "Look if something happens on the street and you have the laundry. ..! "
That is, that someone saw the panties or shorts (and socks, of course!) Was a horrendous situation that could only be justified if one suffered an accident.
remember more than once asked me, with implacable logic, " but ... if something happens to me on the street ... if I, indeed, an accident ... What if your underwear is clean or filthy ...? Who is going to stop watching if the white thong is spotless or not? "

But nothing, no case: prefantasma people watching with disapproving eyes was stronger. Ma yes, I change ... just in case.

underwear now think what we will for other reasons. For example, because it must match the shoes or the hair headband. Because no longer inside. It became a bait in a distractor, a label in sight, in a carrier of our identity card, in advance of our sexual mores.

expose. We allow the selling us down, saying " you use push-up, no?"
memory collected in hundreds of images of hundreds of people completely unknown, which we have seen the birth of the "before" prudish ass hairline.
We chose our sons pants looking the picture of elastic, instead of registering eye mother if the cotton is Berreta or lasting.

I say, not that we come full circle, but I like to think that eventually we won the tug of war that forced the Puritans to the beautiful, fresh Guarani females to hide the thong under a dress within the which almost certainly poor things, were dying of heat and sweat. There are

, knights of the Holy Bombacha: is back on the air, making mischief.
Thongs, thongs for everyone.
looming these strips.
Y olé.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cough And Lower Left Ad


Undoubtedly, the photographs is the best memory is of special moments, captured a few moments here to remember them later.

Wholesale Lawn Mower Parts To Sale On Ebay

Event Summary (video)

Successfully held on 12 th International Conference on Marketing and Advertising "Effective Communication that promotes brands, for a summary of what happened the 29, 30 and October 31 the following video prepare

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bosch Condensing Dryer Problems

In recent days conducted an online survey to ascertain the opinion of the audience about participating in the event, where we concluded

How did you find the image of the event?

47% of people responded that the image of the event is very good, followed with an equal percentage of 47% said good

This means that people generally perceived to good way the image of the event, with the right to inform the target audience.

you rate given to the issues discussed?

27% of people responded to the issues discussed at the event were important, 61% of people said they were interesting, and 10% of people responded that it was boring.

This means that over 50% of people responded that the issues raised by the speakers at the event were interesting, thus assuming that the people got good information on each topic

How did you find the organization and event logistics

43% of people responded that the organization and logistics of the event was excellent, followed by an equal percentage of 43% who said it was regular, and 12% replied that it was bad.
This means that the overall organization and logistics were good, but you can improve for future seminars to come and get a positive response from all attendees.
How do you rate the speakers and their presentations

54% of the respondents gave a score of 4 points exhibitors and their presentations, followed by 20% who gave 3 points, and 14% who gave 5 points.

This means that over 50% of the respondents to this survey gave a score of 4 being a good rating for exhibitors, and each of their presentations can capture the public's attention.
I remember all those who attended the seminar, which can pass through the center of studies of the Faculty, by the certificate assistance and memories of the event

How To Do Blueprints On The Computer

Ctrl + Z

-I-may never born. Perhaps following the advice of his pragmatic mother and studied finance, and forgot the lyrics.
may have had a hiccup in the beginning, let us say, an acid-undeserved criticism and has given up no more.
So many fatalities could have happened to not know a poet thrills men start simple and melancholy sighs of women who dream of love blue-green ...

She was about to turn the corner. In that case, he had met her a dark look sweet, night, thick and wild honey. She dissolved in shock and bitter premonition, had fled far, far away, had to moved out of country because of the forebodings of those owl eyes who was some time after his inquisitor and executioner.
but kept going. It did not happen this time that would have saved his life, and their five or six children dream.

The master has put doubt in the womb, that the uncertainty shakes, ugly feeling an injustice by imposing a punishment the student downcast, fingers inked and chestnut tresses hectic mess. Hesitate feeling the weight of a guilt-knows-ensue. And she is about to peel off the white-lipped, except to supply, hear clearly, chewed damper, that repeats the phrase unkempt prohibited annoyance, anger, with aplomb, with provocative clumsiness.

The cricket jumped onto the grass after a minimicroinstante due: the cat's claws caught him with evil greedy for entertainment toy that nap.

A drop of more in the mix, and tone of the material turned to a bright magenta, no turning back.

-VI-I said yes, he would, and now regret giving me three times the neck and fits tightly to constrictor.
I said no, that would not. And now I return to this territory as possible to try.

suggest the god behind God who moves the pieces,
to consider the usefulness of an Undo menu

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Milena Velba At Computer

With ten years under (II)

... and when we came across, almost by chance and asked him how he state, so long a part of me wanted to say, in a fit of honesty and lucid tenderness it was missing.

That's it.

But instead I said well, that thank you very much, that I too am happy and stuff.

Courtesy is an unfortunate way of being cowards.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Quantim Audio Coxmic Series

With ten years under

(not doubted)