Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dora Birthday Goodie Bag

Fiesta: Hacete the movie! Cuarentañera

Hello everybody!!
As autumn began and usually I'm in a bad mood with allergies and the many activities at this time of year and overwhelm me, I have decided to escape from reality for a while. Help me?
Saturday, May 7 - 23.30HS

FIESTA The Maison de Chyn

Basically what the idea :
  • fun. That includes drinks, some food, games, chat ... and film yourselves what else!
  • Dressing or characterized or bring some well-known phrase from a movie. That is, if I like Matrix, for example, I can dress all in black with a coat, or wear dark glasses and a stylish suit Mr Smith, or simply select the phrase: "Wake up, Neo!"
  • can bring friends @ s friendly, something to drink to make, suggestions for games, some "other thing" to share ...
  • There will be games, and if they do not want to play, they can sit in a corner or laugh bitterly the other (try to hide ... a little). Plis
  • bring something to drink. If not forget beer after packaging in casaaaaaaa! There
  • DJ, so this might not complain about the music! (The only one I could complain about me)
  • As always, decorated the house according to the event. If you want to contribute something, can join the staff, who come home type 20h. If you just want to come and eat pizza, so I'll get to laburar not risk! jajajajaja ....
Anything, ask ... also sent invitation through Facebook. If you do not have FB, Fuck.

(\\ ,,,/) Chinchiya

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Home Depot Packing Tape



The country has 167 documented springs and mineral springs, and more than 1000 springs of fresh mountain water, mainly located in the alley and around Interandino volcanoes. Water is the most important mineral on the planet. The rational use of this resource could generate tens of thousands of jobs and substantial income.
the medium and long term water from mountain base plate, could be exported and generating resources such as those now generated by petroleum. Something similar could happen, using scientific, economic and technical thermal and mineral waters, in good health, leisure and tourism.

German scientist Theodore Wolf, in his major work "Geography and Geology of Ecuador" published in 1892, referring to the hot springs and mineral in the country said: "Ecuador is very rich thermal and mineral waters, of all kinds, especially in the Andean and Inter, but the use made of them is almost nil. It is known how progress has done in the civilized world Medical Hydrology , we can determine how valuable remedies we possess in certain mineral waters for the treatment of various diseases. Ecuador has an abundance of such waters, but their physicians do not know them leave their application to the poor and ignorant, and treat them with the same contempt as to natural remedies in the country. These are not mentioned in the pharmacopoeias of Europe, ERGO: worthless, our waters are not recommended as the Vichy, Karlsbad, Selter, etc., Newspapers, ERGO: Come and foreign, all cost. "

's been 119 years since Theodore Wolf, wrote about the goodness and properties of thermal and mineral waters in the country. Unfortunately until now, except for isolated cases, has not done anything to hear and investigate our thermal and mineral waters. There is a total lack of them, even by institutions that should pay attention and investigate as are the faculties of chemistry and medicine at the universities of the country, the Social Security Institute IESS, the ministries of Health, Tourism and environment.
thermal and mineral waters in our country, are genetically related to young volcanic apparatus and systems of faults and fissures. It is a finite-exhaustible resource-exploitation for this reason must be done in a rational manner, observing strict production techniques. Otherwise you could miss this invaluable resource.
is imperative to dedicate efforts to study and research guide the systematic and planned our hot springs, mineral and natural mountain and has prepared the technical and scientific personnel to take advantage of this resource mineral, possibly the most precious of the new millennium.
It is time for the full use of our thermal and mineral waters, and developing social programs Cures, Preventive Medicine and Community Ecotourism.
"natural mineral water (it defined) as clean water, which has emerged from the soil and that their physical or physico-chemical by its chemical or its dissolved gases, or all these factors is likely to produce applications dietary and physiological actions in the human body "
Primitive man, harassed by his natural enemies, found in hot springs and mineral the first drug to relieve pain from injuries and regain health. Atahualpa, after the fratricidal war with his brother Huascar, was recovering in the thermal baths of Conoc near Cajamarca, when the English took him prisoner. However it is considered that the rational use and technical staff of this resource, the baths, spas social-started in the Roman Empire, and was the first Emperor Julius Caesar who used the thermal and mineral waters for relaxation and to restore the health of his army.
Unlike drugs and mineral hot springs have always enjoyed a free, well do not need a prescription or recipe to be exploited. Over time it has been man's wisdom, tradition and ancestral cultures, which have led man has to use the miracle of thermal and mineral waters. In recent times, particularly in Europe research in the fields of Medical Hydrology , again insisting on the use of thermal and mineral waters against calls - diseases of civilization-, diseases that are related to water pollution of the atmosphere, causes or caused by noise, stress and the overall pace of modern life. According to the approach of some doctors and naturalists for acute medications should be used, for chronic and rebels only thermal and mineral waters. "
One of the most comprehensive rankings mineral waters, Amadeo is made by Barabino, which includes medical criteria of therapeutic and chemical content, based on the predominant compounds (Table 1).
Table 1. Classification of mineral water, according
Barabino Amadeo

for Water
acidic and alkaline
chloride, sulfur
Chloride (mild action)
Alkaline (high dose)
Alkaline, ferruginous, iodide and sulfur
acidic and chlorinated, sulphurous sulfated (in alkali)
Alkaline, sulfur, iron
urinary iodine, sulfur, brominated
acidic and alkaline, sulphurous
On chemical and mineralogical composition, the 167 thermal springs and minerals that have so far been documented in Ecuador, are classified as:
Chloride 9
acidic-alkaline 19
alkaline bicarbonate and mixed 40
Arsenical ferruginous and 15
sulfur 5
alkaline sulphate and mixed 7
Radioactive 2
Rare 2
not studied 68.
in the country, there are waters of all types as classified by Amadeo Barabino, this classification would be missing only include the rare and radioactive water existing in the country. By the way is for doctors and chemists study the medicinal value chemical and treatment of them, and that of the 68 sources studied.
in the country only the intervention of the State aware of the importance of this resource will make rational use of technical and thermal waters and natural mineral spring in good health, social Hydrotherapy and community-based ecotourism.
The origin of social spas in our country, in the opinion of the writer of these lines may be traced back to the Inca empire, the use made of the slopes of Chasquis hot springs and mineral "Opar-Chaquimaillanayacu" which means "water to wash the feet" . As is well known for the Inca, the Chasquis were responsible for carrying mail and news between Quito and Cuzco, distance traveled by the drums on the run, but in the journey always rested on a dairy farm located near Azogues into pretty, site that are far above sources (photo 1)

Photo 1 .- Hot springs of Opar-Chaquimaillanayacu
(Site location travertine quarry beautiful).
The social Hydrotherapy is defined as "the method of treatment or prevention of diseases, through thermal and mineral waters, under medical supervision, with all expenses your application demands, paid by Social Security . "
So, to make use of Social Cures in Ecuador you need to have three resources: the resource hydromineral, the economic resources and medical management.
hydromineral 1 .- Action: As noted in Ecuador so far 167 have been documented springs and mineral springs, most of which is wasted.
2 .- Economic Action: The Social Security Institute IEES, which receives input from all its members, is the institution that has the economic resources and unavoidable obligation to implement the "Social Spa" in the country, as a service more than insurance.
3 .- Medical Management: For now in the country, there are no doctors specialized in Medical Hydrology, however, the IESS and the Health Ministry should be responsible institutions according to needs, to prepare the medical staff and technicians, who are responsible for managing the medicinal and therapeutic waters. It is advisable to send this staff that specializes in European countries: Italy, France, Czechoslovakia, are countries that have much experience in this field.
Social Cures In Europe, it was implemented more than 50 years, in countries like France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and others. Czechoslovakia in the socialist countries, former Soviet Union, Poland was called "Mandatory Social Cures, only the Russian republic, 8 million annually in free workers were traveling to spas and clinics located in the republics of the Caucasus , to which also reached several million other republics of the former Soviet Union.
In Europe more than 2,000 towns have sprung up around of hot springs, mineral and natural water sources in the mountains, all the activity in these cities tourism revolves around health, the crowd of tens of millions of citizens making use of the Health Insurance , these sites has come to combat the diseases of civilization, caused by pollution and modern stress.
In 1947, the city of Aix-les-Bains, met the First Congress of Social Cures, at that time was recognized as a general conclusion that, the healing properties preventive and thermal treatments were confirmed with the same title that other therapeutic and, further, "Social Security was strict obligation to ensure their members to finance the thermal treatment appropriate to their status and economic conditions." He also proclaimed and recognized. "Every man or woman, whatever their status, are entitled to the benefits of spa treatments, if they are needed."
In Ecuador the State, through the Social Security Institute and the Ministries of Social Welfare and Health , is obliged urgent to realize the Social Cures for the benefit of members of the Social Security benefit should be extended to all citizens.
In Ecuador have documented more than 1000 springs Fresh mountain, located mainly in the inter-Andean corridor and around the large strato-volcanoes.
Water is the most important mineral on the planet. The rational use of this resource could generate thousands of jobs and substantial income. In the medium to long term the mountain water reached base on a large scale, could be exported and generate resources similar to those that now generates oil. Something similar could happen, using scientific, economic and technical thermal and mineral waters, to develop community-based ecotourism and social balneology.
Water Act in force is outdated and suffers from many technical gaps and legal, which has been the occurrence of an inequitable use of water. According to data from the National Water (SENAGUA): Quito, 8,000 meters demand cubic of water per second, while San Carlos demand ingenuity 9,000. Likewise, the private sector represents 1% of water users, demand for 67% of the total flow, while indigenous and communal irrigation systems representing 86% of users consume 13% of the flow.
The situation relating to bottled water is sadder still, by data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the country has 229 natural and 99 legal persons whose activity is bottling mineral or spring water, purified or artificial. However, according to the SENAGUA bottling company has only one state award - Thessaly, "and is the only company that is a day and pay taxes to the state.
What happens in practice is that the packaging, use water from public networks to which the purified, packaged and sold.
Also according to IRS data, the 328 individuals and companies that bottled water in the country, generating annual revenues of 61.5 million in 2007 and 67.4 million in 2008, of them reported by income tax $ 829,952 in 2007 and $ 874,921 in 2008, this occurs as the representative of the industrial producers of water (which includes twelve major bottling companies) because "costs, it represents only 5% of final product. " The only comment that warrant these figures is that there is a big scam to the state's interests.
Finally, according to the SENAGUA at national level for the industrial sector there are 1828 water concessions, of which based on usage gives them, 9 are mineral water, 7 to tourism and recreation, 1 to package and 59 for water sales.
As noted before in the country have been documented so far 167 hot springs and mineral, of which only 7 have been granted in concession to tourism and recreation, which shows that the vast majority of spas illegally used thermal and mineral water. In relation at 9 concessions of mineral water, the purpose for which the request is not specified. But the biggest problem is that the packaging is produced with water, as noted, of the 328 existing packaging is only a concession, the remaining 327 operated illegally.
in the country have been documented over a thousand natural water sources in the mountains, on the basis of this wealth has, I believe that future concessions granted to pack water, must be exclusively natural mountain sources. The 327 packaging machines that use water from springs or individuals must be removed and the SENAGUA , would safeguard the health of all citizens.
In the face of bottled water bottles should be clearly specified: the name and location of the source, the chemical composition of water, therapeutic use, the grant number etc., etc.
Tufiño Water and heinous in la del Carchi province
Chachimbiro in her province of Imbabura
La Merced, in Ilala la Pichincha province
Oyacachi in the province and Papallacta Napo
Baths in her province of Tungurahua
Opara-Chaquimaillanayacu in la province Canio
Palitahua in her province of Chimborazo
Baths in the province of Azuay
Vilcabamba in the province of Loja
Portovelo in the province of Oro
Naranjal in the province of Guayas
St. Helena in the province of Santa Elena
projects identified in , diversity should be exploited in all its expressions, for which documentation is required of geological heritage, hydrogeological, paleontological, archaeological, terrain, geographic, landscape, climate, tourism, ethnic, biological, etc. etc. This activity can only be made by the Ecuadorian State, through its ministries and institutions
Likewise, Ecuador, sole owner of natural resources through its institutions and ministries or in partnership with communities, companies and several popular economy and the private sector in each project, according to the resource documented Hydrotherapy should develop social programs, preventive medicine and community-based ecotourism in good health Rest and recreation of all Ecuadorians and foreign tourists taking advantage of the enormous diversity of our country.
Ecuadorian Socialist State alone can and should enforce these projects integral to good health and welfare of all citizens.
Munoz J., (1975) Social mineral and thermal waters. Quito, Universidad Central.
T. Wolf, (1892) Geography and Geology of Ecuador. Germany, Leipzig.
Dr. Augustine Paladins Quito, April 2011